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http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/06/24/obamas-doctrine-destruction-america-know-march-new-world-order/ |
Well kids, it's time we get to the part of this job that I hate the most...yes, it's time for the "I told you so" portion of my show.
Every day I hear people saying almost these exact words, when they hear of President Obama writing out yet another detrimental Executive Order, against our supposed "rights", or against "the betterment of the nation"
"But they can't do that".
Oh, but they can. They have. And they will continue to do so until all of the Constitution FOR the United States of America, the one implemented back when this country was founded, back in 1789, is worth as much to its citizens as a gum wrapper with some scribbling on it. Mostly, because it's not been our Constitution now for over 130 years, and no one was able to take down the number of the truck that ran us over....mostly because we never even knew the road was there.
You see folks, you haven't had a natural Constitution in place in this country since `1871. What happened to our Constitution and the rights it supposedly informed us of, and that we had believed we've had since 1789? It was, in secret....hijacked, like the proverbial website...illegally suspended, and done so in secret without our consent. For those of you who have yet to hear about this 2nd Constitution FOR the United States of America, the Corporation, please read about it in the links I've provided you below.
And that, m'friends is the story of The Constitution OF the United States, and its demise. We didn't know it had been preplaced by this Constitution of Equity....mostly because it resembled the original almost exactly....with a few subtle key changes around Amendment 13 on...but it's all becoming quite clear today, isn't it? See, you can't enforce or invoke rights that we haven't had since 1871....nor can you enforce the Constitution that gave us those rights freely, when another one sits in its place, and claims us humans to no longer be alive and sovereign living beings, but instead identifies us as micro-corporations, strawmen, if you will, and as dead property, employed by and working (unwitttingly) for the corporation's headquarters...Washington D.C., identified as it's own "state"....but is, instead, the taskmaster over us all. We are, at birth, assigned our own burden of debt, and for the rest of our wretched and unfruitful and empty lives, we slaves then work off that debt til the day we die.
For those of you wondering how it is that the rights and freedoms that you supposedly enjoyed when you were younger (but never really had) are now being trampled on by our current administration, and how it is that the President can just walk right over them now, with merely a stroke of the pen, well, you need to understand that those inalienable rights that were provided you by our forefathers have not been in place for over 100 years...and the rights that you have now are non-existant. This will deeply convince you why it is that you seem to get no justice in Family court, in Traffic court, in Criminal court...hell, in ANY court. Why it is that, in Family court, you can be involved in divorcing your spouse for as long as 10 years..or until you run out of money and property, whichever comes first (and this, according to the documentary "Divorce Corp.", now playing on Netflix, doesn't even prevent a "divorce court line of credit" to be started in your name, with the full intent on keeping you in debt to them til you the day you die). Why it is that, if you don't know the secret handshake, or go to lunch with your lawyers and their pocket judge, you're going down to hell in a handbasket, if you're the wealthier of two suspects they have for the crime that's been committed. Why it is that when CPS steals your child/children, often without valid reason or proof, they never are held accountable, and rarely gives them back, whether you're a bad, OR A GOOD PARENT...either one.
It's because the right to free speech? IS GONE. Has been for over a century. You just didn't know about it until the right series of tyrannical puppets (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama) got into office and made it as clear as the nose on your face. AND YET, YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND, THAT YOU HAVE NARY A SINGLE RIGHT...as long as this 2nd Constitution remains in force. The 2nd Amendment, probably the one that America holds dearest, especially now with the lunacy we have in office now, and the outright treason that they commit against us almost daily, the right to bear arms? On it's way out. Hang in there, the month isn't over yet. Illegal search and seizures? Are you kidding? That one was finegalled out of our distracted hands eons ago. We have no rights folks...we have PRIVELEGES...and those are all but gone now. Who's responsible? Not Obama. Not Bush. Not Government, not the senators, not the corrupt members of the British ABA and its hijacked judiciary we have set up here. None of THESE people are responsible for the loss of our freedom. We are, America. Yup, you got it....the disillusioned sleeping sheep that make up the entirety of this supposedly 'GREAT NATION' of ours. We have given up on holding our government responsible and accountable for its actions, and let them get too big for their britches...and we are as good as ready to take the RFID chip and get to work on paying off the debt we've collected from those around the globe who were stupid enough to fall for the ponzi scheme we put in place to get their hard earned gold and money from, via the Elitist "Federal Reserve" banks put here, and all over the world, in order to keep 99 percent of this country's wealth...and every other country that didn't have to explain their actions to its people, out of the hands of the remainder of the populace of cattle/sheep, as well as allowing them to believe we are free, and we have rights....that we haven't had since the 19th Century. Now, we shall pay for that mistake pretty much the way the rest of the world has, already; dearly...and utterly.
Now just so that we can evenly spread the blame over everyone, even the "ruling" class of this nation, I'm pretty sure they were duped as well, back when this whole thing began. Just like Child Protective Services, in its infancy, didn't see itself becoming the most ruthless, relentless and cruel corporation in America, stealing our country's children for profit and greed, I'm sure the people that put it into place were a whole lot nicer, and, more than likely, were apt to actually help abused and neglected children, and would have been happy to help "reunify" your family, had your children been justly removed; It wasn't the sole purpose of the government of that day, I'm sure, to get rid of our perfectly worded Natural Constitution, a work of art in it's own right; put this other one in place with the intent to someday destroy everything this country was founded on, and submit to the UN and their "New World Order", just as I'm sure it wasn't their alternative purpose to someday become absolutely gluttonous with power and greed. No, I'm sure those skills were honed and embraced along the way, once we discovered the absolute perfection (as well as the ability to "corrupt" it as well) of the "Company" model of Governing the people, when it came to bringing in a profit, at each of its citizens' expense, leaving Government pretty much unscathed and wealthier; much like England had done back in the days of our forefathers, TO our forefathers, and which had caused them to rebel against England's cold iron fisted rule to begin with. Why? Because England had been drunk with it's own power in it's closely resembling corporate Monarchy. It kills me that we were so adamant about getting out from under Britain's rule and way of doing things that we almost copied their Governmental style to a tee.
Now it's time for another such "rebellion"...but I'm afraid this one will be costing us so much more than the first. No, now, it's us....against the world, not just against each other. Now, I realize that you all really tire of my gloom and doom attitude, but I gotta say it...I don't believe this one will see us coming out alive and happy on the other side folks. In case you hadn't noticed, not only do we not have anyone left on this planet who we consider "Friends" or "Allies" in battle anymore (no, we've pretty much managed to, single-handedly, and with foresight and malice, piss off, as well as subsequently punish just about everyone on the planet at least once in the last half of a century, with our foreign policies and useless, costly and senseless "wars"), but there is a much higher purpose to World War #3....and yes, it will rear its ugly head as such, aptly named, no later than Christmas, my fellow Americans, of that you can be most sure....No, this war, America, only serves a single purpose...and to its Elitist Masters, and their evil purpose, as well. No human is meant to escape its outcome. What is the Elitist plan? Why Agenda 21...Agenda 2030. Whatever you wanna call it, it pretty much reads the same way. Kill off over 6.5 billion people on the Earth (but not themselves of course), save every Elitist asshole, their families (maybe...from what I remember, not too many rich people care at all for their own offspring and relatives...Most, I'm sure, just have one male child...probably one of ours, adopted, or born of some unholy union, that they can leave their twisted legacy to) personal country's slave force (that is still alive), and "Make the world a better place"...on the Georgia Guidestones, in 7 different languages.
With the actions of this current Administration, and the absolute abuse of power by those in the White House, I'd have to say that the bastards don't even try to hide it anymore...mostly, because there is no sense in restating the obvious...nor is there any sense in trying to wake up a subject that has been duly and completely brainwashed into believing that our Government, who of course is ONLY there to serve us and only do good; no matter what that citizen sees, reads or hears about to the contrary; that there is nothing wrong with our country....ever....and we're Number 1. No question. And, because we have rights - freedom of speech and religion (and no, I'm sure the forefathers would have never meant a religion resembling Islam, where they are allowed to kill you if you don't convert to their religion; or are allowed to kill your women in the park via throwing rocks at them until they die, because she stared too long at your best friend); the right to bear arms, and that protect you against legal search and seizures...rights we haven't actually had for over 130 years. As the late and definately great George Carlin said, you don't have rights....you have temporary priveleges that you pay out of your ass to have...and anytime the Government wants to rescind those "priveleges"' you can do it just by saying 2 little words, either state-wide, or U.S. wide...Martial Law.
Of course, if you take a moment to think about it, there's only one reason to even need martial law at all. It's just a last ditch effort by a government to be able to shrug it's shoulders (after it's gotten too corrupt and out of our control) and conveniently pass the buck (and the blame that goes with it) to its military, usually after a rather large "catastophy" of some sort (that, of course, is more than likely pre-planned, as well as a last ditch effort at a profit before the "bail") that will cause utter and absolute panic. I think we're all pretty much well aware of the only two things that bring us sufficiently duped citizens to that kind of panic. Back in the WWI and WWII days, it would have been war, caused by one country dishonoring another. As patriotic as we used to be, that was the thing that worked better than anything to rally us to some just cause for invasion. Unfortunately, after all of the senseless, dishonorable wars and conflicts we've been involved in of late, that wouldn't work on us these days. No, today's panic, friends, has to be more thought out, more insidious, and has to hit us where it hurts our greedy little country the hardest...right in the pocketbook. Remember that wonderful Ponzi scheme we talked about earlier? It's about to hit home how well the Government managed to pull it off all of these years. No, today's martial law will be implemented using our "currency", (or related to it in some fashion) backed by nothing, and printed off the backs of none other but us conned citizens. Enron on a world scale. Probably just before Christmas, I'm guessing. Perfect. And of course, with all of us equipped with pitchforks and torches, ready to burn down our local banks, martial law will be the easiest out the Government can take. Then, if the military takes a dump on the Government, it's OK....all of those Syrians that we've so nicely taken in will do the dirty work, followed hotly by Russia, who they've attacked in the Middle East. Plan B, in case our soldiers develop a conscience.
Where is my proof of all of this? Well folks, if you haven't been paying attention (which I'm sure most of you haven't), the news of late has been grim at best. And I'm not just talking about the only true news sources anymore; no, even FOX and other corporately run news stations are catching on to our righteous ire, and figuring out that going against the grain is catching on. Here are some key articles to help you out; articles that are even being printed out right in W.D.C...where, I'm sure, they know they are the already damned:
But where, you ask, is the solution to our problems? What can we do? Well, if you believe the consensus, there's never anything we can do...and we believe that whole-heartedly. "Can't fight city hall!"..."It is what it is!"...you get the picture. Everyone asks me where the positive side to this is. Folks, there is no positive side to this. This can only end badly for us. I'm afraid that if we do not act before the end of October to chase away the military aged refugees and quickly replace our Government, we are doomed, doomed, doomed....with no light at the end of the tunnel. It's too late. The best thing you can do at this point is pick up your weapons and shoot yourself now. We should have been paying attention. Nonono, we were too busy counting the worthless money we were making to even think about it. We should have been speaking up back when all of the major scandals were taking place. But, what could we have done, anyway? This is in none other but God's hands now, as well as in the hands of the demonic presences that CERN is currently ushering in to help destroy our world. No folks, this has been predicted to happen for centuries, and the best thing you can do today is rise up YESTERDAY....or place yourself squarely into a cremation machine with your head between your legs and pray for forgiveness....because living the life your corrupt and evil government has in mind for you when this is all over? Is not one that I wanna live, at all, not even a little. I implore of you now, if never before, to wake the hell up, think about everything I've said here and speak up, rise up, and do something about it now, or you may as well just get copies of the keys to your chains made. I've been writing this blog for over a year and a half now...242 posts filled with nothing but the issues facing this once great nation of ours...and did you believe it? Mull any of it over? Consider a word of it to be anything but ranting and conspiracy theories? Hell no. And now, friends, the final curtain is about to fall....and you have no one to blame but YOU. Enjoy the fruits of your inability to think for yourselves, because if you're not in the club of the Elite? You won't live to tell the tale, or if you do, you'll be too busy working off your debt to talk about this blog on your 1 minute coffee break. :D
Thank you for the interesting information