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Hey you's guys!!! Long time no see, eh? Nooo....no, wait. I just posted a coupla days ago, right? Well, I just gotta say that it's my intention...of course, sometimes I just really don't have a choice, but it's my INTENTION to leave my personal life outta this blog for a while. I'm sure I'm losing readership as we speak. How did we deserve this, right??
Anyway...I apologize, but the story was just getting too good to ignore, and I figure: In for a penny, In for a pound or better, correctamundo? Besides, I happen to know that a lot of you are, of course, the gloom and doom types...or love a good soap opera, real or imagined...or at the very least, love having someone around whose life you can read about, wipe the sweat off your brows and go..."Wow Judy. I thought OUR lives were bad, look at THIS GUY'S LIFE!! We could have it SO much worse than we do...SHEESH!!" and feel tons better about the crappy lives you THOUGHT you had. Last but not least, DHS is monitoring everything I write these days, so it's best I not add fuel to their unconstitutional fire.
Well, anyway, we're gonna do what we had intended to do so many moons ago...we're gonna wrap up our little series on Corruption, one of my fav's. Today's subject is "Collection Agencies", and promises to be right on up there with one of my betters...as well as one of my more windy.
Now...there was a post...*thumbs through the archive*....ahhhh, here it is. A post put up June 21st, called "Internet Regulation part..." something or other, where I went off on a tangent about a "collection agency" named NCS (National Credit Services), a subsidiary (evidently) of National Platinum, a company that posed as an online payday loan company, but was actually a virtual store front for a major national scam (that, by the way is still being used today). Now, we're gonna start with the more sane credit collection agencies, and point out that us middle classed citizens have not only accepted that we are to be hounded for the remainder of our days for past utility bills, overdue credit cards, unpaid bank loans, bounced payroll checks, etc. We know this, because we have no more jobs to apply to that Pedro, Americk and Hunjaji haven't already stolen from us at half the pay, and therefore have no more money with which to catch up those grossly past-due bills. But it's OK!! Because now that our land-lines are obsolete, and these companies are not able to get us at home? Now that there are laws in place that keep these people from harassing us at work? NO PROBLEMMO!! There are two collection agencies that some of us are yet not aware of that have been put in place, just in case. I had no idea that these people would be knocking at my door, so I was caught TOTALLY by surprise, believe that.
In the usual sense? Nope. Nobody came to my door. Nice. On my cell? Noooo...nobody called my cell. In the mail...well, yeah, sorta...no, these people came via my TAX RETURNS!! Oh yay. Here's a direction I never expected collection to come a callin'...they now take my bills out of my tax returns! You know, my state tax returns. The money I get back that I should not be paying in the first place!
Are we talking about money I owe the state? Nope. No, the state, in it's infinite wisdom, is now COLLECTING MY LOCAL COUNTY AND CITY BILLS FOR ME!! I love this, someone said to me, "Yeah, but at least they're getting all paid up, right?" Right. But, um...see, I kinda already had a plan in place for this...and believe it or not, some of that did happen to come out of my tax return. But I kinda liked that it was me that chose to pay it, not that they chose to take it. And what's more, why is the state taking it upon themselves to be the collection agency...for the city I live in???? Are you SERIOUS? And aren't we paying for this....WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS ANYWAY???? I mean, they gotta be paying somebody to check for money owed by the taxpayers to these places, and those people are getting paid...BY ME!! So, listen to what I'm saying here...I'm paying...with my tax dollars...people that are looking for people I owe money to...so they can take it out of my tax refunds. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! This is the ultimate in stupidity people. This has got to be stopped!!!! Can't you see what's happening to the state, and this country? We owe other people money, so somebody got the hairbrained idea to start collecting bills for people so that more people can pay the money they owe the state, and the state can start getting more money once those bills are paid off, then the state can start paying what they owe to the federal government, so that the federal government can start A.) paying off their debts to other countries and save the dollar, or B.) spend more money that we don't have and crash. Hmmm......lemme think about this for a minute...I think I'll choose B ALEX!!
We have, like every other crazy idea the state or the government comes up with, ROLLED OVER ONCE AGAIN and are just sayin'..."welp!! That's just the way it goes!!" Sheeple. Prime Sheeple, ready for the slaughter. OMG YOU PEOPLE, OPEN YOUR EYES TO WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!...we are brainless mindless Candy Crushers who are getting ready to let the states charge 4x the amount of money that we currently pay for speeding tickets. THAT 100 DOLLAR TICKET YOU JUST PAID IS ABOUT TO BE 400 DOLLARS...GET A CLUE!!! Stop this madness now, or pretty soon that $1.24 you overdrew the bank is gonna get collected by a firing squad and a little martial law. Think about it. :D
P.S. - If you don't feel this is ridiculous enough? When my wife called an ambulance just two weeks ago to have her baby, well, they put a hold on my refund as well, to make sure it'll get paid...AND THE BILL IS ONLY 2 WEEKS OLD...AND THEY'RE TRYING TO COLLECT IT ALREADY!!!!
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