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Well kids, our battles for our children are almost at an end...one way...or another. Let's hope it will go this way, before it's too late, before we end up with "another" way.
I have found our saviors. They are the Lakota Indians, and their Chief...Chief Fasthorse.
I know, I know...you want an explanation. Well, please, allow me to enlighten you.
Chief Fasthorse has come across a liberating equation, involving their sovereignty. For those of you not aware of this term, there is a reason for that. See, we American "Citizens"...if that's what you prefer to call yourselves, are not citizens at all, nor do we "citizens" of this country know what this means to us, mainly because we are not meant to know, and mostly because we haven't been "sovereign" in some time. We are, thanks to a secret Constitution put in place, illegally, without our knowledge, back in the year 1871, slaves to a secret corporation. We are now, government employees. And as Government employees, we are not, nor have been in quite a while, free. We are property...chattel, of the Corporate United States of America. That Corporation resides in Washington D.C.
I now give you the definition of the word, Sovereign, as defined at www.businessdictionary.com:
1. Absolute, supreme and ultimate dominion and authority of a political state subject to no higher power, expressed within its territory in full self-government and in complete freedom from any outside influence.
Now folks, we, as slaves, are never going to be sovereign...So what can we do? Simply put, if you want this to end, and you want this to end quickly...then you need to become Lakota. Native American. INDIGENOUS.
"Yeah, but Chris, we don't have Native American or Lakota in our blood." Doesn't matter. It only takes a Chief of the Lakota to make you Honorary Lakota. Whether you are Chipewa, Hopi, Sioux...it doesn't matter. Neither does your race.
"Well, Chris, isn't that kind of a double-edged sword?" I mean, look at what they did to the NA people?...yeah, you might say that. But think of it this way...if there weren't just 15,000,000 indigenous, but 323,000,000...wouldn't that turn things around a little?
Still not convinced?
Let's flip this over somewhat. Let's talk about this. We are a corporation. Who does this corporation belong to? England. England is a corporation too. Who belongs to England? Ireland. Australia. South Africa. All employed by England. And who then, is the CEO of this multi-cultural, multi-national corporation?? None other than the biggest baddest corporation of them all...The Vatican, headed by none other than the Pope. And who heads him up? The U.N. And who runs the U.N.? None other than the Elite.
Starting to get the picture yet?
The U.N. is, to us, the top power of the world. It's where the World Court is. But their buttons, and their strings, are pulled by the richest most powerful people in the world. And you know what their agenda is. They were kind enough to put those on the Georgia Guidestones for us. The most scary and terrible commandment of those guidestones? Knock the world's 7 billion people down to .5 billion people. You laugh. As it stands, that's a rather humorous concept. Maybe this will lessen the funniness of it.
See, behind America's back, England's back, Australia's back, and others as well, children are being stolen and trafficked. Taken by Child Protective Services, The New World Order (U.N.) Gestapo, often with no reason, from good loving families and never returned. In divorced families, the children are taken away from couples, and given to single fathers or mothers. From one single parent who treated them well, and given to the other who beats them and abuses them. Why? Because the strength of any strong nation is the family. And our strength is our greatest defense.
Ever notice how your children never go outdoors anymore? Ever notice how they seem to always have music plugged into their ears, or their faces in their phone? And worse yet, it's not just the children folks. It's the adults too.
Remember the article I wrote on Privacy in this blog? Remember how I said that you don't skip over to the neighbor's house all the time anymore, or waltz down your driveway whistling and calling out to your neighbor buddies? Because neighbors....are family. Not in the blood sense, but they could have just as well been. They looked out for you. They watched your house while you were gone. Ever notice, these days, that you don't even tell anyone that anymore? Hell no, by the time you return home, everything you own of any value would be in the pawnshop, and every homeless person for miles would more than likely be starting campfires in your living room.
We humans no longer have the family...blood...or friends, or neighbors and communities...even our church families are deteriorating. Thereby, we don't have our strength anymore. We are mindless zombies. Wrapped in fear, brought on by rules, regulation, and propaganda news. Sleeping sheep. Ripe for slaughter, my dear Americans. Dead Meat my Briton Brothers. Hypnotized, dumbed down, poisoned, malnutritioned babies. Easy for U.N. Takeover.
Now, are you getting the picture YET???
As we speak, my friends, it has been proven to this author that white U.N. tanks are currently being snuck into this country while Jade Helm takes most of our eyes the other way...while fake set-up shootings all over this country are marched in front of us. While racial diversity and separation by cause are paraded over our heads every day. You may not realize it yet, my friends...but your time is about done. And it's not just us folks...it's every remaining "free" nation on the planet.
SO WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO? Well, I think it's quite obvious that we Americans are NOT going to be able to save the planet....because we can barely if at all, save ourselves. Oh, but we can...we just have to WAKE UP and take the quickest method available.
This week, I became an Honorary Lakota Tribal Member...A sovereign. A free thinker. One of 15,000,000 people strong. What does this mean to me today? I'll tell you what it means.
I am outside "The Law" of the Corporation of the U.S. I am my own man. A freeman. No longer made of straw. A living, breathing human being, with inalienable rights that no court can preside over. And, I am now part of the treaty of 1851. This means that the U.S. Government corporation as it stands has to honor this treaty...with li'l ol' me. And what does THAT MEAN??
First it means that the President of this corporation must rightfully return my daughter to me. I like that. So get ready Polk County Iowa. Get ready, single father Ronald Shaver. My daughter Trilynn Brueggeman, NOT A CHILD, not stillborn, needs to come back to her REAL LIVE LAKOTA FAMILY.
Second, it means that I can no longer be arrested. I am no longer under the Corporation, NOR am I a puppet employee of that corporation. I am no longer a fiction...I am a MAN. Get used to it.
Third, it means that I can no longer be harassed by the Secret Service, or the FBI. I can no longer be put in local, county, or federal jail without making me the only thing I have renounced.
Fourth, it means that this world and its plan, its "Agenda"...doesn't apply to me. I don't serve England, I do not belong to the Pope, I do not fall under the U.N., and therefore do not answer to its controlling elite.
5th, and finally...this could be you as well. It can be us all. We can all be "The Rainbow Warriors". Not sure what that means? Look it up. Before it's too late.
For more information, I strongly suggest all of these videos, an episode of my podcast featuring the Chief of the Lakotas, and these articles. Then give me a buzz, will ya? Be Free...truly free, and sovereign...before the U.N. says otherwise.
Wish you'd told me about the Lakota Indians. I have licensed music sung by Lakota Indians and produced by John McEuen that is licensed for our use.
ReplyDeletei been saying this for a long time..a couple decades now...the natives are the key to all of this.