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A couple of months ago, I wrote an article stating how I paid off some court fees using....what else? Coffee beans. I also provided this country with the paperwork needed to pull this off. Now, I've discovered that this did, in fact, work....I have never gotten anything stating that my license is suspended, or anything such like....so I can only assume that I succeeded in pulling this off. Therefore, I think it's time we implement this plan again, but on a country-wide scale.
So, here again, I present the paperwork needed to get the job done, with a more insidious purpose.
There's a financial crash looming around the corner folks. You know it, and I know it. I can almost guarantee this by Christmas time. Homes are being lost daily, banks are repossessing and calling in their loans. The dollar is losing power, and this will be how Mr. Obama intends to bring on martial law, and reign us in using the U.N. and their world police force.
My answer to the problem? Get yourself a massive 50 lb. bag of coffee beans, and let's tell the World Bank what we think of their currency, and let's get to counting.
Pay off your mortgages. Your court costs and fines. Your probation fees. Your overdue bills. Make 100 copies of your paperwork, and include it with every mailing. Pay the bastards off. They have to accept it. Not only that, but you commit the crimes of forgery and counterfeiting, every time you pay in the current criminally printed "currency" of our debt dollar. So I suggest that it's time to stop breaking the law, and pay in what the supreme court has deemed "acceptable currency"....coffee beans. One coffee bean = $1.
Here's the deal though, and remember this, because it's very important...
Once you start paying things in coffee beans, you can't stop. If they catch you paying in "debt" notes, you won't be able to go back, or you might get arrested for forgery or counterfeiting. The only other way I can see you getting away with it, is to have your wife, friend, girlfriend, or whatever pay the other bills from now on, or get the gas, or go for groceries...you get the idea.
Here, once again, is the paperwork you need to save your ass. I suggest you all get a move on, or the crash may just beat you to it. NOTE: Make sure you also have an ample supply of blue pens, and get yourself a red stamp pad at your local rubber stamp store, or at Office Depot.
"Being Duly deposed and Sworn, Affiant, autographed in Blue and sealed by thumb print in red ink below, states as follows:
I can make no Payment on any debt or obligation to pay pursuant to costs, fees, any contract or fine, settlement, or order of the court, until the appropriate form of payment is clarified and defined by the payee or court, in consideration of the following adopted and incorporated herewith as my duly certified statement of presumed fact in Law :
THAT Neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities, as deposits are merely book entries, and it is still a Felony to tender these or any such substitute electronically or otherwise for lawful money in payment of any debt in all fifty states today including Texas, as Texas criminal law states “All recognizances, bail bonds & undertakings of any kind, whereby a party becomes bound to pay money to the State, & all fines & forfeitures of a pecuniary character shall be collected in the lawful money [gold or silver] of the United States only.” (TEXAS Code of Criminal Procedure § 43.02).
THAT The Supreme Court has ruled that "Lawful Money of the United States could only be gold & silver coin or that which by law is made its equivalent so as to be exchangeable therefor at par, & on demand, & does NOT include a currency which though nominally exchangeable for coin at its’ face value, is not redeemable on demand." Bronson v. Rhodes, 74 U.S. 229, 247, 19 L. Ed.141. “Checks, drafts, money orders & bank notes are not lawful money of the United States." (State v. Mellon, 73 Pac. 321, 43 Ore. 168. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition defines “Real money,” as; “Money which has real metallic, intrinsic value as distinguished from paper currency, checks & drafts.”
No state may make any thing but gold or silver coin tender in payment of debts (Article 1 sec 10, US Constitution, Public Law 103 of Dec. 24, 1919 states : only “gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand shall be and are legal tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private.” However, No payment in gold or silver may be demanded in payment of any debt or obligation because of government declared bankruptcy. ( HJR 192; Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933; 31 USC 5112, 5119;12 USC 95a; confirmed in Perry v. U.S. 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 LEd 912 (1935)). "No one is bound to do what is impossible." - (1 Bouv. Inst. n. 601. A l'impossible nul n'est tenu.)
THAT The responsibility of coining gold and silver money was by the people ceded to Congress at Article I; §8, Clause 5, U.S. Constitution. It was certainly not within the enumerated powers of Congressional authority in Law to transfer the issuing of gold and silver certificates, and ultimately suplanting United States Notes with Federal Reserve Notes, to the private Federal Reserve being a foreign power with respect to lawful government, as “Congress may not abdicate [‘to give up.. renounce or relinquish…authorities, duties…powers, or responsibility] to transfer to others its legitimate [delegated] functions” Schechter Poultry v. U.S., 29 U.S., 495 U.S. 837, 842 (1935); see footnote below:
FOOT NOTE : 66th Congress Sess. II Chapter 15, (December 24, 1919)-Public Law No. 103
CHAP. 15-An Act to make gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand legal tender.
“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand shall be and are hereby made legal tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private.
Gold Reserve Act of March 14, 1900; [§3511] Sec. 2. That United States notes, and Treasury notes issued under the Act of July 14, 1890, when presented to the Treasury for redemption, shall be redeemed in gold coin of the standard fixed in the first section of this Act…”
No law makes Federal Reserve Notes Lawful Money Or Legal Tender, and they do not meet either of these lawful requirements for legal tender for the Citizens of the several states.
WHEREFORE "Giving a note does not constitute payment..." (Echart v Commissioners, C.C.A. 42 F2d 158; 283 U. S. 140), and "The legal tender quality of paper money is only valuable for the purposes of dishonesty..." Knox v. Lee (1871)," by agreeing to pay fines, court costs, or any other obligation or debt in commerce or monetary exchange with any private party or public institution by means of "paper money... only valuable for the purpose of dishonesty," whether or not intentionally, willfully, or knowlingly, having been under inducement, tricked, or coerced by any criminal element corperate or private, or under color of law in representation of government, into paying any debt, obligation, or fine, in anything other than gold or silver, one would be as such, in law, either pressured, coerced and intimidated, or threatened under duress, drawn into by deceit, or conspiring with criminal intent, to engage in the crime of 'COUNTERFEITING' and 'FORGERY,' being a felony, and so should and must respectfully decline any offer, and resist or reject any pressure to accept or succumb to any inducement to be drawn into contributing, aiding, or abetting, wether directly or indirectly, any manner of criminality, such as defined in and by law as 'forgery' and/or the 'counterfeiting' of money or value in any manner.
THAT when pressured to identify the form of money to be used to settle a judgment, the 52nd 3rd Judicial District Court of Michigan, Honorable Justice James P. Sheehy presiding, Ruled that "coffee beans" was money, storming out of the court room shouting : "I don’t care if you pay it in coffee beans just so long as you pay it!" (Montgomery Wards v Eugene Glasure case #82-002087 (1982). The judge, as in many intentionally unpublished state and federal cases, could not bring himself to violate the law in open court on record and declare Federal Reserve Notes to be lawful or legal tender in payment of debts, (outside exclusive federal territorial jurisdiction) so Glasure, a Michigan Native, payed the settlement, court costs, and a few of his other debts, in "Coffee Beans," and still carries a large sack of them around with him at all times down to this very day.
"An argument is valid only if its conclusion follows logically from the combination of its premises."
WHEREFORE the Defendant, Respondent, or Counter Petitioner can make no payment on any fine, obligation or debt assessed pursuant to the terms and conditions of any court order, contract, bill, invoice or obligation as such imposed or assesed, until such time as specific clarification of the form of money and appropriate tender in payment by the claimant, obligor, Opposing Counsel, Attorney General, District Attorney, Prosecutor, or Court is made in amendment to the same said bill, Order to pay, invoice, or demand for payment, as herewith requested, in consideration of the forgoing facts in and at Law, and so requests the same be made forethwit, in equity, faith and good conscience.
“No person shall ever be imprisoned for debt.” - Constitution of the State of Texas Art. 1 § 18, 1876. “No man can give that which he has not... [nor that which he can not be required to have, such as contraband Federal Reserve Bank Notes counterfeited as money].” (Jackson v. Bradford, 4 Wend. (N.Y.) 619). “Incarceration to coerce bond is unconstitutional.” (Pullman v. Allen, 466 U.S. 522 (1984))
WHEREFORE, the the Counter Petitioner requests the Court, his Honorable Eminence and Excellency, employee of opposing counsel for the STATE, fictional corporate client, direct and compel opposing counsel to clarify and identify in writing for the record of these proceedings a suitable and acceptable form of payment under law in amendment to and with respect to maintenance or child support, fines assessed or obligations imposed by judgment or contract, pursuant to any void and incomplete contract, judgment or settlement as a matter of Public Record, or void the contract, settlement, or order to pay that in fact already is; nunc pro tunc ab initio, the same being void for ambiguity and lack of clarification.
LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL OF YOU through this Declaration, autographed in Blue and sealed by thumb print in red ink below, not induced by force or compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by the common counsel of our law, that we do not offer nor freely concede to contracts being brought into existence in our name that Begin and End in fraud, predicated upon criminal acts of counterfeit or forgery, these as such being the poison fruit of an accursed tree, whereas as our rights, liberties and regalia; all of which things, as they have been by us previously published to you, we wish to have perpetually valid and firm; and we bind ourselves and our successors not to act counter to them, by charter, fealty, demur, or concession. Legalese, legality, and Legalism, the science practiced by attorneys at law in private for profit commercial courts, which by law cannot be the acts of public institutions, thus masquerading as such illegitimately in their legalese of fictions and ghosts without rights being the designations they falsely assign and ascribe to the living, as apposed to being in the Law common to nature and sense in reality, are by most religions taught to be engaging in simple, black magic, witchcraft, and sophistry or double speak, demonic sorcery originating with the father of deceit.
I the undersigned and above named do hereby Certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon opposing counsel by placing a true and correct copy of the same in the United States mail, all postage paid, or by my own hand, notice to agent being notice to principle, on this the day ______of the ______ month, this the year of our Lord Two Thousand Fifteen A.D.
In Witness, Whereof, knowing the law of bearing false witness before God and Men, I solemnly affirm that I have read the foregoing and know the contents thereof to be true and correct to the best of my own knowledge except those matters which are therein stated based on my information or belief and as to those matters I believe them to be true and will testify to these in the legal or lawful court of any nation on earth before both Man and God so help me.
Dated this the ___________day of the ___________month, this the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Fifteen, A.D.
Without Prejudice
__________________________________ All Rights Reserved
__________________________________ Witness
(Witness Name)
Published by Private Attorney Christopher W. Bruce - 2015"
Thank you so much! https://www.facebook.com/timothy.dawson.3152/allactivity
ReplyDeleteif it works for court and toll booths then it has to work for real estate and walmart items, how to make them accept it so they dont call the cops. threaten lawsuit?