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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthpicturegalleries/6996925/ Animal-pictures-of-the-week-15-January-2010.html?image=19 |
I'm sure there's a few folks out there that have been wondering..."What the hell ever happened to that appeal to the Supreme Court of Iowa that you made in...March was it?" Yeah, you got it. March. "And, oh, what the hell is going on with that case, and your daughter? I mean, isn't that what you've written about all this time, primarily?" Hell yeah it is. So WTH has been going on with that case?
Well America, it's like this...
You're absolutely right...this case was in the Supreme Court of Iowa, where it's been sitting there, like a dead duck, for 7 months now. It was, and has been my understanding, that the case was, "Under Consideration", like they've been telling me for the entire period...until about a week ago.
I called several times during that period of 7 months...and each time, I was told by the Clerk of Court for the Supreme Court that it was, indeed, "Under Consideration"...it isn't...and it never has been. Why? Because the Supreme Court of Iowa has no desire to hear this appeal. And now, it looks as though it might never be heard.
See, all that time, while it's been "Under Consideration?' There were, supposedly, and told to me just a week ago, 3 things that are keeping this appeal from moving on:
1. I haven't paid the filing fee.
2. They haven't got the records from the cases yet.
3. They haven't received the transcripts from the cases yet.
All three of these things...unbeknownst to me, were my responsibity to take care of, evidently....and I'm finding this out..just as they're about to close the case and bury it.
Oh, we'll go over these three things, one by one...but first, let's go over what I've done to get this case heard already.
First, I had to file a notice of Appeal. Easy Peasy. no biggie. Type up a one page document, and electronically file it from my chair.
Second, I had to draw up something called a "Combined Certificate". This was not so easy. 3-4 pages of some kinda nonsense, that should have flagged the Supreme court that they needed the records to this case, and the transcripts thereof.
Third, and most importantly, I had to draw up the "Petition of Appeal". Now, for those of you who have been following me all this time, this was part of a very large bunch of bullshit that I had to do for the supreme court, when really, all this bunch of yahoos had to do was wave their magic legal wands, and they could have had all of this with the punch of a couple of mouse buttons. You see, contrary to what they told me at the beginning of this mess, they DO have E-file for the Supreme Court. They told me, back then, that they didnt. They do...but you have to have a case in the Supreme Court running...in order to be on E-file...and I didnt. They didn't tell me about this until last week. Included in this pack of BS that I had to issue to the Supreme Court, in a timely manner (unlike THEIR definition of "Timely Manner", evidently) were 17 copies of the 20 page Petition of Appeal, bound and with a blue cover sheet on it, 17 copies of the 11 page Petition of Termination, and 17 copies of the 11 page AMENDED Petition of Termination. This cost me a pretty penny, and, if I had a running case, and had an efile to file it in at the time, would have been as easy and copying it and filing in the court case running...except that I didn't have one running (they say now), so I had to print all of this off...then mail it at exhorbitant rates to their clerk of court. In the meantime, motions have been filed, and resistance has happened, and ANSWERS and motions opposing that resistance have been filed in this case, docket number 15-0559 (yes, they even give this non-existant case a case number)...that, according to them, doesn't exist yet, because of the 3 things I listed above...so let's go over those, shall we?
1. Paying the filing fee.
According to our Constitution, (but remember, we are mini-me's of the U.S. Corp., and are, as such, mini corporations, so the Constitution doesn't apply to us corporate property...which we are, technically) "We The People" do not have to pay a filing fee for any court case, or an appeal to any injustice, whether on a state or federal level. Moreover, I asked the clerk of court exactly who it was that was demanding my payment, or that I was paying this filing fee TO...and she wouldn't tell me that. 'Magine that. So, what I have to do, is ONCE AGAIN (even though I showed a judges order stating that we were ALREADY indigent, using, at that time, a CURRENT financial affidavit from BOTH of us showing this...oh, and after 7 months? They can't find that document that I attached to the combined certificate back then, now) file a CURRENT financial affidavit showing, ONCE AGAIN, that we are STILL indigent, then have to file a motion to have the Supreme Court waive the need for a filing fee. Unbelievable.
2. They haven't got the records for the case yet.
I have to tell the Juvenile court that the Supreme Court needs those records...ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why should I, the appellant, have to tell the District court (who already knows that we are appealing the case) that the Supreme Court needs their records? Oh, and I asked the clerk why the Supreme Court didn't ask for those records from the District court? She says they NEVER do that...that it's our responsibility to do it. Now I have to "motion" the district court, FOR the Supreme Court, to give the District court records to the Supreme Court. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE PAYING THESE IDIOTS FOR, OUT OF OUR TAXES? DO THEY DO ANYTHING BUT "CONSIDER" CASES FOR APPEAL for the enormous salaries I'm sure we pay these people?? For an ADDITIONAL FILING FEE (mentioned above) as well??
3. They haven't got the transcripts from the transcribers yet.
They haven't gotten these transcripts from the Juvenile court yet...because I have to pay them nearly $1000 for them...because the transcribers charge $3.50 a page, for court hearings I should have never had to attend in the first place. I could go as far as to mention the fact that they should have never had the right to take our daughter in the first place (as DHS's own adminstration and ADMINISTRATOR has ruled); let's not even talk about the fact that they should have never had jurisdiction over this case anyway, because of her Indian heritage...I mean, I wouldn't even BE appealing if they had a moral compass, or a sense of justice...I think they can fork out the money that they STEAL FROM THE TAXPAYERS ANYWAY TO STEAL CHILDREN to pay for our injustices, hmmm? CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT?
Now, they do give you the option of asking to have he state pick up the tab. How do I get the state to pay for them? I have to file another set of financial affidavits to THE DISTRICT COURT...when all along, they have deemed me...INDIGENT. Do they really think that things have gotten better for us today, as opposed to a year ago, when they stole our daughter and made us homeless? They haven't, at least not much. And, at the time, there were, once again, CURRENT financial affidavits ALREADY FILED...but I have to motion the court to produce them at state expence, NOW, after 7 months...because now I just might be able to afford them, as opposed to 7 months ago, when this Supreme Court case (that never was a Supreme Court case) was supposedly already "under consideration".
So what I'm trying to say here is, I am currently under yet ANOTHER time gun, to hurry up and do all of this...or they're going to (if they haven't already) close the appeal.
Now, if this doesn't convince you that Family Court and the Supreme Court are all in bed together to hide the corruption? Nothing will. Nuff said.
Till next time, Christopher Bruce, the Mighty Sword. Onward with EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION....DAILY...HERE, AND ON MY PODCAST! :D
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