Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Corrupt Courts/Corrupt Officials List, Part II

To kick things off, I began this with the intention of getting information from folks about their corrupt courts, judges and officials sent to my email...not commented below the last article, as most decided to do.  That email AGAIN is:

Please, if you will, MAKE A NOTE OF IT!!

After this portion, I highly suggest you make your way down to the asterisk line, where you will find information that will change your life, bet on it.  For those of you that are already victims of judicial fraud, well, you've already experienced your fair share, and will validate it with this.  This is primarily aimed at those who are still walking around asleep.  You there!  Yes YOU!!  Yeah, I'm talking to YOU!!!  Wake up, before you're the next contestant on "The Price Is Your Rights!"

I believe that I will kick things off, where this is concerned, by submitting the folks that I know need submitting...along with all I know of them.  I suggest, highly, that you use this as a template to do your own lists; of which, after checking my email, I have...none!!!  Not one list!  I imagine this is due to your not knowing exactly what I want from you, and how to do it...well, that roadblock no longer exists, thanks to what I'm doing RIGHT NOW!  SO GO CRAZY!!

Let's do this then, eh?


For Polk County, Iowa, home of Des Moines, Iowa, the State capitol, and my former home of 42 years, District 5C, The Judges List:

Judge William A. Price

Judge William A. Price (The A, of course, stands for MAJOR ASSHOLE!)  This man has an enemies list Omar Khadafi would envy.  I once....ONCE, saw this man walking to get some coffee during a break of his...SHIFT? as a judge, and, I kid you not, the man looked over his shoulder at LEAST ten times, in just a block of walking.  That's the life for me!  I wanna be a corrupt evil judge!

Neither here nor there, this is, actually, a man I should be thanking...well, had he not upheld the legal kidnapping of my wife's only daughter; told an associate magistrate "Get him!  He's a piece of cake" before I was tried by her for harassing a poor editor of a local rag to do my story after he sent me a SIGNED email stating he would; placed a cash only bond of $1500 on me for 3 simple misdemeanors once, and not only refused to recuse (dismiss, in legalese) himself from all of my cases when I ordered him to, but also refused me my right to have a recusal haring to determine his bias against me.  Yes, you heard that right...the judge that I needed to dismiss himself from ruling over me was able to deny me the right to have a hearing to determine whether he was able to rule on a case involving me due to possible bias.  No, no, our system isn't broken!  The reason I should be thanking him, is for kicking me in the shins as to the condition of our judiciary; and the fleecing through the court system of the American people by these foreign officials; through the use of the law of the sea (commerce) and martial law courts.  Had he not been the most corrupt judge I've come across to date, I would not know what I know now, that our judiciary is in bad need of a total dismemberment.

I'm just going to put it like this, people, this guy has no listed properties in Iowa, I have NEVER seen this guy in public, aside from his one trip to get some coffee, and it took me almost two years to find a single picture of him anywhere.  I would hope that would be enough for you, to convince you not to vote him BACK in for yet another of a hundred terms; but in case it isn't, and you need more, well, here you go:

(Takes a deeeeeeep breath)...I was going to list links for every single article that has this judge's name in it; but that would be wayyyy too much work.  For anyone wanting actual proof and paperwork concerning these allegations, go to the brownish looking sidebar of this blog.  There, under the archives portion of that sidebar, click on any week of the first year, 2014, anytime after 6/22, and just about every single article has his name in it somewhere; and usually includes some accompanying paperwork.  This carries on into 2015, until around May, then he resurfaces again in January, February and March of 2016, and briefly again in August and September of 2016.  Will you have to go that far?  Probably not.  Believe me, once you've gone through just a couple of my 2014 articles, it should be more than enough to convince the majority of you folks that the only good places for this judge are jail or the grave.

Judge Robert Blink

Now, this guy has his job as a judge down.  Unlike Judge William Price, who is so corrupt that he doesn't even try to hide that fact anymore; to the public, and to those who don't know him yet, or haven't appeared in front of him, this guy initially projects like a fair, decent guy...but a fair and decent guy wouldn't dismiss 200+ pieces of evidence relevant to my defense in a felony trial, and, not only let all of his buddies, the 29 elected officials he dismissed as having to testify for my side of the case, get out of testifying, but went through my witness list a couple more times to ensure that even more could get out of testifying, even though they nor their lawyers were present at the hearing to quash those subpoenas.  More than that, even after setting a hearing to have my probation revoked (I opted for this, and asked him to set a hearing for it...and he did), then issued a warrant for my arrest for...probation violation, even though I hadn't even signed up for probation, nor met with an officer of the court.  This is also the guy who put me in jail for a year for a justified crime, refused, after promising he would, to issue a protective order involving a key witness who was half responsible for having me arrested and jailed, and threatened harassment charges against me for wanting to discuss possible ways to pay my debt to society, without jail, with the prosecuting attorney, Linda Lane.

For more about this Judge and what he did to me in my felony case, see these links:

and then stay tuned, very soon, for the transcripts from this case that were submitted as evidence in my post-conviction relief case concerning this case, where I am trying to get these wrongs righted...not that they will be.  See also all of my post-conviction relief case submissions here in my most recent blog posts, around the last two links listed above. 

Carol S. Egly

There's a rather special place in the "Bruce Bitch List" for this alleged "Judge".  She ignored an initial challenge of her jurisdiction, issued the very first time I appeared in front of her, didn't address that challenge for 3 WEEKS (challenges to jurisdiction are supposed to be addressed IMMEDIATELY, before another proceeding or judicial action can take place); then claimed an unlawful jurisdiction to try me under, without any proof.  Then, because I had asked for a jury trial in this simple misdemeanor case, but had just submitted it a couple of days before they had combined cases for it and my felony trial (that ran parallel with this case) and had misplaced that motion to ask for it, she would then OK a submission of a court produced motion that was not designed by me, that didn't show that I wanted one; then, to cover up their screw-up, changed the record of the court to state that I had specifically asked for a NON-jury trial in that motion, and denied me that.  From what I gather, this Judge spends an awful lot of her free time drinking (I would too, if I were involved in the shite these Polk County Judges get away with daily...anything to alleviate the pangs of guilt, eh?), and shouldn't really be on the bench, after just THESE shenanigans. 

The picture above?  The product of a well-planned photo shoot, I'm thinking.  The times I appeared in front of her, I was ready to change the E in her last name to a well-deserved U, due to both her looks, and her rather ugly soul.

Judge William Kelly

Judge William Kelly is young yet...his only saving grace.  He seems OK, not quite as corrupt as the ones that have been around FOREVER...but this Judge already has a black smudge on his record.  This man, on the record of the court even, denied me the right to defend myself in my own person, unless I took on, at the very least, a state provided attorney.  Yes, you heard that, he denied me the right to get case files, hear evidence, etc...and defend myself, while I was incarcerated.  For those of you still lost, that means that I was not able to do all those things the Constitution guarantees me, as long as I was locked up.  I'd say that's a pretty hefty smudge.

Magistrate Anastasia Hurn

Now Magistrate Anastasia Hurn was mentored by, and, evidently, reports to, none other than Judge William Price.  This in and of itself is more than enough for me, personally.  Add to that, she ruled that I had harassed those poor members of the Des Moines media, in particular CityView managing editor Daryl Tromblay and kid reporter Jeffrey Pitts; by asking them to keep their word and report on Des Moines corrupt officials and courts, where I was concerned.  Of course, when 2 months after that promise had gone by, and I had yet to here from these folks, I got a wee bit upset.  We had been in constant ambiguous contact, via email, for nearly 2 years prior to this, and had never had an issue...until I asked for them to complete the promise I had hoped they would make, after witnessing this apparent series of judicial horrors.  C'mon...I had a head editor's signature on an email, promising that he would do the could a judge fault me for emailing them twice to ask WTF, why they hadn't even made a move after 2 whole months?  Funnier still, the managing editor, on the record, testified that stealing my child unlawfully using no provable allegations didn't constitute a story.  The fact that they found me innocent of those allegations, but still didn't restore my rights or my child wasn't news either, evidently.  I suppose that the written email, (which, in any court of law, be essentially a signed contract) wasn't sufficient cause to email them asking why they hadn't done anything.  Let's not forget that Judge Price had come into the court room prior to the start of the trial by judge, to tell his prize magistrate pupil to "Get Him...he's a piece of cake" before he left her chambers.

This magistrate deserves a place on Polk County's "Evil Judges to Watch" list.  She's going to do great things for Iowa, I guarantee it.

Anastasia, unfortunately, was the only magistrate or judge I could find, in Polk County, with a facebook profile.  I'd like to thank her for posting this great candid picture of her having some beach fun, like us regular folks, after corruptly ruling against me in my harassment case.  Funny I can't see her profile anymore...I wonder what happened?  We were getting along so well too!

Judge Jeanie Vaudt

Judge Jeanie Vaudt refused me my right to videotape the proceedings in my post-conviction relief case, and quashed the only official's subpoena I was able to get served for my post-conviction case...her buddy John P. Sarcone (See evil official's list, later to be added to this article), Polk County Iowa's head racist and most criminal County Attorney.  She would not compel the state to tell me where Linda Lane, the recently upgraded attorney in John Sarcone's office had disappeared to (at just the right time), so that I could call her as a witness in her case; and ordered that I be refused justice in every way in her case.  It seems funny to me that hardly anyone ever wins out against the State...any state, for that matter.  Gee...I wonder why?  They sure don't have much problem appealing and appealing and appealing when and if they should lose, using your hard-earned tax dollars to try you over and over again...until they win...or at the very least, get a stalemate.  The numbers, showing how many times the state wins out against John Q. Criminal are, of course, more important to show us.  We can't have those numbers, showing how many of those "criminals" were cleared, expunged or admonished of the county attorneys allegations, getting too high.   Then the jig, the court cash cow, would be "up", as it were, and Iowa would lose out on some of its fed funding to keep a certain so amount of people in jail, at any one time.  Can't have that...right??


OK, so that's it for the judge's list.  Let's move on to Polk County's Elected Officials.

Attorney General Tom Miller

Tom Miller is supposedly still Polk County's Attorney General.  This ancient piece of crap needs to be ousted, if this is the real truth.  I've heard a lot of crazy things concerning this man.  Among them is that he once arose from his seat in Des Moines and made his way to Clinton Iowa, where he excused a social worker from her charges of perjury that had been brought against her in a civil case, because, he stated, "She was immune to prosecution."  I've also heard that his son is in jail for all kinds of crazy things as well.  Either way, this man has been in office entirely too long...if indeed he really is still in office.  

Anyway, this man's office is responsible for fighting you in any case that brings charges against ANY State official, or when you appeal the same official's actions.  For example, should you fight the Department of Human Services in their Child Protective Assessment of whether you are actually abusing your children or not, it's the Attorney General's office who defends their side of things.

The only case I ever beat in Iowa was such a case.  They even appealed it up to the Director of DHS, who agreed with my side of it.  Of course, there wasn't much that he could say.  It was way too obvious that they most certainly did mess things up.

This office also was responsible for defending the courts when my termination case went to the appellate courts.  I did not fare so well in that one...even though I had just won in the case that showed that I did not abuse my child.  So how is it that it was shown that they did wrong in taking the child, yet, didn't do wrong in terminating my rights because of that?  Here are documents (and of course, my opinion of all that occurred in those documents) to show that maybe these people aren't quite on the up and up in Iowa.

** Honorable corruption-related mentions in this office are as follows:

Katherine Miller-Todd, Asst. Attorney General
Grant Dugdale, Asst. Attorney General 

John P. Sarcone, The official head of the Polk County Attorney's offices, is one of the most corrupt individuals STILL in office in Des Moines Iowa to date.  Where do I start here?  I think I've done enough on this man and all he has done to me and my family.  For links on this guy, well, I'm just going to say that I could almost dedicate my entire blog to getting this man put out of office.  I guarantee, that if you were to go just about anywhere in this blog, you would find his name tagged in just about any article I've written.  This man even went as far as to call the Secret Service on me, to get me arrested, because he wasn't able to find me.  He wanted me arrested so that I would not be able to attend my Termination of Parental rights hearing.  He has called the FBI offices, all over the country, in an effort to shut me up and get me off of his case.  He wants me gone...or dead...which is fine, since I want the same for him.  At the very least, this man deserves serious jail time...not just for what he's done to me, but what he has done to an awful lot of people in Polk County.

Try and call him sometime, at 515-286-3737.  Ask to speak to him personally.  I dare you to try.  His secretary screens his calls for why you're calling.  I've seen this man once, I 42 years.  His office is lined with bullet-proof glass.  These are the actions of a serious criminal, my friends.  Stop re-electing this criminal into office, Iowa, PLEASE!

On the right side of this blog, in the brownish side-bar, is a search box.  Put in "John P. Sarcone", and stand back.  All you would ever want to know about this criminal is right here.  Make a note of it.

**Honorable mention of those criminals who work under this criminal attorney:

Linda Lane
Stephanie Brown
Kevin Bell
Kevin Brownell
Jesse Ramirez

                - Assistant Polk County Attorneys

For more information about these assistants, just search for them in this blog.  I also dedicate a paragraph to each of them further down, when I attack attorneys.

Charles Palmer, Former director of DHS, Iowa

Charles Palmer, Director of the Iowa Department of Human Services, is a criminal of a higher order, and the head of the department that has stolen more children in Iowa than all but 5 other states in the union.  Yes, Iowa is #6 in the country for taking children from parents...and never giving them back.

Thank God, that, just about the time that Iowa finally decided to look into what exactly was going on in this state department, this 100 yr. old asshole finally decided to retire.  But pay attention, Iowa, because I'm sure that whoever is going to replace this criminal (Jerry Foxhoven) will be no better.  More importantly, this department, once it comes out what they have done to Iowa, needs to be stripped down to its bare bones, and all that caused Iowa grief, INCLUDING Charles Palmer, should be brought to justice.

Honorable mention for Iowa DHS employees:

Jeannie Munson, Agitator and Collaberator
Mark Worthington, Agitator and Collaberator
Emily Nieman, S4, Child Protective Services
Stephanie Rhinehart, Supervisor, CPS
Katie Gosch, Caseworker, CPS

For more information on any of these, please search for them in this blog.

Here, Iowa, is your new director.  Be on the lookout for more crimes, involving him:

Jerry Foxhoven, Current Director, Iowa DHS

Naturally, I'll be paying close attention...:D


Well, it would seem that we need to get going on more corrupt Iowa Officials, the attorneys that I know well.  Let's begin with the more recent, and work our way backwards.  Now, keep in mind, a lot of these "officials" of the court stay very well hidden, and pictures/info on them is all but impossible to find...but that doesn't or won't exclude their coverage.  Some, I found pretty ancient pictures of...and that will do.  A few, some of the more corrupt, I've opted to include links to their Linked-In profiles, so that we can blast what they're up to these days as well as what they've done in their oh-so-sordid pasts.

So what do you say we get this pahty stahted?

We'll start with the County Attorney's office, and John P. Sarcone's assistants in his crimes.  We'll begin with the one that's attacking me right....this...minute, Mr. Jesse Ramirez.  Here's his mug:

NOTE:  I picked this one, because he's wearing glasses, like he is now.  I'd say he's about 20 in this picture, approximately 8 years before I met him.

Now, I shouldn't have to tell you everything this slime ball has done to me, mostly because there are about 15 articles here in this blog, all just recently written (See all articles just above and below this one, entitled "The State Post-Conviction Relief Case").  This one is on our "Evil Attorneys to Watch" list, for sure.

Another infamous FORMER county attorney under the thumb of John Sarcone once upon a time is none other than Linda Lane, pictured below:

who, according to her Linked In profile, found here:

is now a (probably more so) corrupt Asst. U.S. Attorney...though no longer in Iowa (you Iowa "lawbreakers" can thank your lucky stars).  I will, of course, be finding out exactly where SHE is, mostly because we have unfinished business in Federal Court.  For more on all that she did, all you need do is peruse just about any article from 2016 in my archives, or, you can just jump up a few articles to my "transcripts" articles under my "State Post-Conviction Relief Case" Series.

Lucas Taylor, of the law offices of Mark R. Hinshaw, is the "Stand-by attorney" who witnessed AGAINST me in my post-conviction relief case.  Now I don't know about the rest of the world out there, but how can an attorney, who is supposed to be representing you and your best interests, allowed to witness against you?  Got me.  Let's not even talk about the fact that this is an experienced felony lawyer who didn't ask for a bond-reduction hearing or depositions (probably the two most important things you should do for your client, especially in a felony case), didn't appeal my case (when I asked him to), didn't poll the jury to find out if a mistrial was warranted (it was, without question), wasn't able to attend a very important hearing to determine whether 29 witnesses should be allowed to testify on my behalf (they were), or whether 200 pieces of filed evidence should be relevant (it all was).  I think that's enough said here...don't you?

The entire cast of Mark R. Hinshaw Law Firm.
That's Lucas, 3rd from the right.

Now attorney Dale Mays, of Benzoni Law Firm fame in Des Moines, Iowa, pictured at a much younger age here:  (sorry, this was all I could find, America)

is a snake of a lawyer of a higher order.  This man screwed my wife over by staying silent in each and every juvenile hearing we had, and weaseled out of getting slapped on the wrist for not doing his job...and doing it UNLAWFULLY as well.  For more on what this man does when he "does his job", see about any article I wrote here from 6/22/2014 until May of 2015.  Here, let me get you started with one of the better ones:

and for a more complete list of his incompetent infractions, you can go here as well:

And yes, that was BENZONI LAW FIRM in Des Moines, Iowa...don't forget that.

Now we move on to assistant county attorneys and a state of Iowa GAL that are so corrupt that NO information can be found on these people WHATSOEVER, save a case law quote here and there.  No pictures of these criminals could be located either, though, when you search the names, the only things that come up in their image counterparts are from my blog.  They, of course, deserve extra special mention.

Kevin Brownell, who was the Asst. Polk County Attorney in our later juvenile cases, had me thrown out of my own case that I had been in for 6 months, because I was the legal father of our child, not the biological one, when the evidence against him, the judge and the State was so damning that there was no other way out, but to get me out of it.

Stephanie Brown, another assistant, was the one that brought a whole list of false allegations against us (that we were later cleared of, by the very agency that removed her), and who purported to be an advocate for the department of Human Services.

Kevin Bell was the assistant County Attorney who brought false charges against me in my first harassment of social workers back in 2015.  He later dropped the more serious charge, when the damage had already been done, and when it was discovered that he had no proof of his allegation.  He would state in the dismissal that he did it because I plead to the lesser simple misdemeanors...and that the charge against me for threatening these social workers lives (something I didn't do) could just be ignored because of it.

Finally, the last and final corrupt official worth mention is Paul White, a cobra State of Iowa GAL (Guardian Ad Litem), who did absolutely nothing but sit in court in his $1000 suit and look pretty, and point his finger at us, the "criminal" parents.


Well, America, here is your blueprint.  Should you want to join into the fun, please contact me on FB, or email me using the email at the top of this article.

Until you do...this is the mighty sword, signing out, until the decision in my state post-conviction case.



A good friend of mine could really use some more votes to get a judge out of office, by the way...and with that, he posted some very enlightening information, for those of you who still doubt that our system of law and those who purport to uphold it is a sham.  For those of you who still believe what we've been duped into believing, that "The system works", I suggest you read it well!!  Thank you Michael C. School! (  I highly recommend his website for relevant LAWFUL information concerning this very thing and other similar subjects.  Please note too, Michael C. School, that your name, along with others, now graces the list of websites I support.  :D  Now for his contribution:

There are no "Judges" just BAR Attorneys.... Gloria Navarro is an executive trust administrator FRC vs. GE 281 U.S. 464, Keller vs. PE 261 U.S. 428, 1 Stat. 138 -178) “Judges do not enforce statutes and codes. Executive Administrators enforce statutes and codes.

Gloria Navarro has a Certificate of Standing on file to practice law on file with the federal courts same as any other BAR Attorney.


Martial Law Flag "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.The Law of the Flag regulates the laws under which contracts entered into will be governed. (See Ruhstrat v. People.)

Any courtroom that displays such a flag behind the Judge is a military courtroom which Is operating under military law and not constitutional law, or common law, or civil law, or statute law, Restrictions. (Note added: This court is thereby receiving public funds under false and fraudulent pretense and is committing Treason against the Constitution under the 16th American Jurist Prudence Section 177).

Whereas : 1,2 American Flag such as a gold fringe MUTILATES the flag and carries a one year prison term. This is confirmed by the authority of Title 36, Section § 176 (g). The gold fringe is a fourth color and, purportedly, represents “color of military law” jurisdiction and when placed on the Title 4 U.S.C. Section §§ 1,2 Flag, mutilates the flag and suspends the Constitution. Refer to Title 18 U.S.C. Section 242, see BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY.

Uniform Bonding Code- 5.4 - Bonding of Judges

A judge shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, and shall be deemed unbondable:

1. if he fails to protect the U.S, national constitutionally guaranteed remedies of due process and the equal protection of the laws of any citizen appearing in his court of law, or of any citizen appearing in any court of the county in which he works whose case may come to his attention 12y a means.

An attorney shall lose his bonding, shall not be bonded, and shall be deemed unbondable,:

if he fails to protect the remedies of due process and the equal protection of the law of either his client or of the adverse party in an action. In an adversary system of law, each lawyer or attorney shall protect the representation of fact not only for their own party, but shall protect the legal process for both parties without, exception.

Those holding Federal or State public office, county or municipal office, under the Legislative, Executive or Judicial branch, including Court Officials, Judges, Prosecutors, Law Enforcement Department employees, Officers of the Court, and etc., before entering into these public offices, are required by the U.S. Constitution and statutory law to comply with Title 5 USC, Sec. §3331, “Oath of office.” State Officials are also required to meet this same obligation, according to State Constitutions and State statutory law.
All oaths of office come under 22 CFR, Foreign Relations, Sections §§92.12 - 92.30, and all who hold public office come under Title 8 USC, Section §1481 “Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions.”
Under Title 22 USC, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, Section §611, a Public Official is considered a foreign agent. In order to hold public office, the candidate must file a true and complete registration statement with the State Attorney General as a foreign principle.
The Oath of Office requires the public official in his / her foreign state capacity to uphold the constitutional form of government or face consequences.
Title 10 USC, Sec. §333, “Interference with State and Federal law”
The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—
(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.
Such willful action, while serving in official capacity, violates Title 18 USC, Section §1918:
Title 18 USC, Section §1918 “Disloyalty and asserting the right to strike against the government”
Whoever violates the provision of 7311 of title 5 that an individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia if he—
(1) advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government;
(2) Is a member of an organization that he knows advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year and a day, or both. And also deprives claimants of “honest services:

Title 18, Section §1346. Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
“For the purposes of this chapter, the term “scheme or artifice to defraud” includes a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.
and the treaties that placed your public offices in that foreign state under international law and under the United Nation jurisdiction:

1945 IOIA –That the International Organizations Act of December 29, 1945 (59 Stat. 669; Title 22, Sections 288 to 2886 U.S.C.) the US relinquished every office
The term “foreign state” includes outlying possessions of a foreign state, but self-governing dominions or territories under mandate or trusteeship shall be regarded as separate foreign states

The Oath of office is a quid pro quo contract cf [U.S. Const. Art. 6, Clauses 2 and 3, Davis Vs. Lawyers Surety Corporation., 459 S.W. 2nd. 655, 657., Tex. Civ. App.] in which clerks, officials, or officers of the government pledge to perform (Support and uphold the United States and state Constitutions) in return for substance (wages, perks, benefits). Proponents are subjected to the penalties and remedies for Breach of Contract, Conspiracy cf [Title 18 U.S.C., Sections 241, 242]. Treason under the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3., and Intrinsic Fraud cf [Auerbach v Samuels, 10 Utah 2nd. 152, 349 P. 2nd. 1112,1114. Alleghany Corp v Kirby., D.C.N.Y. 218 F. Supp. 164, 183., and Keeton Packing Co. v State., 437 S.W. 20, 28]. Refusing to live by their oath places them in direct violation of their oath, in every case. Violating their oath is not just cause for immediate dismissal and removal from office, it is a federal crime. Federal law regulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four parts along with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes of enforcement. 5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office members of Congress are required to take before assuming office. 5 U.S.C. 3333 requires members of Congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law, 5 U.S.C. 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense (and a violation of oath of office) for anyone employed in the United States Government (including members of Congress) to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”

Is Gloria Navarro registered as a Foreign Agent? FARA.GOV…/Ethics%20for%20Fede……/Prosecutorial%20Mis

For more proof of our U.S. Judicial corruption and the mockery of our Constitution and all it's supposed to provide us free citizens, as well as provide us FREE justice, visit Michael's page at:

Tell'em Christopher (Bruce) the living man sentcha...:D


  1. I don't understand why all the people of this country aren't outraged. This has become common procedure in the courts. None of us are safe. I don't know how to get people to wake up and get involved like their life depends on it, because it does. Now our enemies have a tight grip on us. Only an act of God can save us.

    1. Most are afraid or living with the false belief that you must have done something wrong. They dont care as long as it is not their family. Others are in deep with the system and make a living in some way and wish to protect this way of doing business

  2. I agree. However, many people are employed in government. They understand the drill about how the state gets money for their salaries and pensions. These people gladly sell their souls to the devil. The power over people lives gives them a false sense of superiority.

    1. Now, if this number doesn't scare the crap outta you, nothing will...I was seriously shocked, and it's my opine, that with that...we need CHANGE, and soon...before it's too late. 1 out of 2 Americans work for the Government in one fashion or another. FIFTY PERCENT of the workforce. Whew!!

  3. I was arrested for a crime I NEVER commited at age 59. Polk county, Iowa. I will be 66-years-old this winter. I took an "Alford plea" instead of fighting my case. Wish I would not have done it. Lost my permit to carry too. But I will NEVER forget "what they did to me". NEVER. Cuz I know what's right & wrong. Always will. One year ago, I emailed Polk county attorney's office letting them know that I will always remember what they did to me. But then I got a call from my attorney saying I could be in trouble for contacting the county attorney's office, cuz apparently my email "scared" the folks at the county attorney's office. So I promised my attorney to keep my mouth shut. My life totally changed after I was falsely arrested. I was SUPER PARINOID that cops would arrest me AGAIN at any time for something I never did. We installed security systems at our business and at our home. Then hired a private investigator. I also installed a camera in my vehicle. Attorney's office also put a restraining order on my that will last 6 years. I spose "they" think after 6 years, I will forget about my injustice? I'm here to tell all, that I will NEVER forget what they did to me until my death. Reason for my post = I want others who are innocent to know that they are not the only ones.

  4. I filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida intern Internal Affairs IRS Federal tampering with evidence brush and Coyle PA on forgery and it in assault they forged is my attorney they tripped over $1000000 and falsifying public records and threw me in jail withheld my evidence and and continue to harass me why have domestic violence crime list records why former husband is sponge to these records and they stripped my record to my original records are in federal Internal Affairs 5 years abuse on forgery for mandatory disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida certified and registered Robert brush Timothy Coyle E PUJOL Alexandra's records they falsify to trial backdated records and kickbacks are filed in federal internal affairs with 5 to office of Attorney General the capital po201 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 that did nothing to protect me harassment continued for 8 counts of trickery for photos while they they stripped Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies lawsuits liability claims of medical releases and insurance companies with the Fords Miranda January 29th 2009 to 2014 and they falsified my taxes so identity theft and forgery entered FTC and IRS Federal for embezzlement Rico racketeering assault and battery and they continue to do this why IRS Federal was watching them Federal California records November 13th 2017 the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and assault continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and forging my name is my attorney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they forged is my attorney and threw me in jail for plunge for trickery for photos for $700 I had to pay his son of a b**** 700 $300 or $1,300 where they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA and assaulted me and threw me in jail I was devastated I have a nervous breakdown they forged instruments mae-mae me to be intimate why former husband expunged of his criminal records was found in court records tampering with evidence why he forged is my attorney for trickery for photos over $1000000 filed Internal Affairs and IRS Federal FTC and IRS Federal and over $100,000 property fraud they stripped my records Tony's records Polk County Florida 52 Pages Cindy Sullivan's records They falsified six financial affidavit sand six different bank account they falsified a trial backdated records and kickbacks in federal yes I'm overwhelmed I want the public to know that this these people are scum and they are racketeering in this court assault and battery special Advocate unit IRS Federal 5 years abuse in 5 years depth internal affairs 2009 through 2014 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Cindy Sullivan's records and judge harb records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered aggravated assault on Healthcare bottle forged instrument December 2nd 2014 and certified withholding evidence January 16th 2015 they forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. and was given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida certified forged instrument Cindy Sullivan's and judge harb forged instrument July 26th 2016 falsifying investigations and falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank accounts and forged is my attorney and they stripped over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud three credit bureaus FTC databases July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 June 4th 2019 white collar crime and July 23rd 2020 FTC IRS Federal in Internal Affairs on assault and battery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I did not file for scandal in that Court 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft and identity theft and IRS Federal November 13th 2017 IRS Federal records California and Texas overwhelmed mom in Polk County Florida

  5. Brushing Coyle PA or scum Lakeland Florida FTC and IRS Federal 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft

  6. Tampering with evidence in assault and battery is filed in Judge harb and Cindy Sullivan's records case number 2013 Dr 2230 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on aggravated assault on forgery forged instrument A1 Health Department Vital TennCare fraud December 2nd 2014 and certified January 16th 2015 they stripped everything filed over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's Office in my insurance company but business has life insurance policies over 400,000 in property to release in 15 days takes attorney's records with domestic violence in criminal records attached every 50,000 brushcoyle PA August 1st 2010 and October 29th 2014 alimony debt 52,000 workman's comp medical releases over 400,000 with a forge September 12th 2012 to release 26000 of 67,000 two documents Tallahassee Florida records Social Security lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County and UK records for Mantory disclosure that 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped over million dollars and $100,000 property fraud and filed his taxes on me and they backdated these records and kickbacks filed in Federal brushing Coyle PA forged as my attorney and former husband and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield they falsified appeals 2nd District Court Polk County Florida and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and harass me for a contempt on forgery WHY forged AS My Attorney! July 16th 2015 they backdated records and forgery and tampering with evidence and kickbacks are filed at Federal they stripped over $1000000 $100,000 property fraud and forged is my attorney and threw me in jail for a plunge for trickery February 10th 2018 why was holding my evidence Polk County Sheriff's Office records where they falsified 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Sergeant in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida to be faulted State's Attorney's office and was certified January 12th 2016 to Jerry Hill State's Attorney's Office me and March 2015 October 27th 2016 Justice qualification committee Alexander Wilson Tallahassee Florida records three investigations file to Beverly cone State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on forged instrument and tampering with evidence harassment continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft in or FTC and IRS Federal three credit bureaus and Social Security they forged is my attorney and tamper with evidence they stripped everything filed in on July 19th 2017 at 1:49 p.m. IRS Federal California file back over $29,000 a former husband to request of these records They continue to harass me on a contempt for trickery for photos why would I have to get photos before State's instruments and tampering with evidence dinner to FTC and IRS Federal's photos in the husband did not his children they harass me and threatened me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and tampering with evidence in assault and battery in that are databases FTC IRS Federal credit bureaus in 5 years abuse on aggravated assault on Stalking ON Forgery! 5years assault battery! CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania February 19.2019 CC chief Judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 conflict of interest 123 fraud mandatory disclosure CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection file to CC office of Attorney General to Capitol powr One Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 former turning is Liesal weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida removed by the judge harb and Cindy Sullivan September 23rd 2013 is filed in these documents forgery lndentity theft assault battery! Mandatory disclosure brush@CoylePA Pa certified redergisted tenth circuit court Polk county Florida Cindy Sullivan records

  7. For mandatory disclosure certified and registered brush and Coyle PA March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 tampering with evidence assault and battery in Urdu FTC and IRS Federal three credit bureaus and Social Security assault and battery for mandatory disclosure former husband forged as my attorney and brushing for PA and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield July 16th 2015 no Mandatory disclosure they falsified a trial they falsified appeals the second district court Polk County Florida and the 10th Circuit Florida they threatened my fees and they split my records and they forged is my attorney and threw me in jail brushing Coyle PA in FTC and IRS Federal has Rico racketeer in identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion they backdated record start arrest Federal November 13th 2017 California records withholding evidence on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 of former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and no Meritor disclosure to the court they falsified a trial they backdated records and they falsified appeals the second district court Polk County Florida with no Mandatory disclosure CC chief judge Bruce Smith records April 16th 2015 conflict of interest on Judge HARB and Cindy Sullivan mandatory disclosure 123 fraud fraudulent altered official public records 2009 to 2014 with domestic violence in criminal records wife former husband charges expunged these records 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida with police reports two copies on domestic violence in property to be released in 15 days with abandonment restraining orders identity theft and tampering with evidence for Mentor disclosure they forged is my attorney and threw me in jail give me the three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying transcripts Charleston court for a Lakeland Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. FTC databases IRS Federal Social Security and three credit bureaus identity theft Rico racketeering tampering with evidence embezzlement over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud in Aitkin temps on perjury for trickery for photos and falsified my arrest February 10th 2018 on forged instruments for mandatory disclosure assault and battery IRS Federal FTC databases and Social Security California Texas and Kansas withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on tampering with evidence five years of assault battery! RACKETTING Rico lndentity theft wire fraud tax evasion grand larceny money laundering theft trickery photos assault battery! years of Peace identity theft fraud and forgery my records They falsified the second Circuit Court Polk County Florida and harass me and threatened me judge picket denied my 4times Appells my record mandatory disclosure certified in record and forged lnsurments stripped records original records assault battery mandatory disclosure! and called me off at elevator threatened me! 5years assault battery FTC database lRS federal social security mandatory disclosure 123 fraud fraudulent forgery! Brush@Coyle pa forged lnsurments RACKETTING Rico lndentity records

  8. Identity theft and fraud lawsuits liability claims in medical release is Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 with my name on them with a forge Miranda brush and Coyle PA Davenport Orange County and Polk County when medical release is over $400,000 falsifying 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office to be fobs and State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida brushcoyle PA identity theft and fraud in her three credit bureaus IRS Federal November 13th 2017 California records on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS pedophile back over $29,000 a former husband's Stacey Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they stripped everything filed over $100,000 property fraud and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims of medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office negligence and misconduct games Davenport Orange County and Polk County and UK records and medical releases 5000-10000 20000 + 91000 with the forge Miranda falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank accounts falsified trial records backdating Records 2009 to 2014 petitioners in a federal databases on a Jenny have to forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida property over 50,000 released August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 in alimony falsified workman's comp life and look surance policy Social Security businesses and property over a hundred thousand with police records while he tried to hide these records and a sponge of them Hillsborough and Tallahassee Florida records in State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records They forged his my attorney and tripped over a million dollars and harass me and threatened me for Manatory disclosure brush@CoylePA Coyle PA Federal database 123 fraud mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015 Chief Judges records why 4times Appells filed fees stripped records stripped assault battery! Tampering uttering public records forgery identity theft Rico racketeering and assault and battery in her FTC IRS Federal credit bureaus in California Texas and Kansas IRS Federal on tampering with evidence assault and battery State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records domestic violence a criminal records abandonment are restraining orders October 27th 2014 October 29th 2014 October 13th 2014 and October 10th 2014 backdating records of Kickbacks filed in Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 on aggravated assault stocking on forgery for mandatory disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida backdating records and trickery wire fraud and tax evasion unit FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus did a identity theft forgery Rico racketeering are fired to Second District Court Polk County Florida with no Mandatory disclosure and file back to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida to be harassed withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal California

  9. DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 filedto CC office of Attorney General the capital p 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 aggravated assault stalking on forgery in bodily harm January 14th 2020 Cindy Sullivan and judge harb the records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered Federal databases three credit bureaus lndentity theft fraud fraudulent altered official public records April 16th 2015 conflict of interest in our chief judge Bruce Smith on mandatory disclosure 123 fraud tampering with evidence in assault and battery why they stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged is my attorney falsified appeals the second district court Polk County Florida with no Mentor disclosure and fees and falsified trial records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida backdating records to Federal and withholding evidence November 13th 2017 1st and Coyle PA forged is my attorney and threw me in jail for trickery for photos while they stripped over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office on a forge Brenda brushing Coyle PA are not my attorney's they were hired for lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with Forge Miranda and my name why domestic violence in criminal records in the abanment fraud forged lnsurments tamping uttered official public records domestic violence in criminal records with sealed records businesses property over a hundred thousand Ben tampering entering public records in FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus and Social Security tampering with evidence in assault and battery I only file for divorce they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail while they stripped over Min dollars lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County in UK with a forge Miranda and my name tampering with evidence and assault in FTC and IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and Social Security call TCC office of Attorney General the capital p01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 Fall by Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 withholding evidence November 13th 2017 California Texas and Kansas IRS Federal 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 and June 4th 2019 and aggravated assault Stockton on for 3 and bodily harm brushcoyle PA and former attorney Miss Liesal Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida in it with a child State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida three credit bureaus Social Security IRS Federal Kansas Texas and California white collar crime five years theft 5years assault battery! Fraud waste abuse mandatory disclosure

  10. I filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged instruments and my name tampering with evidence to the Aggressive Assault battery! Conflict of interest for dinner April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith 123 fraud Mandatory disclosure certified and registered in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida case number 2013 Dr 2230 Cindy Sullivan in judge Harb certified registered for Meritor disclosure October 10th 2014 October 13th 2014 October 27th 2014 55 cages abandonment restraining orders for protection guns property over a hundred thousand with abandonment and restraining orders for protection what criminal records and police records and violations Peace River domestic violence in arrest records Polk County Sheriff's Office is lawsuits liability claims for the forge Miranda brushcoyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida January 29th 2009 to 2014 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases my name on it in my insurance company Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 to 2014 Timothy Coyle Robert brush E PUJOL Alexandra records internal Federal data tampering uttering public records in paralegals on falsifying investigation Polk County Sheriff's Office 36 Pages falsifying a trial and backdate records withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal California Texas and Kansas and Social Security on fraud and forgery tamper notary public records They forged is my attorney and threw me in jail for applying for $700 for trickery from Frodo's wrote by this nasty judge on a forged instrument no Mandatory to closure theft trickery photos! 5years assault 5years battery on forgery! Tampering with evidence in altering public records $100,000 property fraud and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases for the porch Miranda brushing for PA my name tamper with everything salt and battery for free for photos in order FTC and IRS Federal databases on the cruelty of the sport March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida. 8contemps purjury trickery photos! Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida allergy know federal databases! Assault battery123 fraud mandatory disclosure y is a white collar crime brushing for PA battery internet FTC and IRS Federal Social Security

  11. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 Petioner Janet entered federal databases 5 years abuse and 5 years of THEFT! Assault and battery AAA for photos for 5 years abuse while they strict they stripped my records lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2014 Polk County Sheriff's Office County with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's Office put the forge Miranda my domestic violence crime list criminal records were filed in this case October 27th 2014 October 29th 2014 October 13th 2018 and October 10th 2014 falsifying trial records IRS Federal Cindy Sullivan tenth circuit court Polk county Florida mandatory disclosure 113 fraud fraudulent altered public records certified forged lnsurments Filed forged lnsurments FTC databases lRS federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 they threw me in jail February 10th 2018 why they Forge does my attorney brushing for PA has been returning in him tampering with evidence in forgery in your dip to see and IRS Federal databases and cruelty report on aggravated assault for free for photos for 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft 3JUdges Harb fraudulent altered official public records Cindy Sullivan certified avian Forest as my attorney brushcoyle PA and Cindy Sullivan tamping uttered official public records backdating records and kickbacks in Fayetteville with the original records that they stripped a forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA and former husband and Natalie took of the Court Stacy Butterfield they stripped over $100,000 property fraud and lndentity theft fraud forged lnsurments tainted embezzlement forged lnsurments 8contemps purjury trickery photos! Nasty Judge records ! claims in medical releases records in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida Inland Federal databases assault battery FTC database lRS federal California Texas in Kansas and three credit bureaus and FTC database July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 November 23rd 2018 and June 4th 2019 for white collar crime certified to Jerry Hill State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida January 12th 2016 and may of March 2015 Justice committee Alexander Wilson Tallahassee Florida records tamper with evidence assault on forgery and three investigations Beverly code State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida falsifying trial records backdating records and falsifying appeals 2nd District Court Polk County Florida harassment and threatening the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida appeals judge picket records tampering with evidence they threw me in jail why they forged instruments my name to Penny sheriff's office in falsified 36 pages in lawsuits liability claims in medical issues with my name on them forgery Miranda Davenport Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office certified and registered for Minotaur disclosure October 23rd 2014 October 27th 2014 judge harb and Cindy Sullivan the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida aggravated assault stalking on forgery! Conflict of lnsurments 123fraud fraudulent altered chief judge Bruce Smith April 16.2015 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 RACKETTING Rico embezzlement lndentity theft fraud forged lnsurments

  12. I filed for divorce they forged instruments in my name and tampering with evidence it assault and battery in our FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus Rico racketeering embezzlement lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING embezzlement grand larceny money laundering they forged is my attorney and trickery for photos wrote by this now see judge why domestic violence crime list records are filed in this case October 27th 2014 October 29th 2014 October 10th 2014 and October 13th 2014 backdating records and kickbacks are filed in federal and November 13th 2017. IRS Federal requested these records back on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Rico racketeering identity theft and forgery in assault and batteries for trickery for photos for 5 years of used in 5 years identity theft the three credit Burue lRS federal California taxes in Kansas and North Carolina tamper with evidence and assault and battery over $1000000 $100,000 property fraud for trickery for photos for 5 years abuse in 5 years theft backdating records back Teton Trail rapid IRS Federal in forgery instruments to my name and tampering with evidence brushing Coyle PA and former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida Daisy Butterfield CPA Polk County withheld evidence and forgery energy FTC IRS Federal three credit bureau identity theft and fraud and forgery Enrico racketeering assault and battery for trickery for photos they forged instruments in my name is tamper for David and forged his my attorney and threw me in jail while they falsified 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office and see attorney's records on the band The Mitten restraint order's with protecting order's with child tampering with evidence than guns property of 100000 and over me and dollars lawsuits liability claims of medical releases Tallahassee Florida records Florida Financial Board of County Commissioners and and Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2014 with a forge Miranda brushing Coyle PA are not my attorney's they forged as my attorney and CeCe chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 conflict of interest on Judge or and Cindy sold in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 123 fraud Mandatory April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith five years abuse in 5 years of THEFT! Polk County Sheriff's Office lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it with a forge Miranda brushcoyle PA and forged his my tourney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence that assault and battery in her FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus in LaSpada's DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud filed to February 19th 2019 CC Attorney General's office the capitol Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 and January 14th 2020 aggravated assault stalking on board for his bodily harm tenth circuit judicial court counselor evidence April 14th 2017 tamper with evidence in assault and battery play morning Circuit Court Polk County Florida to FTC and IRS Federal as I can get her to salt on forgery disclosure Second District Polk County Florida falsifying 4times Appells Judge Pinkett May and March 2015 certified Justice qualification committee Tallahassee Florida and grievance he filed October 27th 2014 Tallahassee Florida Justice qualification committee on forgery and brush and Coyle PA 825 East Main Street in Lakeland Florida and Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida judge HARB judge picket in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County with no mandatory disclosure accept my records Rico RACKETTING stalking on forgery! Falsifying records IRS Federal back gate and records and kickbacks and assault and battery in her to FTC and IRS Federal for over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud and tampering ordering public records

  13. Case no case no 2013dr 2230 5years assault battery federal database my insurance company with a forge Miranda brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida entered identity theft Rico racketeering investment grand larceny and money laundering in tax evasion in identity theft on July 19th 2017 that 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal babak over $29,000 a former husband they forged is my attorney they backdated records and falsified appeal October 29th 2014 52 Pages State's Attorney's records with domestic violence and criminal records and police records with violation stripping the house while I'm at work and grand-baby October 27th 2014 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 to 2014 and Orange County alarm Detectives and UK records and Davenport records and medical reasons 5000-10000 20000 + 91000 theft trickery photos! Fraud forged lnsurments assault battery! 5years assault 5years theft tamping uttered official public records judge HARB Cindy Sullivan Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida allergy know assault! They stripped it remained dollars and $100,000 property fraud and Ford says my attorney brushcoyle PA Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and former husband Fred tampering with evidence of the salt internet FTC database July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime five November 17th 2015 to judge Pickett the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in assault internal FTC databases IRS Federal and Texas with the original documents filed in court they strip everything filed they forged is my attorney breaking Coyle PA and harass me and threatened me and they forged to Miranda trying to remove me from these claims and it was certified Jerry Hill State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida January 12th 2016 fraud fraudulent altered official public records 3 investigation Beverly cone State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida fraudulent altered official records forgery lnsurments lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING embezzlement money laundering grand theft battery assault 8contemps trickery photos! Court Justin attorney July 16th 2015 in falsifying appeals the 2nd District Court Polk County Florida with no mandatory disclosure tampering with evidence and falsifying a trial in falsifying appeal Second District Court Polk County Florida and stripping my feeds on forgery and tampering with evidence Center to FTC and IRS Federal databases and three credit bureaus on a day theft and fraud brush before PA and former attorney Miss Liesal weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud. on racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 52 CC office of Attorney General to Capitol p01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 aggravated assault stalking on forgery for trickery for photos they forced as my attorney Kim STEIGER records f altered official public records assault battery FTC database lRS federal California Kansas Texas lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING embezzlement fraud 123 mandatory disclosure April 16.2016 chief judge Bruce Smith mandatory disclosure judge HARB Cindy Sullivan tenth circuit court Polk county Florida certified Justice qualification committee May and March 2015 Alexandra Wilson Tallahassee Florida records and October 27th 2016 on forgery the salt grievance e on Judge hard judge Pickett and third judges records April 4th 2017 Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in assault they threw me in jail while they forged as my attorney in falsified 36-page is Polk County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Avery in Sargent Art tampering with evidence in assault and battery in turn Federal fraud and assault and battery February 10th 2018 threw me in jail why they withheld my evidence in forged instruments in my name three credit bureaus identity theft and fraud IRS Federal California Texas and Kansas and

  14. Case number 2013 dr2 230 petitioner entered Federal databases as a white collar crime tamper with evidence assault and battery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they were posed to release checks with my property over $100,000 property fraud and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 Davenport Orange County and UK records with a forge Miranda brushing Coyle PA forged as my attorney and forged Miranda to try to remove you from these claims and no mandatory disclosure CC chief judge Bruce Smith records April 16th 2015 conflict of interest on Judge harb and Cindy Sullivan fraudulent altered official public records mandatory disclosure 123 fraud tampering with evidence in assault and battery in a FTC database July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 and June 4th 2019 and credit bureau on identity theft and fraud three credit bureaus FTC databases for recovery on forgery and tampering with evidence Kansas Kentucky California withholding evidence IRS Federal documents in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on assault and battery for trickery for photos they forged as my attorney on a forged instrument Health Department vital December 2nd 2014 withheld till January 16th 2015 and appeals are filed four times to judge Pickett in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida assault and battery in FTC with the second district court Polk County Florida records no mandatory disclosure they fought a doc on the Civil procedures actually that's a forged instrument July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. former husband forged as my attorney and brushing Coyle PA and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and they continue to harass me for trickery for photos while they tripped over a million dollars with lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda businesses life insurance policy Social Security work comp forged instruments and tampering with evidence and tax evasion identity theft in FTC and IRS Federal and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal dollars a former husband State and I pay my taxes they backdated records and kickbacks are filed in Federal forgery and tampering with evidence for five years of salt for truck reefer photos right by this nasty judge in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why he stripped everything filed and they threw me in jail why they forged as my attorney three credit bureaus FTC databases IRS Federal as racketeering Rico identity theft and forgery and tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida five years abuse in 5 years of salt case number 2013 Dr 2230 petitioner Janet wheeler the court has released nothing where are my checks forgery and tampering with evidence racketeering identity theft and fraud three credit bureaus IRS Federal in FTC databases tampering uttering public records Cindy Sullivan's records October 27th 2014 October 10th 2014 October 13th 2014 falsifying six financial affidavit sand backdating records of Kickbacks California requested these records November 13th 2017 for jury and tampering with evidence assault and battery

  15. Cutest Kim STEIGER records certified forged lnsurments Fadified trail records backdated kickbacks tenth circuit judicial court Polk county Florida 5years assault battery trickery photos! 8contemps purjury! Fraud forged lnsurments health department vital Tencare fraud certified forged lnsurments Forged AS MY Attorney! Brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida in our federal databases as white-collar crime Rico racketeering identity theft and Court rates and tax evasion and wire fraud tamping uttered official public records Cindy Sullivan Judge HARB lndentity theft backdated kickbacks records lRS federal California request records assault CC office of Attorney General Bureau customer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal on fraud fraudulent altered official public records withholding evidence allergy know Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida Stacy Butterfield entered federal databases original records stripped my records Fadified trail mandatory disclosure certified redergisted brushcoyle pa forged AS MY Attorney! Health vital statistics can you care fraud 34 years of marriage they came for the damaged case number 2013 ZR2 230 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 and then country report Polk County Florida they threw me in jail for a blinds for turkey for photos while he's forged instruments were given to this judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in assault word FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus Kansas Kentucky Texas and California regional records on forgery and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:49 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband taxes for Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida 5 years abuse in 5 years of identity theft Center FTC and IRS Federal tampering with evidence in a salt and battery for free for photos of Rome and dollars lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on Polk County Sheriff's office in Davenport Orange County in UK records weather forecast is my turning until Supply thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Avery Distortion art to be filed with State turn it office State Polk Florida certified January 12th 2016 certified Jerry Hill tampering with evidence all in order FTC IRS Federal to three credit bureaus Justice qualification committee May and March 2015 and October 27th 2016 Cindy Sullivan Judge HARB CC conflict of lnsurments filed April 16.2015 fasified trial tamping uttered official public records lndentity theft forged AS MY Attorney Judge HARB Cindy Sullivan tenth circuit court Polk county Florida 5years assault 5years theft battery! FTC databases lRS federal 3cedit Buenos fraud waste abuse 5years theft on forgery lnsurments battery brush@Coyle pa

  16. FTC databases IRS Federal three credit bureaus and IRS Schedule California withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Federal databases at the day theft and fraud FTC August 14th at 9:20 a.m. reference number Federal trades committee 1217 32091 battery assault lndentity theft fraud forged lnsurments Rico RACKETTING embezzlement wire fraud tax evasion fraudulent altered official public records Cindy Sullivan Judge HARB FTC databases July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 November 23rd 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime CT office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud. withholding evidence November 13th 2017 California records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on fraud June 4th 2019 three credit bureaus IRS Federal Kansas California and Texas identity theft and fraud Rico racketeering wire fraud tax evasion and forgery and embezzlement Grand Masti they tripped over million dollars and $100,000 for and Forge AS MY Attorney!! domestic balance criminal records attached Rico racketeering identity theft wire fraud tax evasion in assault and battery brush and Coyle PA FTC databases August 14th 9:20 a.m. referral numb 1217 32091 CC conflict of lnsurments filed April 16.2015 123 fraud fraudulent Judge HARB Cindy Sullivan records mandatory disclosure 123 fraud forged lnsurments lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING embezzlement wire fraud tax evasion fraudulent altered official public records RE Ms liesal weeks harden Blvd Lakeland Florida tamping uttered official public records lndentity theft fraud forged lndentity theft

  17. Withholding evidence of November 13th 2017 IRS Federal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's they backdated records and kick back to her fault and federal and certified they stripped my records and Forged AS my attorney! brush@Coyle pa Florida Financial Services Polk County Sheriff's Office and brushing Coyle PA for mandatory disclosure certified October 23rd 2014 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida CC chief judge Bruce Smith records conflict of interest April 16th 2015 Mandatory disclosure 123 fraudulent fraud lndentity theft embezzlement Rico RACKETTING wire fraud tax evasion embezzlement forged lnsurments tamping uttered official records 5years assault stalking on forgery! Falsifying 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Avery in Sargent Art they receive full disclosures and give these documents back to me 98 North at my home are opposed to file this to the State's Attorney's office but County Florida January 12th 2016 certified to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and three investigations Beverly Cone tampering with evidence in forgery continues in the 10th race at Fort Polk County Florida they tripped over a million dollar and $100,000 property fraud and tax evasion and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's November 13th 2017 withholding evidence IRS Federal California entered FTC did basis three credit bureaus on a day that forgery Rico racketeering and wire fraud and tax evasion and then they found out somebody else been filing my taxes special Advocate unit IRS Federal face trip everything file Stacy Butterfield CPA Stacy director and Tracy BB Court director and Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida allergy noon this abuse on forgery requested this these fortunes commits they are certified five years of used in 5 years assault in FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus Kansas California and Texas IRS Federal on a day that free-throw racketeering and forgery in Tallahassee Florida Financial Services Polk County Sheriff's Office and brushing Coyle PA for Mentor disclosure of the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 29th 2009 to 2014 records Cindy Sullivan's records in judge HARB judge Pinkett assault battery tamping uttered official records certified May and March 2015 to Justin qualification committee Alexandra Wilson Tallahassee Florida in October 27th 2014 the assault continues to the antenna Circuit Court Polk County Florida five years lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING theft embezzlement fraud fraudulent altered public records Kim STEIGER clerk of court records assault battery tamping records federal databases to five years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered identity theft office Polk County for PA

  18. I can't believe that they just rode this judge former judge Mary Elizabeth Harlan 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida and walked right back into the court weeks later after being just rode for being a judge in forges as my attorney!! with my former husband!! March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2024 trickery for photos 8 counts of aggravated assault on forgery energy FTC IRS Federal Social Security and California November 13th 2017 withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida brushing Coyle PA they forged as my attorney they falsified lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda why I domestic violence and criminal records and 123 fraud filed April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they falsified appeals they falsified try records but I can't get over this former judge walks right back into the court after she was just d is ROBED ! SHE forge AS My Attorney! They backdated records and kickbacks in this Fortune was given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida former husband for his my attorney and they threw me in jail while they stripped everything file I can't get over that this former judge Mary Elizabeth Harland brushing Coyle PA and certified and registered for Meritor disclosure the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 123 Fraud April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith walked right back into the court after DES ROBED! As an attorney for brushing Coyle PA days later filed in federal FTC IRS Federal Social Security and withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal California records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida five years of use and 5 years of death Rico racketeering identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and federal databases as white collar crime

  19. In falsifying Charleston court reporter transcripts for this former judge that was just d is ROBED!! Mary Elizabeth Harlan in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida filed to Federal 123 fraud Manor tour disclosure she forged as my attorney with Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and former husband and they threw me in jail while they stripped my records and my fees they falsified appeals the second district court Polk County Florida and they falsified appeals in the 10th Clerk of Court Polk County Florida arrest and threatened if I filed my documents where they were filed in federal discontinued they stripped my record State's Attorney's O October 29th 2014 domestic violence of criminal records with abandonment October 27th 2014 October 29th 2014 October 10th 2014 and October 13th 2014 falsifying Witnesses falsifying a trial falsifying Meritor disclosure on the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and chief judge Bruce Smith 123 fraud mandatory federal databases they threw me in jail for stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida domestic violence of criminal records falsifying mediations depositions and no-show hearing and former Attorney liesalweeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida she backdated these records she was hired January 3rd 2013 paid $2,850 she falsified these records she was fired fired and removed September 23rd 2013 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida by judge Harvey and Cindy Sullivan they falsified my records and they tampered with evidence five on perjury on brush and Coyle PA for photos they threw me in jail why they stripped my record and its former judge walks right back in after being distant ROBED RACKETTING embezzlement lndentity theft forgery lnsurments battery assault 8contemps purjury trickery photos 123 fraud mandatory disclosure April 16.2015 conflict of interest judge HARB Cindy Sullivan's records in her Federal databases as a white collar crime I still can't get over this former judge walked right back out after being just D is ROBED attorney for brush and Coyle PA certified and registered Robert brush March 11th 2013 to July 23rd 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on aggravated assaults on forgery Health Department battle forged instrument and they forged as my attorney why pills are filed court records 2nd District Court Polk County Florida and 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped my fees they stripped my records to hide lawsuits liability claims in metal releases with my name on them and insurance companies with my name on them what the forge Miranda October 27th 2014 former judge overwhelming Polk County Justice d is Robed!! and walks back in in forges documents in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Mary Elizabeth Harlan for brushing Coyle PA certified and registered Manor tour disclosure 123 fraud conflict of interest Center in Federal April 16th 2015 5 years abuse in 5 years of assault battery! 5years assault 5years theft forgery lnsurments tamping uttered official public they threw me in jail why they forged instruments my name February 10th 2018 where they falsified 36-page is Polk County Sheriff's Office while they receive full disclosure they falsified six different bank accounts and falsified a trial falsified Witnesses and they forged as my attorney and strip my feet and my records October 23rd 2016 but I can't get over how they let this former judge walk right back in Mary Elizabeth Harlan after being DaiS ROBED ! walks right back in on brush@CoylePA strips my records and forges AS MY Attorney!! Certified in Federal assault and battery stocking on forgery in bodily harm mandatory disclosure 123 fraud chief judge Bruce Smith records April 16th 2015 appeals filed harassed and they strip my records do you have a check for me Polk County Federal databases Rico racketeering identity theft assault and battery Meritor disclosure 123 fraud how do you let this former judge walk right back in and forged documents attorney with former husband

  20. DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal on fraud November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida they falsified a trial and backdated Records case number 2013 Dr
    2230 Cindy Sullivan's records falsifying public records and assault and battery internal FTC for trickery for photos they stripped of million dollars and $100,000 property in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida backdating records and withholding evidence November 13th 2017 what they continue to harass me why the forge does my attorney was giving his three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and certify May and March 2016 to Justice qualification committee Tallahassee Florida in October 27th 2016 certified they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail I had a nervous breakdown they stripped everything filed and have not sent my property back to me and has been in federal November 13th 2017 withholding evidence IRS Federal Kansas California and Texas identity theft and fraud brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida I still can't get over that that they just disbarred just wrote this judge Mary Elizabeth Harlan God Rest her soul she passed away March 2017 a cancer and she walks back in for Robert brush and forgery! Tampering with evidence in falsifying records IRS Federal ftce Social Security I trickery photos! Nasty Judge Cindy Sullivan records fraudulent altered official public records 5years assault battery federal databases!! reefer photos for for Mandatory disclosure lndentity theft forgery lnsurments tamping uttered official public records strip my fees my property they stripped everything in forged is my attorney brushing Coyle PA and former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield forged instruments decal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal March 11th 2013 through February 27th 2020 July 23rd 2020 aggravated assault stocking on forgery and bodily harm Health Department battle forged instrument and they forged as my attorney and they stripped my records in my fees no-show hearing depositions backdating records and kickbacks filed in federal stripped my records and they are stamped in this court Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida requested these forged instruments and Allergy no one knows it's abuse 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft identity theft and forgery Federal databases

  21. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 Cindy sold the most records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered Federal databases as a white collar crime in aggravated assault stocking on forgery for trickery for photos they forged as my attorney they falsify the trial they falsified appeals they stripped my records in my fees are filed in lndentity theft federal databases docking on 434 Meritor disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida five years abuse in 5 years theft March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 they print my records They forged instrument and forced as my attorney and threw me in jail 123 fraud mandatory disclosure chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 conflict of interest Judge HARB records lndentity theft forgery lnsurments stalking on forgery! FTC databases lRS federal social security 3cedit Buenos fraud lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING forgery lnsurments assault battery! 123 fraud mandatory disclosure certified and registered in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida case number 2013 Dr 2230 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 aggravated stalking on forgery in bodily harm they stripped my records They stripped my fees they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail while they falsified a trial backdated records and kickbacks are filed in federal and my bank accounts on forgery they trip over $1000000 and forged as my attorney Cindy Sullivan in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered three credit bureaus identity theft and fraud FTC databases on the salt and battery and identity theft Rico racketeering and forgery and tax evasion and a day that on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband he forged as my attorney they backdated these records and they stripped my fees and my bank accounts are with Federal they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA and former husband and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield on a forged instrument Health Department Vital 10 to care fraud forged instrument withholding evidence Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this abuse for 5 years Aaron Federal databases as a white collar crime tampering with evidence and certified forged instruments to Jerry Hill State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida January 12th 2016 and 3 investigations file to Beverly cone State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in assault Rico racketeering and forgery in FTC and Florida Financial Services Tallahassee Florida records certified and Polk County Sheriff's Office and brush and Coyle PA for Meritor disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida five years of salt for 434 photos on racketeering and identity theft FTC databases California records November 13th 2017 withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida assault and battery racketeering

  22. DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19.2019 filed to CC Attorney General the capital Tallahassee Florida PL01 February 19.2017 RE Ms liesal weeks harden Blvd Lakeland Florida RE conflict of lnsurments filed chief Judge Bruce Smith 123 fraud fraudulent altered chief Judge Bruce Smith April 16.2015 mandatory disclosure!! Tampering uttering public records 5 adapt identity theft Rico racketeering forgery and aggravated assault embezzlement brushing Coyle PA mandatory disclosure fraud fraudulent altered official public records federal databases withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida California records they threw me in jail or they forged as my attorney is tripped everything filed attorney general closure 5 years abuse at 5 years of lndentity theft RACKETTING Rico fraud forged lnsurments embezzlement fraud three credit bureaus FTC databases and IRS Federal

  23. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Energy Center databases is a white collar crime Rico racketeering grand larceny tax evasion wire fraud and identity theft as IRS Federal as IRS Federal special Advocate unit found more fraud Canyon Court Records in tampering with evidence and kidnapping unit Federal databases as white-collar crime they threw me in jail why they forged as my attorney brush and Coyle PA and former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield they backdated records trial records October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan and and judge HARB October 13th 2014 55 Pages October 27th 2014 52 Pages fix attorney's office Polk County Florida on domestic violence and Battery battery in strike with guns tampering with evidence in assault in our federal databases they backdated records and kickbacks in withholding evidence November 13th 2017 and IRS Federal California requested these records and tampering with evidence continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and kidnapping February 8th 2018 they threw me in jail for a plunge for trickery that this nasty judge wrote on there while they stripped over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them paid County Sheriff's Office and falsified 6 financial affidavit with six different bank accounts brushing Coyle PA and forged is my turning Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield former husband and brush and Coyle PA forged as my attorney forged as my attorney was given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they falsified appeals in the second district court Polk County Florida and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they tripped over a hundred thousand dollars property fraud October 13th 2014 judge harb and Cindy Sullivan's records October 29th 2014 October 10th 2014 and October 13th 2014 falsifying transcripts worksheets in arguing back gate and Records IRS Federal scams hotline fraud it Court Polk County Florida on Ricoh racketeering wire fraud and identity theft and kidnapping you entered Federal databases five years of use Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this abuse where are my checks stay off my computer you are being watched records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County case number 2013 Dr to 230 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida in federal databases as a white collar crime Rico racketeering identity theft wire fraud and tampering with evidence kidnapping on forgery Federal databases

  24. Certified to board of County Commissioners Polk County Sheriff's Office and brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida from MANTORY disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 123 fraud conflict of interest with Energy April 16th 2015 October 13 2014 records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida certified Cindy Sullivan records kidnapping lndentity theft bidding and tampering with evidence identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS that are fall back over $29,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA paid County Florida they continue to harass me for trickery for photos on forged instruments in identity theft in bidding and kidnapping in IRS Federal databases they threw me in jail while they forged instruments Tendercare fraud Health Department vital forged instrument December 2nd 2014 certified January 16th 2015 October 13th 2014 judge harb and Cindy souls and record Center Federal databases as a white collar crime kidnapping lndentity theft Rico racketeering embezzlement grand larceny money laundering certified and registered brush and Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida all lawsuits and liability claims October 13th 2014 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Cindy Sullivan and judge harb's records entered as kidnapping in forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for $100,000 property fraud wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's they forged his my attorney they backdated records in forgery years that'll databases as abandonment with a child State's Attorney's records guns and and property to be released in 15 days with lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 and kidnapping February 10th 2014 on forged instruments and no checks being released Kim Steiner clerk of the court Lake County Florida records kidnapping identity theft and tampering with evidence Social Security FTC databases and three credit bureaus October 13th 2014 with additional records Cindy Sullivan's records Polk County Florida 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida allergy known of this abuse certified in affidavits in federal November 13th 2017 IRS Federal documents Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal Rico RACKETTING kickbacks backdates on fraud wire fraud tax evasion and forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on five years of use for free for photos in judge harb's records in heard Federal databases

  25. Withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal California the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan in judge Hearts records with additional records in IRS Federal databases is kidnapping Rico racketeering wire fraud tax evasion and a date after forgery they threw me in jail while they forged instruments my name for trickery for photos for 5 years and identity theft in withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner IRS records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida was a square are are my check over $1000000 $100,000 property fraud trickery for photos in forgery energy FTC and IRS Federal is kidnapping lndentity theft bidding RACKETTING embezzlement money laundering RE Ms liesal weeks harden Blvd Lakeland Florida brush@CoylePA certified and registered in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Internal doj's FBI getting racketeering assault and battery trickery for photos for 5 years and abuse they falsified trial records They backdated records in a day theft and racketeering in your federal databases and kidnapping on forgery they forged as my attorney and no Mentor disclosure Tendercare fraud December 2nd 2014 forged instrument in withholding evidence July 16th 2015 the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Stacy director and Tracy BBCOR director they stripped my records and they forged instruments over $100,000 property fraud in abandonment and restrain order's and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims and medical releases with my name on Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County and UK records and Social Security businesses and property off stripped Kim Steiner is records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida in affidavits in federal is 5 years of theft on racketeering and Vivian and kidnapping and identity theft and wire fraud and tax evasion withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal file to CC office of Attorney General the capital pier1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 and aggravated assault on forgery March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 on withholding evidence Kim Steiner flick of the Court Polk County Florida for trickery for photos five counts of aggravated assault in federal databases kidnapping bathing in racketeering Rico brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida FTC databases IRS Federal Social Security Kansas Texas and California withholding evidence IRS Federal February 19th 2019 Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal theft wire fraud tax evasion and assault and battery

  26. My case would have been reported sooner if I didn't have Computer Fraud tampering with evidence brush and Coyle PA in her Federal databases on a white collar crime Rico racketeering kidnapping forgery counterfeiting in identity theft and fraud three credit bureaus Social Security IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida without swear on my checks lawsuits liability claims in medical releases for the forge Miranda Davenport Orange County Polk County and UK records October 13th 2014 file to Cindy Sullivan in the Fort Polk County Florida in federal databases on kidnapping trickery for photos with workman's comp life insurance policies businesses Social Security Bandit with a child State's Attorney's records Peace River records on domestic violence and criminal records by they tried to dispense these records They forged instruments in my name and tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 on forged instrument Tender Care fraud Health Department bottle of 34 years they forged instruments and threw me in jail kidnapping on forgery in federal databases they withheld my evidence and falsified for trickery for photos for 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft on Rico racketeering kidnapping counterfeiting altering public records assault and battery and businesses and property Social Security life insurance policies workman's comp State's Attorney's records Polk County Florida entered Federal databases with Peace River domestic violence in criminal records attached and abandonment October 13th 2014 judge harb and Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida in a RICO racketeering wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal V back over $29,000 to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they stripped everything filed and strip my records and kidnapping on forgery on February 8th 2018 withholding evidence Federal databases withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS federal CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud 2019 withholding evidence on Rico racketeering in forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida July 23rd 2020 Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida where are my checks where are my checks FTC IRS Federal credit bureaus on Jenny theft and fraud kidnapping on forgery and counterfeiting in offering public records affidavit in Federal

  27. Thank you I'm reporting this cuz I had a nervous breakdown why would I file for a scandal in Polk County where are my Florida where are my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida 8contemps purjury brush@Coyle stalking on forgery for trickery for photos white domestic violence at Peace River records are filed in this case with abandonment October 13th 2014 where are my checks back pain records and kickbacks filed in Federal

  28. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 enter Social Security three credit bureaus IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida identity theft and forgery FTC and IRS Federal Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida algae knowing of this abuse for trickery for photos for 5 years attached is October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan in judge harb to record from the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on kidnapping care fraud Health Department Vital December 2nd 2014 with helter January 16th 2015 and certified and then they forced as my attorney brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases and former attorney Miss Liesal weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida Ted weeks office on tampering with evidence and assault and battery kidnapping on forgery and 123 fraud Meritor disclosure April 16th 2014 withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they have not released one check Kim's Diner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida where are my checks Polk County Sheriff's Office negligence and misconduct claims for the forged instrument brushcoyle PA January 29th 2009 through 2014 Davenport Orange County and UK records with a forged Miranda and they left me with $52,000 debt they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail kidnapping on forgery why falsifying 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office 98 North records in Winter Haven office records November 17th 2015 Ruby Falls in State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida abandonment restrain order's Peace River domestic fall into criminal records with guns property businesses Social Security life insurance policies workman's comp and forged as my attorney and no alimony and left me with jet why they kidnapped me and threw me in jail February 8th 2018 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on Tender Care fraud Health Department bottle appeals filed in 2nd District Court Polk County Florida and appeals file to judge Pickett in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and federal databases and May and March 2015 certified to Justice qualification committee Tallahassee Florida in October 27th 2014 October 27th 2016 Florida bar records in January 12th 2016 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida jury Hill on abandonment forgery in identity theft racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 123 fraud Mentor disclosure April 16th 2015 save not release nothing Kim Steiner where are my checks Kim's Diner where are my checks eight counts of aggravated assault on forgery for trickery for photos in falsifying my rest on forged instruments and falsifying 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office on a day that's with six different bank accounts and six different backdating records to Kickback Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with domestic violence Peace River records in heard Federal databases as abandonment restraining orders and police records racketeering identity theft in forgery and wire fraud kidnapping counterfeiting where are my checks Kim's STEIGER Clerk of Court Polk County Florida withholding evidence analogy knowing of this identity theft and racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and her social security three credit bureaus and IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 California records where are my checks where are my checks Polk County 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to July 23rd 2020 aggravated assault on forgery 123 fraud mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015

  29. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 identity theft Rico racketeering forgery wire fraud kidnapping harassment mandatory disclosure identity theft a nerd Federal databases FTC Social Security IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 at the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stole my identity they forged instruments in my name and tampered with evidence suggests accepted for three interns three credit bureaus I filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida Al allergy knowing of this abusive five years for trickery for photos in her Federal databases with original record expector script they stole my identity Rico racketeering and forgery wire fraud and tax evasion entered Federal databases as a white collar crime attached or lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office with my name on them Davenport Orange County a new K records with a forge Miranda January 29th 2009 through 2014 Ford County Commissioners Polk County Sheriff's Office and brushcoyle Pa certified October 23rd 2016 in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida with a forged Miranda Robert brush they forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 and 123 fraud conflict of interest was entered on Judge harb and Cindy Sullivan in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida this trip business is social security workman's comp life insurance policies forged instruments my name I'm properties for lease in 15 days with domestic violence a Peace River in abandonment records October 13th 2014 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida District over $100,000 property fraud in over million dollars and tax evasion and wire fraud in IRS better databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS data fought back over $29,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and he forged out of my attorney he forged as my attorney was given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I was harassed and thrown in jail thrown in jail I have a nervous breakdown they forged instrument to my name and Kim Steiner Stacy Butterfield CPA at Tracy BB Court director and Stacy director tampering with evidence October 23rd 2016 Shane Kent evidence Vault Polk County Florida they strip my records Leeann Parker Court Council Polk County Court Council April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. in Charleston court reporter Lakeland Florida falsifying transcripts given to three judges forged instruments Tender Care fraud and they forged as my attorney 5 years abuse on stalking on forgery Interstellar databases for trickery for photos they stripped of a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud and identity theft they stole my identity in forged instruments in my name tampering with evidence the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 5 years of you sit or federal databases as Rico racketeering and aggravated assault for Aitkin temps on aggravated assault on a lndentity theft they stole my identity in forged instruments my name is stripped where are my checks Kim Steiner where are my checks Kim Steiner TTHEFT brushing Coyle PA Interstellar databases as Rico racketeering tampering with evidence identity theft forgery kidnapping harassment and forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Tax records are lawsuits liability claims medical releases workman's comp Social Security abandonment restrain order's protection orders alimony debt and forgery and businesses and property and Peace River domestic violence in criminal records and forgery Rico racketeering and forgery in IRS that are databases as a white collar crime FTC IRS Federal Social Security withholding evidence November 13th 2017 Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida where are my checks!! Tampering uttering public records assault and battery stalking on forgery identity theft racketeering Rico

  30. They stole my identity in forged instruments in my name where my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida! Rico racketeering identity theft wire fraud tax evasion they stole my identity and threw me in jail withholding my evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on forgery and tampering with evidence for trickery for photos they falsified records withheld evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal where are my checks Kim Steiner where are my checks Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield

  31. They sold my identity in forged instruments in my name in tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim's Steiner where are my checks kidnapping forgery identity theft wire fraud tax evasion and in tampering with evidence Center Federal day do databases with six different affidavit withholding evidence November 13th 2017 that IRS Federal lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company with a forge Miranda white domestic violence in Peace River and abandonment records Center Federal databases October 13th 2014 judge HARB Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 counts of aggravated assault on forgery in federal databases for trickery for photos they kidnap me February 8th 2018 what they stole my identity in Forge does my attorney forged as my attorney former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and brush and Coyle PA July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. judge harb and Cindy sold and's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered wire fraud kidnapping stealing my identity forgery and tampering with Avenue's business is social security life life insurance policies workman's comp retirement and property of 50000 thousands of released August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 boat truck car jewelries cash and alimony Peace River domestic violence in criminal records October 13th 2014 judge HARB Cindy Sullivan's records for 123 fraud in MANTORY discloser April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith conflict of interest in our Tender Care fraud Health Department battle forged instrument December 2nd 2014 withheld to January 16th 2015 what is a forged instrument appeals 5 to the 2nd District Court Polk County Florida with no Mandatory disclosure brush and Coyle PA internal Federal databases as a white collar crime federal databases FTC database they stole my identity kidnapping for 3 wire fraud tax evasion identity theft on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back of a $29,000 a former husband's they threw me in jail February 8th 2018 why was holding my evidence and stealing my identity brushcoyle PA and former attorney Miss Liesal weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida entered Federal databases as Rico racketeering tampering with evidence and assault and battery they stole my identity and kidnap me and forged instruments my name over me $1000000 and $100,000 property fraud where's my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through February 27th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Federal databases as a white collar crime Rico racketeering in forgery withholding evidence November 13th 2017 that IRS Federal credit bureaus on identity theft kidnapping forgery and wire fraud and tax evasion they stole my identity in forged instruments my name from property fraud ever 100000 and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd with a forge Miranda Board of County Commissioners Polk County Sheriff's Office and brushing Coyle PA certified and registered for Meritor disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida case number 2013 Dr 2230 kidnapping stole my identity in forged instruments in federal databases FTC IRS Federal Kansas California withholding of its November 13th 2017 in Texas and three credit bureaus and Social Security Kim Steiner where's my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida where's my checks FTC IRS Federal three credit bureaus Kansas California and Texas and affidavits where's my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida federal databases they stole my identity

  32. Affdavits lRS federal forgery lnsurments property fraud they stole my identity and kidnap me while I forged instruments in my name falsifying to music Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office and falsifying six financial affidavit different bank account Kim STEIGER withholding evidence on forgery

  33. 5 years abuse in 5 years of death Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida stole my identity and kidnapping you turn Federal databases tampering with evidence in assault and battery she was asked where are my checks over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company Polk County Sheriff's Office with a forge Miranda Davenport Orange County and Polk County with my name on it in my insurance company January 29th 2009 to 2014 October 13th 2014 with domestic violence in criminal records Peace River records and property over a hundred thousand of release and 15 days Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida has 5 days to release my property and I'm filing a lawsuit on stealing my identity kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence and eight counts of trickery for photos they kidnap me February 8th 2018 while they stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida where this son of a b**** forged as my attorney kidnapping and stealing my identity you need to release my property withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal give me a good criminal lawyer tampering with evidence they stripped my records and forged instruments in my name stealing my identity and kidnapping me where am I checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida case number 2013 Dior 2230 / $100,000 property fraud wire fraud and tax evasion and identity theft in federal databases FTC Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies and businesses while they stripped it my boat cars trucks and guns and cash and Ford as my attorney kidnapping me and stealing my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered Federal databases FTC Social Security by RS Federal withholding of its November 13th 2017 through the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kansas Texas and California documents withholding evidence November 13th 2017 Kim Steiner you have 5 days and I am filing a lawsuit on you if you don't release my property stealing my identity and kidnapping me for trickery for photos for 5 years over million dollar stripped FTC and IRS federal and social security identity theft and fraud and three credit bureaus you have 5 days to release my property and I will file a lawsuit on you on kidnapping and stealing my identity with my property Rico racketeering identity theft kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence case number 2013 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida trickery for photos for five years of use Kim Steiner you have 5 days and I'm filing a lawsuit for stealing my identity and kidnapping with my property attached over $100,000 and over $1000000 lawsuits and liability claims Polk County Sheriff's Office with my insurance company with a forge Miranda certified and registered 123 fraud Meritor disclosure chief judge Bruce Smith records April 16th 2015 here's the questions I would have baked kidnap me and stoled my identity withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal scams hotline fraud Hue have 5 days to release my Kim STEIGER you have 5days to release my checks 5 years abuse in 5 years of stalking for trickery for photos identity theft Rico racketeering grand larceny money laundering kidnapping in stealing my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner you have 5 days released my checks kidnapping and still in my identity I will sue you in federal court

  34. Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida where are my checks where is my property of a million dollars lawsuits liability claims and medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office with a forge Miranda! Kidnapping identity theft forgery Rico racketeering Social Security fraud definition for awed insurance fraud and property fraud and kidnapping me February 8th 2018 to hide my evidence for trickery for 8 counts of perjury for photos they threw me in jail while they forged instruments in my name and Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida right after businesses property over $100,000 and in forgery in our federal databases why special Advocate unit IRS Federal found more fraud they stripped my records and forged instruments and kidnap me February 8th 2018 what they falsified 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office they backdated records. Arrest Federal and withheld evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner you have four days to release my property Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida intern FTC IRS Federal Social Security California records November 13th 2017 withholding evidence in Rico racketeering kidnapping wire fraud embezzlement identity theft and harassment for trickery for on forged instruments 123 fraud mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015 10 to care fraud and they forged as my attorney brushcoyle PA in a RICO racketeering kidnapping embezzlement and Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida you have Ford to release my property 5 years of use for trickery for for photos tampering uttering public records in assault and battery FTC IRS Federal Social Security California Texas and California records IRS Federal Rico racketeering forgery kidnapping wire fraud identity theft you have four days to release my property I did not file for divorce for a scandal in this court and I did not pay $48,000 for $500 divorce while you forged instruments in my name and tampering with evidence released my property 4 days

  35. Maliciously fraud stealing my identity in forging instruments my name and kidnap me on Tender Care fraud for 5 years abuse for trickery for photos judge harb and Cindy Sullivan tampering with evidence kidnapping on forgery for trickery for photos what they backdated records and withheld evidence IRS fit on November 13th 2017 and appeals five four times to judge Pickett in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and 123 fraud mandatory disclosure chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 for mandatory disclosure on falsifying public records Tender Care fraud falsifying appeals falsifying trial records all transcripts worksheets and Nadia were requested January 23rd 2015 three years of abuse on for mandatory disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and for maliciously kidnapping in stealing my identity judge HARB Cindy Sullivan's tampering with evidence in assault and battery Rico racketeering kidnapping for trickery and stealing my identity on Tender Care fraud and forged instrument to my name and tampering with evidence and certified in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why three judges were given these forged instruments they even forged as my attorney and former judge Mary Elizabeth Harlan out of all people walked right back into the court to forge for Robert brush certified and registered for Meritor disclosure intern Federal databases as a white collar crime kidnapping and stealing my identity and Allergy knowing of this abuse Kim's STEIGER Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this maliciously assault for trickery for photos attached or October 13th 2014 on abandonment River domestic violence in criminal records with guns and proper age released August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 fall on October 13th 2014 55 Pages they stripped my records Cindy Sullivan open and judge HARB Cindy Sullivan 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft kidnapping me and stealing my identity for trickery for photos they threw me in jail while they forged instruments of my name maliciously on forgery in tampering with evidence in federal databases 5 years abuse in 5 years of depth on Rico racketeering forgery and tampering with evidence of back gate and Records IRS Federal California records withholding evidence Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida records in federal databases as a white collar crime records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida were certified May and March 2015 Justice qualification committee and maliciously harassing me for forgery judge Pickett's records and judge pickets records entered Federal databases as a white collar crime

  36. FTC databases IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida records on 8 counts of trickery for photos on perjury and contempt March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2018 in federal databases as racketeering Rico kidnapping in still in my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Cobb County Florida they forged instruments my name and tampering with evidence and they stripped my affidavits are in federal with original records filed in this court they stripped over $100,000 property fraud and $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office with with medical releases over 400,000 Davenport Orange County detectives alarm companies in Polk County Sheriff's Office records Center Federal database with a forge Miranda mandatory disclosure intern Federal databases 123 fraud tenn care no mandatory disclosure they kept using my credit card while they stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they falsified mediations depositions no-show hearing and abandonment Peace River domestic Bal criminal records and the Bandit with a child and State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 50,000 to be released in property car truck boat cash and jewelry while they forged instruments my name is another 50,000 with two businesses running for 4 years with six different bank account and Social Security over 67,000 that is supposed to be released 26,000 to Janet wheeler April 2012 records Charlie Crist Tallahassee Florida and Peace River domestic violence crime list records Tallahassee Florida August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 abandonment with a child October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan and judge HARB records in heard better databases FTC database IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped my records and sticks falsifying financial affidavit with businesses property over $100,000 lawsuits liability claims and Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies and forged should my turning falsifying public records for mandatory explosion 123 Fraud April 16th 2015 Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield entered tampering with evidence in assault and battery kidnapping and still in my identity Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida allergy known of this abuse for five years in a federal databases FTC Social Security and his California and Texas resulting events December 13th 2017 IRS Federal California records in CT office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal California records tamping uttered official public records RE Ms liesal weeks Lakeland Florida fraudulent altered renew for the judge in Florida bar records of May @ March 2015 Justin qualification committee Alexandra on fraud in Boulevard Lakeland Florida and brushing Coyle PA with domestic violence in and forged instruments in federal databases in October 27th 2014 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida care fraud Health Department bottle April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith

  37. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 intern Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 petitioner Janet wheeler and Witness 8 counts of perjury for trickery for photos they kidnap me February 8th 2018 and threw me in jail on tender care for our Health Department Vital I file for divorce not a scandal Stacy Butterfield CPA Stacy director and Tracy baby Court director and Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida intern Federal databases as a white collar crime and aggravated assault stocking on forgery they stripped my records April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. and threw me in jail on a forged instrument Tender Care fraud and trickery for photos to strip over a hundred thousand dollars property fraud in over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd with Davenport detectives alarm company Orange County and Polk County April 2012 records and sealed records and mediation stay falsifying these records October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida judge harb intern Federal databases as aggravated assault they stole my identity and kidnap me on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband and he forged as my attorney with brushing Coyle PA and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield it continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida where they stripped my records and use my bank cards numbers * 10 * no Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida and three days my records are going viral you kidnap me February 8th you forged instruments in my name and you strip my record to use my bank card numbers time Center Federal databases you owe me over $1000000 with all lawsuits liability claims a medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 through 2014 Cindy Sullivan in judge Favre's records in federal as a white collar crime and kidnapping me and still in my identity and property over a hundred thousand with Peace River domestic violence in the band of it with a child in her Federal databases October 13th 2014 55 pages skate park in Sydney Sullivan they backdated records and kickbacks are filed in federal and withholding evidence November 13th 2 2017 California records IRS Federal withholding evidence in falsifying public records in tampering with evidence former attorney Miss Liesal v weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida impression call Pa in her Federal databases and former judge Mary Elizabeth Harlan on tampering with evidence in assault and battery and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield CPA Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida withholding my evidence Kim Steiner for the court Leanne Parker Court councillor Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 and falsifying transcripts Charleston court reporter but County Florida they forged as my attorney and kidnap me February 8th 2018 I was devastated I had a nervous breakdown you have 3 days Kim Steiner to release over $100,000 and over $1000000 of all lawsuits liability claims in medical releases businesses Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies domestic violence crime list record Don's jewelry boat cash and property you have 3 days and my records are going viral you kidnap me February 8th on Tender Care Health Department forged instruments and then you forged instruments to my name as my attorney brushing Coyle PA and Natalie Court Stacy Butterfield and former husband in 3 days your records are going viral Rico racketeering identity theft stealing my identity kidnapping forgery wire fraud tax evasion and assault and battery you stole my identity you have 3 days and I'm putting these vital !

  38. Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida records tampering with evidence kidnapping stealing my identity on forgery allergy known as its abuse from March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 on kidnapping still in my identity in forgery withholding of its November 13th 2017 IRS Federal California records energy FTC IRS Federal Social Security three credit bureaus on a day theft and fraud and forgery they stole my identity and kidnap me over million dollars Indentity theft Rico RACKETTING kidnapped stalking on forgery bodily harm trickery photos stalking on forgery $100,000 property fraud in 3 days these records are going viral Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida

  39. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida intern Federal databases on kidnapping in stealing my identity Tender Care fraud Health Department Vital of 34 years of marriage then they forged as my attorney and no Mary tour disclosure in falsifying trial records in backdating records They falsified records and they kidnap me February 8th 2018 for plunge for trickery for photos wrote by those nasty judge 123 fraud mandatory disclosure intern April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith records falsifying appeals falsifying records bank card fraud and forgery in federal databases FTC Kim Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida was told where are my checks over $100,000 property fraud and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claim as medical releases Social Security offices property alimony get $52,000 kidnapping me they owe me $1,300 and 4 5 years abuse on racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stole my identity and kidnap me February 8th 2018y have domestic violence in criminal records attached to this would State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records and guns in falsifying mediations depositions no-show hearing and backdating records from withholding evidence November 13th 2017 the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida IRS Federal and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida she backdating these records and kickbacks to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with insurance company with a forge Miranda brushing Coyle PA in her better databases as a RICO racketeering kidnapping stealing my identity they forged as my attorney even given to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim Steiner algae knowing of this abuse in her better databases FTC July 23rd 2024 trickery for photos for 8 to 10 from perjury on them they stripped my records and kidnap me and stole my identity you have 3 days and my records are going viral identity theft Rico racketeering kidnapping stealing my identity wire fraud tax evasion property fraud lawsuits liability claims medical releases Social Security businesses abandonment restraining orders and criminal records are attached to this where are my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through July 23rd 2020 on stealing my identity and kidnapping Hunter's better databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud holding nevets November 13th 2017 IRS Federal California records Kansas California Texas Social Security and three credit bureaus on identity theft and fraud they stole my identity and kidnap me where are my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida FTC databases IRS Federal credit bureaus Kansas California Texas and Social Security identity theft and fraud kidnapping and stealing my identity where are my checks can Steiner Clerk of Court Polk County Florida where is my property records are going viral in 3 days no Min tour disclosure 123 fraud chief judge Bruce records April 16th 2015 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk county Florida certified redergiste mandatory disclosure 123 fraud fraudulent altered official public records kidnapping on forgery tampering with evidence assault and battery in a federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 and three credit bureaus does identity theft they stole my identity and kidnap me on forgery where are my checks Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida where is my property

  40. Case no 2013dr 2230 ln the tenth circuit judicial court Polk county Florida PETIONER entered federal databases Rico kidnapped stalking on forgery lndentity theft Rico RACKETTING forgery lnsurments trickery photos 8contemps purjury stalking on forgery lnsurments battery assault federal databases brush@Coyle pa entered federal databases they stole my identity and kidnap me February 8th 2018 why was holding evidence they stripped my records and falsifying public records to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office and detectives alarm lawsuits with a forge Miranda brush and Coyle PA Why domestic violence Peace River and abandonment with a child in her Federal databases October 13th 2014 records Cindy Sullivan and judge HARB Judge Pinkett denying my mandatory disclosure 123 fraud entered chief judge Bruce Smith records interred Federal conflict of interest in filed April 16th 2015 ln 10th Circuit Court Polk County in the Stacy Butterfield CPA Tracy BB Stacy director records October 23rd 2016 chain kit evidence Vault Polk County Florida they stripped over a thousand Pages they forged instruments in my name they backdated records and tax evasion and wire fraud entered that are databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida a former husband's he forged as my attorney and his attorney forged as my attorney and stalked me on forgery and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield for trickery for photos in her better database they kidnapped me February 8th 2018 for a plunge for trickery for photos attached is Peace River domestic violence crime list records October 13th 2014 abandonment restrain order lawsuits liability claims and Social Security in my name with a forge Miranda they falsified these records brushing Coyle PA Timothy Coyle Robert brush E PUJOL alexandros records bidding RACKETTING Rico lndentity theft forgery lnsurments lawsuits liability claims in medical releases October 23rd 2014 certified for Mentor disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with my name on it with a forged instrument January 29th 2009 through 2014 filed March 11th 2013 in the 10th Circuit tenth Polk County Florida through July 23rd 2020 FTC databases stalking on forgery! They stole my identity and harass me for 8 counts of aggravated assault for trickery for photos 281 photos with transcripts worksheets why would I have to give photos with a domestic violence criminal records where is my checks and where is my property Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida Federal databases as white-collar crime and aggravated assault for trickery for photos they stripped my records in forged instruments my name and tampered with Avenue's FTC IRS Federal and CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on Fraud's February 19th 2019 Tallahassee Florida did not think they stole my identity and kidnap me on forgery for 5 years ASSULT battery stalking on forgery!! Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida records in federal databases they are going in that are databases as a white-collar

  41. Kim STEIGER clerk of court Stacy Butterfield Polk County Florida and Erin Koster brush and Coyle PA was told you need to send me a legal document to go to court September 23rd 2020s kidnapping in stealing my identity where are my checks entered Federal databases withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal where's my property and where's my checks trickery for photos on forgery they kidnap me and stole my identity Federal databases case number 2013 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida petitioner Janet and witness lRSFederal databases FTC databases stalking on forgery kidnapped stole my identity Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield where's my checks and where's my property trickery for photos they kidnap me and stole my identity Federal databases

  42. Case no 2013dr 2230 petitioner Janet entered Federal database with the original records that were filed in court they stripped my records They maliciously harass me on forgery on Health Department Vital forged instrument December 2nd 2014 they backdated records than they forged does my attorney on a forged document July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. Cindy Sullivan's records October 13th 2014 it entered Federal databases IRS Federal Social Security and three credit bureaus of the day theft and fraud identity fraud and withholding evidence November 13th 2017 while they continue to stalk me on forgery for 8 counts by trickery for photos they stole my identity and kidnap me February 8th 2018 they stripped everything filed and withheld evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal documents in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 and former husband eight counts of aggravated assault in our federal databases on trickery for photos 281 photos with transcript Center Federal databases why would I even have to give any photos this is a forged instrument five years abuse it or federal databases on brush and Coyle PA on a white-collar crime Rico racketeering wire fraud tax evasion identity theft and stalking on forged instruments the 123 fraud mandatory disclosure April 2015 conflict of lnsurments tainted maliciously forged instruments and falsifying trial backdating records and kick back chief judge Bruce Smith records 123 fraud fraudulent mandatory disclosure records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kim STEIGER Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida internet FTC databases IRS Federal three credit bureaus and maliciously falsifying records on identity theft kidnapping and stealing my identity of the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Interstellar databases CCoffice of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania February 19.2019 8contemps purjury trickery photos!! They kidnapped me and stole my identity inner Federal database Kim STEIGER Stacy Butterfield mandatory disclosure 123 fraud tamping uttered official public records Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida records

  43. Nothing like being assaulted for 8contemps stalking trickery photos Kim STEIGER clerk of court Polk county Florida records enterd federal databases withholding evidence 8contemps kidnappedfor trickery for photos while they forged instruments your name. Case no 2013dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Internal FTC and IRS Federal petitioner Janet versus Fred R wheeler Jr they forged as my attorney they falsified public records State's tripped over a hundred thousand dollars property fraud and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical beliefs as with my name on it with a forge Miranda businesses they stripped workman's comp Social Security life insurance policies left me with data $52,000 for says my attorney falsified my divorce of 34 years and forged instruments to my name is stalked me for trickery for photos for 5 years brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases as a white collar crime tampering with evidence and assault like and Kim STEIGER records enterd Stacy Butterfield clerk of the capital internal affairs on tampering with evidence assault and battery for 5 years for trickery for photos brushing Coyle PA are scum in her better databases FTC IRS Federal Social Security three credit bureaus and workman's comp on falsifying records and tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged my name on and documents and and they finalize my divorce why they forged again as my attorney and 123 fraud in her Federal databases for mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith records They tampering with evidence in falsifying public records in her a free why have Peace River domestic balance agreement or records with abandonment October 13th 2014 55 pages and October 13th 2014 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida with criminal records with sealed records and violations and police reports brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida Andrew Federal databases FTC IRS Federal Social Security workman's comp and three credit bureaus on a day that aggravated assault identity theft in forgery why they continue to harass me I'm letting the public know this because I'm standing up for myself as a domestic violence victims that has been stalked in this court for 5 years why they stripped over $1000000 and they falsified these records Internal Affairs was with State these records and told you better quit stalking me they kidnap me February 8th 2018 and threw me in jail for Surge and I had to pay this son of a b**** $700 why they forged as my attorney and falsifying public records in April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida was introduced forged instruments Health Department Vital forged instrument December 2nd 2014 thin withheld to January 16th 2015 and forged as my attorney former husband brushing Coyle PA and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and internal affairs with the original records that were stripped from the court overwhelmed Polk County stop 8 counts of assault on on trickery for photos Federal databases FTC Social Security IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal documents in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida aggravated identity theft and fraud kidnapping in forgery Federal Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida was told numbers time these are forged in Polk County

  44. Aggravated identity theft Saturday's basis and kidnapping me February 8 2018 Kim's STEIGER Stacy Butterfield aggressive lndentity theft kidnapped stalking on forgery trickery 8 counts of trickery and former husband for stalking me for photos for 5 years brushing Coyle PA is records Center Federal databases as a white collar crime Rico racketeering identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS state or fall back over $29,000 former husband's Fred are wheeler Jr 401 Forbes Road he forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 on a forged instrument Health Department Vital and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield then brushing for PA they forged instrument on Polk County Sheriff's Office fraud lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it in my insurance company over $400,000 medical releases and Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 UK records Orange County detectives records April 2012 alarm company records in Davenport and Orange County records with a forge Miranda and my name brushing Coyle PA forged as my attorney they kidnapped me February 8th 2018 and throw me in jail I was devastated I had a nervous breakdown that wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal file back over $29,000 a former husbands and stated Janet wheeler pays her taxes they forged instrument to my name and tampering with evidence and harass me threw me in jail kidnap me and and aggravated identity theft attorney Federal databases as white-collar crime in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida withholding evidence July 23rd 2020 Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 stalking me for trickery for photos at 11 a.m. judges record tenth circuit judicial aggravated identity theft stalking on forgery Timothy Coyle Robert brush and pujol Alexandra in our federal databases social security credit bureaus on a day that's goe fraud and stalking on forgery and falsifying public records for 5 years of salt and battery for trickery for phone and kidnapping me and still in my identity Kim STEIGER Stacy Butterfield 5years aggressive lndentity theft kidnapped me STOLED my lndentity brushing call Pa interdental databases and the white collar crime Clerk of Court Polk County 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida case number 2013 Dr records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida fixing go viral

  45. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida are file to Federal tampering with evidence aggravated identity theft a federal databases for March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stoled my identity they kidnap me they forged instruments my name and and 7 years of aggravated assault for trickery brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida entered FTC databases as a aggravated identity theft stole my identity kidnap me put me in jail while they forged instruments in my name forged Miranda Polk County Sheriff's Office forged as my attorney and falsifying public records no merit or disclosure 123 fraud fraudulent altered official public records Kim STEIGER records FASIFIED Official public records allergy know trickery photos 8contemps purjury former husband stalking me on forgery for trickery for photos where they stripped over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims medical releases workman's comp businesses property and tampering with evidence they threw me in jail where they forged instruments in my name and falsified as my attorney brushing Coyle PA are not my attorney they were hard for lawsuits liability claims in medical releases January 29th 2009 through 2014 Polk County Sheriff's Office with a forge Miranda in my name to try to remove me from these in Federal five years of salt five years of you Center Federal databases they falsified 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office to be filed and State's Attorney's office on add a theft and fraud they receive full disclosure at these were filed and also they dropped the copies off at my house 98 North records five years of Aggressive ASSULT Stalking!! in 5 years of aggressive ASSULT!! Federal databases certified forged lnsurments!

  46. Falsifying a trial new mandatory disclosure October 13th 2014 records Cindy Sullivan in judge HARB in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Internal Federal domestic violence and criminal records are attached to these records October 13th 2014 the Florida expector General stripping my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying records in my name Janet tenth circuit court Polk county Florida where's my property where's my checks brush and Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida database has aggravated identity theft they stalked me for trickery for photos for 5 years no mandatory disclosure in our federal databases these are my records and they are certified March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 11 a.m. for trickery for photos on forged instruments aggravated identity theft in Federal stalking me on forgery

  47. FTC databases July 6th 2017 February 14th 2018 June 4th 2019 white collar crime in July 23rd 2020 they stole my identity and kidnap me where's my check Kim Steiner Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida records March 11th 2013 to September 24th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Kansas California Texas and North Carolina certified and registered they stole my identity and kidnap me and stripped my records wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's case number 2013 Dr 2330 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records Cindy Sullivan Center Federal databases as a white collar crime and aggravated assault they stoled my identity and kidnap me on forgery for trickery for phone they threw me in jail and I had to pay this scumbag $700 brushing Coyle PA records are viral forged instrument as my attorney former husband and brushing Coyle PA and Natalie on 4th District Health Department bottle and then forged instrument in my name to try to remove me for lawsuits of liability claims Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport and Orange County where they cashed in numbers claims with a forged instrument in my name Robert brush properties re-release State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records brushing Coyle PA October 13th 2014 records are going viral stalking me for trickery for photos in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and stole my identity kidnap me March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 years assault stalking

  48. They are so corrupt they gave me a felony 1 video for my hearing today at 11 a.m. and it was the wrong Court did not know how to do it they did not help much but they gave me the wrong directions to the wrong judge so my evidence is suppressed and in Federal

  49. Destruction of evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 Federal databases original records

  50. Corrupt Polk County records brush and Coyle PA stalking on forgery aggravated identity theft tamper data room public records in tainted records in our federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 FTC on arrest Federal Social Security and three credit bureaus withholding events November 13th 2017 on falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA a nerd Federal databases on aggravated identity theft forgery and tampering with that it's attached for Peace River domestic violence crime list records with abandonment falsifying Underoath forged instruments brush and Coyle PA stalking on forgery aggravated identity theft Federal databases allergy but knowing of this abuse for trickery for photos for 5 years stalking on forgery corrupt Polk County Courthouse records in Federal brush and Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida aggravated identity theft fraud corrupt Polk County Courthouse records

  51. Tampering other than public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records in a better databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 on Rico racketeering investment and wire fraud and tax evasion and and falsifying my arrest they forged instruments for trickery for photos 8contemps purjury brush@Coyle tampering with evidence in identity theft and stealing my identity while they forged is my attorney in forged instrument and Health Department Vital of 34 years marriage of petitioner Janet wheeler PO Box 6711 Lakeland Florida and federal databases as a assault battery and battery stoled my identity and $100,000 property truck boat cars jewelry businesses in property they stole my identity in forged is my attorney former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court State Butterfield and brush and Coyle PA in IRS Rico racketeering stalking trickery photos 8contemps purjury Stacy Butterfield CPA tampering with evidence in falsifying public records and wire fraud and tax evasion ended Federal databases they falsify these records They stripped my records They forged is my attorney brushing Coyle PA former husband Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and 123 fraud Mandatory disclosure trickery photos stolen my lndentity aggressive lndentity theft federal databases BRUSH@COYLEPA Lakeland Florida entered April 16th 2015 Jeep judge Bruce Smith conflict fraud and over $1000000 BRUSH@COYLEPA for trickery for photos! in federal they falsified his trial backdated records They falsified appeals 2nd District Court Polk County Florida and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged instruments my name and tampered with evidence brushing Coyle PA Federal databases as a RICO racketeering embezzlement stealing my identity falsifying my rest for trickery for photos for 5 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and stalking me why domestic violence and criminal records are attached to these records They falsified and backdated record IRS Federal hotline's my attorney and they forged Miranda trying to remove me from lawsuits liability claims of medical release this over $1000000 Polk County Sheriff's Office filed October 13th 2014 Cindy Sullivan's records went viral they falsify these records and harass me and threatened me and then September 24th 2020 they falsified my identity on falsifying trickery for photos with a viral video that they forged I would like to see these documents as you will be under oath tampering with evidence and assault and battery that are federal databases withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I've had to stand up for my rights while they stole my identity and kidnap me and put me in jail for trickery for photos while they stripped over me and yours and falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records are filed in FTC three credit bureaus is identity theft and fraud and tampering with evidence in and falsifying my identity Federal databases embezzlement Rico racketeering in forgery brush and Coyle PA Lakeland Florida

  52. In the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records are filed in another court on forgery in tampering with evidence stealing my identity and kidnapping me on forgery brushing Coyle PA federal court false claim Act

  53. Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 stealing my identity in forging instruments in my name petitioner Janet wheeler and Witness stalking on forgery FTC IRS Federal Kansas California and Texas identity theft brushing Coyle PA

  54. Aggravated identity theft kidnapping in stalking for trickery for photos in her Federal databases is a white collar crime June 4th 2019 on brushing Coyle PA Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records tamper with evidence and aggravated identity theft they threw me in jail while they forged instrument to my name and tampered with evidence they even forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA and former husband and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield on the forged instrument my divorce was forged petitioner Janet wheeler Interstellar databases as aggravated identity theft and stalking for trickery for photos for five years on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records tampering with evidence spoliation of evidence in STOLED my lndentity kidnapped s mandatory disclosure April 16.2015 123 fraud fraudulent altered official public records re former attorney Ms liesal weeks official of Attorney General Pennsylvania IRS Federal hotline on fraud 2019 aggravated assault on forgery in federal databases and kidnapping me brushing Coyle PA or not my attorney's they forged instruments in tampering with evidence why they forged hammer and on Polk County Sheriff's Office lawsuits and liability claims with my name on it January 29th 2009 through 2014 a medical release is over 400,000 workman's comp over 300,000 Social Security over 67,000 businesses property over a hundred thousand and tampering with evidence in assault and battery on aggravated identity theft on Janet wheeler PO Box 6711 Lakeland Florida ever Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on a count of stalking for trickery on a forged instrument brushing Coyle PA internet FTC IRS Federal credit bureaus in withholding of its November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and wire fraud and tax Invasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal V back over $29,000 for my husband he forged as my attorney they are salted me and stole my identity in forgery in our federal databases as white-collar crime June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 8 count of trickery for perjury for photos for they stripped over $1000000 brushing Coyle PA entered Rico racketeering wire fraud tax evasion aggravated identity theft and kidnapping Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records 5 years abuse falsifying public records aggravated identity theft stalking our federal databases

  55. AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STOLED my lndentity brush@Coyle pa ennard Federal databases stalking on forgery trickery for photos for five years on assault and battery FTC databases Social Security 3 credit bureaus on a j7 fraud and embezzlement racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida ACIPA AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STOLED MY IDENTITY tampering with evidence they stoled it remain dollars and over hundred thousand dollars property fraud and tax evasion and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 of former husbands Fred R wheeler Jr taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Robert brush Timothy Coyle and Pujols c Alexander's records BRUSH@COYLEPA with viral embezzlement Rico RACKETTING assault battery AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STALKING 8contemps trickery photos!! They threw me in jail while they forged is my attorney they falsified records to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases in my name Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady judge Android 29th 2009 through 2014 with a forge Miranda then they forged as my attorney aggravated identity theft stealing my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida assault on forgery in federal databases they forged my divorce of 34 years Janet wheeler petitioner Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida With viral on tampering with evidence over $100,000 property and over $1000000 brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida entered FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and Social Security a stealing my identity forging documents in my name and embezzlement Stacy Butterfield CPA prep County Florida producer Janet wheeler and Witness Rico aggravated identity theft and stalking on forgery Federal databases they stole my identity and kidnap me brush and Coyle PA Lakeland Florida Federal databases ACIPA federal Stacy Butterfield CPA case no 2013dr 2330 Cindy Sullivan's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida aggravated identity theft stalking tampering adoring public records Federal databases 5 years abuse trickery for photos aggravated identity theft stole my identity

  56. Tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida enter Federal databases March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida petitioner Janet wheeler aggravated identity theft stalking on forgery for trickery for photos brushing Coyle PA forged instruments in my name in tampering with evidence Center Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 trickery for a photo for 8 contempt on perjury I gave them photos but this is a domestic violence crime list records They falsified my divorce then they forged as my attorney and then they forged document from lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my insurance company with a forge Miranda they forged my name on documents stole my identity and harassment kidnap me and stalk me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records went viral the other day they embezzled over $100,000 and over $1000000 in tampering with Avenue lndentity theft AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STALKING TRICKERY PHOTOS 8contemps purjury Dave and forged is my turning on a forged document my divorce while they falsify these records brush and Coyle PA and heard Rico racketeering aggravated identity theft kidnapping stalking in forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Marsh 11 2013 through September 24th 2020 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal Pennsylvania Bureau consumer protection February 19th 2019 and former attorney Miss Liesal weeks hard to Boulevard Lakeland Florida Federal databases as a white collar crime on aggravated identity theft and stalking and kidnapping on brushing call PA Rico RACKETTING Assault battery embezzlement stalking BRUSH@COYLEPA federal databases STOLED MY INDENTITY STACY BUTTERFIELD BRUSH@COYLEPA entered federal databases

  57. I file for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged instruments my name stole my dead kidnap me stalked me for trickery for photos for five years they tripped over a million dollars in $100,000 property fraud and forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA Interstellar databases is aggravated aggravated identity theft perjury in contempt on eight counts of stalking me for turkey for photos they forged these instruments they forces my attorney they backdated records and kickbacks and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida where is my checks where is my property Interstellar databases tampering with evidence in assault and battery aggravated identity theft in fraud on brushing Coyle PA they stole my identity forged instruments my name forged is my attorney and forged your Miranda lost its liability claims in medical releases with my insurance company and Forge my name on these documents to hide them October 13th 2014 through the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped over a hundred thousand dollars stock me kidnap me forged instrument to my name tampering with evidence million and Al lawsuits liability claims of medical releases with the forge Miranda BRUSH@COYLE aggravated identity theft stalking for five years kidnapping in forgery in our federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 23rd 2014 file to Social Security FTC databases three credit bureaus in California withholding of its November 13th 2017 false claim at fault on these Plains on forgery and perjury for stalking me and kidnapping me brushcoyle PA stole my identity and forged instruments in my name in Federal stalking me for trickery for photos for 5 years Stacy Butterfield CPA Cook County Florida Federal databases in stole my daddy embezzlement forgery in tampering with evidence Rico racketeering aggravated identity theft Federal databases and aggravated identity theft

  58. Perjury Aitken tents on stalking and kidnapping for trickery for photos brushcoyle PA it has better databases as aggravated identity theft in fraud Rico in documents and perjury in federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on stalking kidnapping forgery and falsifying public records FTC databases Social Security IRS Federal California Cask Kansas Texas and North Carolina tampering with evidence in assault and battery brushing Coyle PA Lakeland Florida five years abuse in 5 years of theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida petitioner Janet wheeler and Witness they stole my identity in forged my divorce and they forged Miranda for lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd October 13th 2014 certified and registered October 23rd 2014 brush and Coyle PA for mandatory disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida April 16th 2015 123 fraud Manor tour disclosure chief judge Bruce Smith records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered aggravated identity theft Rico and doesn't and where are my checks March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 on stalking kidnapping and forging documents in my name petitioner Janet wheeler and Witness 5 years assault for trickery for photos brushcoyle PA in aggravated identity theft fraud embezzlement racketeering in stalking on forgery they stole my identity

  59. They are the most corrupt thieves in our FTC IRS federal and social security breach and Coyle PA stalked me for 5 years while they forged instruments in my name and tampered with us there a bunch of Thieves stalked me for 5 years for trickery for photos and files Aitkin temps on perjury where they stalled over $1000000 they forged is my attorney they falsified lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office they forged as my attorney they stole my property visit sis car trucks jewelry domestic violence crime list or records there a bunch of Thieves aggravated identity theft internal Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on tampering with evidence of the five years of Sol's kidnapping me and forged instruments in tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I file for divorce they forged instruments in my name stole my identity threw me in jail falsifying public records in harassment continues for 5 years of stalking me for trickery for photos brushing Coyle PA strolled over $1000000 in forged as my attorney and over $100,000 property fraud tampering with evidence in assault and battery on aggravated identity theft in federal databases after 5 years being assaulted by this Law Firm on tampering with evidence a forged as my attorney they forged Miranda on lawsuits and liability claims and tampered with evidence a pretty much stole my identity kidnap me threw me in jail where they tampered with evidence and falsifying public records March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 FTC IRS federal and social security at the Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records on tampering with evidence in assault and battery used my credit card numbers time for Meritor disclosure and backdated reference to Kickbacks brushcoyle PA they are thieves Interstellar databases as aggravated identity theft they harass me stalk me kidnap me and use my identity Interstellar databases they stoled my property I only file for divorce they falsified these records has stripped my property and harass me and threaten me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA filed aggravated identity theft in Federal where's my property where's my checks brushing Coyle PA entered aggravated identity theft FTC IRS federal and social security in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records 5 years abuse in 5 years of theft they are thieves

  60. I file for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged as my attorney brushcoyle PA and former husband Fred R wheeler Jr in federal databases as aggravated identity theft fraud tampering with evidence in assault and battery for trickery for photos for five years the Erin Castro paralegals records 281 photos why would I even have to get photos on a forged instrument my my divorce was forged then they forged is my attorney and then they forged my name off lawsuits liability claims medical release his Social Security life insurance policies businesses property and they falsified records kidnap me February 8th 2018 and threw me in jail this son of a b**** BRUSH@COYLE Court PA internal Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 and aggravated identity theft fraud in federal STALKING ON FORGERY STEALING MY IDENTITY KIDNAPPED withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 on aggravated identity theft and aggravated assault and battery on brushing Coyle PA in federal databases on stalking me on forgery they stole my identity and forged as my attorney and then they forged my name on lawsuits liability claims with a forge Miranda Polk County Sheriff's Office where they falsified 36 pages and and stole my identity and kidnapping me for trickery for photos for 5 years Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records in federal as a white collar crime where's my property where's my money and where's my checks 5 years abuse in 5 years stalking BRUSH@COYLEPA Coyle PA Lakeland Florida STALKING ON FORGERY FEDERAL DATABASES!

  61. Aggravated identity theft stalking on forgery 8 Council trickery unit that are databases kidnapping they threw me in jail while they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA Lakeland Florida Interstellar databases is aggravated identity theft stalking kidnapping in forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida five years assault and battery in her better databases they forged is my attorney they backdated records and withheld evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal and on July 19th 2017 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $29,000 a former husband's he forged as my attorney and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and brushcoyle Pa July 16th 2015 they backdated records They falsified a trial no mandatory disclosure 123 fraud chief judge records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida where energy Federal they tampered with evidence assaulted me kidnap me threw me in jail while they forged as my attorney brushcoyle PA or not my attorney's they were hard for lawsuits liability claims of medical releases name on it with a forge Miranda Polk County Sheriff's Office they falsified 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation on identity theft and fraud to be filed with State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida where they receive full disclosure these documents and brought him back to my house they forged his my attorney brush and Coyle PA on a forged instrument that was certified my divorce papers were forged they forged is my attorney and then they forged to Miranda and my name to try to remove me from lawsuits a liability claims they stalked me for 5 years for trickery for photos eight counts of aggravated identity theft in better databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida where is my property and where's my checks brushcoyle PA Interstellar databases FTC Social Security IRS Federal at three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and fraud and stalking and kidnapping on forgery tampering with Avenue's five years of salt on on me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida in databases case number 2013 Dr to 2230 Cindy Sullivan's records March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 aggravated identity theft kidnapping in stalking brushcoyle PA on forgery

  62. Aggravated identity theft kidnapping in stalking stole my identity brushing call Pa Interstellar databases embezzlement larceny stalking for trickery for photos for 5 years with the tax records domestic violence in criminal records They stoled my identity they forged instruments and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through September 2020 on aggravated identity theft larceny embezzlement over $100,000 and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims in medical voice with my name on it where they forged and stole my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered Federal databases Cindy Sullivan and judge harbes records tamper with evidence and aggravated identity theft in federal databases larceny and Doublemint tax evasion wire fraud kidnapping they threw me in jail where they forged as my attorney stalking me for 444 on forgery and stealing my identity brush and Coyle PA 5 years abuse in 5 years of assault in her federal databases stole my identity forged as my attorney and then stole my identity on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office down in Port Orange County and UK and property over $100,000 and over $1000000 why they forged is my attorney brush Coyle PA in her larceny and Doublemint and aggravated identity theft in federal databases FTC Social Security Federal and withholding of its November 13th 2017 IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on aggravated identity theft stalking kidnapping and forgery stole my identity larceny and embezzlement federal databases five years assault and battery stole my identity and aggravated identity theft larceny embezzlement brush and Coyle PA stalking on forgery 5 years trickery for photos kidnapping and stalking Federal databases aggravated identity theft

  63. I never been so scared in my life I filed for divorce and I keep telling them that they forged these documents they are not my attorneys and my former husband is not my representative that is a conflict of interest and perjury and they've had me back in court for 8contempt trickery photos no mandatory disclosure April 16.2015 certified records they harass me I'm overwhelmed

  64. FTC databases lRS federal 3cedit Buenos lndentity theft harrament stalking trickery photos 6years they threw me in jail why they falsified these records I am overwhelmed

  65. Stripped everything! Certified redergisted brushcoyle pa 825 east main street Lakeland Florida March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 and they got me on perjury for contempt of court no Mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015 and falsifying trial records! Withholding evidence November 13.2017 lRS federal California they filed back over$29.0000 formor husband taxes APPELLS filed 4times found forgery lnsurments Natalie clerk of court Stacy Butterfield formor husband Fred @ BRUSH@COYLE Pa forged lnsurments they are not my represent attorney husband attorney certified July 16.2015 forgery lnsurments certified health department vital Tencare divorce FASIFIED stripped everything! Filed in federal mandatory disclosure 123 fraud abuse 6years entered federal databases withholding evidence harrament forged lnsurments as my attorney purjury filed march 3.2015 APPELLS 4times APPELLS filed trickery photos 8contemps trickery certified photos 281 why would I have to give any photos on a forged instrument conflict of interest and perjury was filed they forged as my attorney former husband and brushing Coyle PA are not my attorney or Natalie Clerk of Court Stacy Butterfield found in court records They stalked me for trickery for photos for five years in a federal databases brush and Coyle PA are not my attorneys they were hard for lawsuits liability claims and medical releases with my insurance company with a Miranda falsifying public records in a federal databases and I've been to court like 26 times overwhelming I might just have a heart attack

  66. Overwhelmed filed in federal November 13th 2017 withholding evidence Federal California for free for photos continued for March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 they sent me to the wrong hearing and I told mr. Brush you stole my identity you falsify these records so they followed me contempt him $4,000 but I don't think the Judge knew what makes your brush head down sent me to the wrong hearing why he forged these documents and falsifying public records 6th and Federal overwhelmed Polk County I'm about to have a heart attack 7 years stalking for trickery for photos on a forged instrument Health Department Vital 34 years forged instrument certified January 16th 2015 and then they forged as my representative attorney brushing Coyle PA Natalie Clerk of the courts to Butterfield in former husband forged instrument certified July 16th 2015 withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida is no ekapol assets were relieved filed in Federal on brushing Coyle PA on stalking me for 7 years for trickery for photos certified and registered forged instruments are facts and federal they tried to put me in jail while they falsified his hearing where the judge did not know the whole story I am so overwhelmed as I did tell the judge this is in Federal they tried to put me in jail weather falsifying public records brushing for PA or yard in the facts on the on the falsifying of this hearing March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they sent me to the wrong hearing on purpose and then they tried to throw me in jail I had to pay the son of a b**** again thousand dollars do I heal a Ford shut my representative attorney in her Federal databases again March 11th 2013 through September 24th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and I only file for divorce I am about to have heart attack this is too much for anybody to have to keep telling them these are forged by brushing Coyle PA Lakeland Florida 7 years talking on forgery Porter Creek for photos where is my property and where's my check in Federal

  67. Stalking for 7 years on forgery in that are databases in the affidavits brushcoyle PA forged as my representative attorney and former husband Fred R wheeler Jr and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield I'm tired of being stalked I had to tell the judge the other day he stole my identity and they forged these documents in my name and they are filed numbers claims on me which they should have released my property right now I did not file for divorce to be stock for 7 years for trickery for photos and then some other b******* that they put in here I have file these records to everybody and I hope they go public and goe para what a piece of s*** you are brushcoyle PA you stole my identity you stole my property and you forged instruments and threw me in jail while I'm a domestic violence in criminal records and forged as my representative attorney you are not my attorney you were hard for losses lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it where's my property and where's my checks Federal databases I'm tired of being stalked I had to cry in front of a judge the other day to tell her he stole my identity and he forged these documents where's my property and where's my check 7 years of stalking me on forgery where's my property and where's my checks Federal databases

  68. Seven years stalking in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying a trial falsifying appeals court records for X falsifying my money fees and forged instruments in my name and affidavits and Federal trickery for 7 years stalking me to withhold my evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress of evidence falsifying arrests February 8th 2018 by withholding evidence Leon Parker Court counsel Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. they had bailiffs all around me they did not add my witness to come in a forged instruments in my name and tampered with evidence of the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 7 years for stalking for trickery wire is federal fall back of a $39,000 in former husband's they falsified my stock my 401 they falsified my income they forged is my attorney they falsified for the County Commissioners Florida Financial Services in Polk County Sheriff's Office Miranda and forged as my attorney and falsifying my arrest I had to pay this son of a b**** $700 and then $1,000 on a whit why they forged is my attorney and paralegal Aran casters falsifying affidavits in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress at the forged instrument tampering uttering public records and Allergy knowing of this abuse for 7 years stalking for trickery for photos no trial falsified and no appeals they falsified my income falsified my money and forged instruments we withhold lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office in my name generator 29th 2009 through 2014 brush and Coyle PA insurance claims life insurance policies property Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies and property over a hundred thousand stripped they strip my records Birdman jail I was devastated had a nervous breakdown what a Ford as my attorney and falsifying a trial 123 fraud conflict of interest in April 16th 2015 and continued from March 11th 2013 to 2021 suppressed 9 contempt perjury for trickery for photos brush and Coyle PA money laundering forgery in tampering with evidence suppress in Federal aggravated identity theft 7 years stalking abandonment and forgery in federal databases DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania's Federal February 19th 2019 5 to Attorney General's Office bl01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 continued stalking me on forgery Justice qualification committee Tallahassee Florida and Florida bar grievance e records filed in federal suppress May and March 2015 and October 27th 2016 tampering uttering public records 7 years stalking Federal databases suppressed

  69. Suppress in Federal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 7 years stalking me for trickery for for photos brushing Coyle PA falsifying affidavits falsifying Financial records forged is my attorney tampering other in public records and aggravated identity theft falsifying a trial and and conflict of interest and appeals filed to court records for x stock me for 7 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for trickery for photos Rico racketeering aggravated identity theft wire fraud and forged as my attorney

  70. Stole my identity brushing Coyle PA and stalk me for 7 years for photos suppressed in Federal tampering with evidence in forged instruments my name they forged is my attorney they forged Miranda for lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company 2009 through 2014 Polk County Sheriff's Office Davenport Orange County and Polk County they forged instruments and tampered with evidence they falsified a trial they falsified appeals fees paid to the court and they harass me for trickery for photos at threw me in jail I had a nervous breakdown tamper with evidence entered in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with suppressed in Federal they stole my identity brushing Coyle PA Erin Castor paralegal allergy knowing of this abusive falsifying affidavits and financial records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 7 years stalking entered Federal databases suppress in federal as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 of former husband the forged is my attorney they falsified public records They tampered with evidence to stalk me for 7 years for trickery for photos while they falsified Financial records and stole my identity CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 file to CC office of Attorney General the capitol p l - 01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 to 2021 filed March 11th 2013 freeze on all assets in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida certified registered Robert brush brush and Coyle PA stole my identity

  71. My attorneys to press this evidence falsifying a whit for $1,000 for property for 2003 that is falsifying an affidavit former husband forged as my attorney tampering with evidence wire fraud tax evasion and money laundering it or federal databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's he forged is my attorney in 2021 falsifying a whit for 7 years stalking me it hurts that are databases brushing Coyle PA forged as my attorney they falsified these records and falsified Financial records in suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on stalking for 7 years property over $100,000 strict lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them police police reports in affidavits on domestic violence in criminal records abandonment and restraining orders I only file for divorce they falsified in these records for 7 years stalking me brushing Coyle falsifying Financial records

  72. Falsifying new evidence on a whit for 2003 property 2010 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida brush and Coyle PA to release over $100,000 property fraud in 15 days domestic violence and criminal records are attached 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records abandonment restraining orders and protection orders with police records while they falsified this affidavit for 2003 7 years stalking me on forgery innards that are databases IRS Federal has corrected these tax frauds tamper with evidence brushcoyle PA and insurance claims filed on my insurance company entered Federal databases a lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's office job in Port Orange County an alarm claims brushcoyle PA with a forged Miranda and falsifying records in affidavits in the court January 29th 2009 to 2014

  73. They already falsified a trial in falsified a pig's now they falsified another financial affidavit saying property of 2003 on a forged affidavit ennard Federal property from 2009 and tend to release by brush and Coyle PA in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records 52 Pages while they forged is my turn they fabricating court records completely what was not filed in my divorce and forged as my attorney and then afford to Miranda why they casted numbers claims on my insurance company from January 29th 2009 to 2014 Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County an alarm company and UK records in our federal databases and suppress filed in trial which was not a trial no merit or disclosure 123 fraud conflict of interest within her April 16th 2015 chief judge and April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. in order to Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida suppress evidence in federal tampering with evidence and falsifying public records Tracy Beebe Court directory for 7 years stalking in her Federal databases as aggravated identity theft wire fraud falsifying the rest forged instruments and falsifying affidavits brush and Coyle PA and falsified Financial records order and judgment hidden property in contempt of court or all filed in here and four appeals filed the Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped my records They stripped my feet they harass me threw me in jail and forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA are not my attorneys they were hard for lawyer lawsuits liability claims the medical releases and in my divorce they forged as my attorney they falsified my insurance company they falsified Financial records and they stalked me for trickery for photos why they threw me in jail on a Ford Miranda also brushing Coyle PA energy Federal databases FTC and IRS Federal at the white collar crime June 4th 2019 March 11th 2013 freeze on all assets in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida stalk me to 2021 suppressed tampering uttering public records in fabricating records and falsifying affidavits brush and Coyle PA and financial disclosure on fraud forgery waste and abuse 7 years CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 5 to CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 discontinued on a falsified Whit falsifying search and forged instruments in my name property fraud over a hundred thousand and lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County and UK records and businesses property of 100000 + tampering uttering public records and aggravated identity theft in federal databases brushcoyle PA and paralegals ERIN CASTRO BRUSH@COYLE FASIFIED AFFDAVITS ABBETTING BEDDING fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS and Cindy

  74. Falsifying affidavits falsifying Financial records falsifying insurance claims falsified lawsuits liability claims in my name and my insurance company brush and Coyle PA in federal databases with a forge Miranda and they forged as my attorney falsifying a surge throw me in jail and then falsifying a whit for property for 2003 not even filed in my divorce 2010 they stripped my records 52 Pages property over $100,000 to be released suppressed in federal I've never even seen these documents they are forging in my name falsifying affidavits tampering ordering public records and fabricating them to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical release is on my insurance company brushcoyle PA with a forge Miranda why they forged as my attorney 7 years stocking for trickery and falsifying my rest tax evasion and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's conflict of interest in on April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith 123 fraud appeals filed four times to court records contempt of court hit and property judgment in order and perjury 6 different bank accounts at 6 Financial affidavits filed in court records brush and Coyle PA are scum open stores open till in paralegals fabricating court records in falsifying Financial records abandonment and restraining orders in police records attached in State's Attorney's Office property released in 15 days by brushing Coyle PA they stripped my records and they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail I was devastated how are you fabricating records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying 36 Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation November 17th 2015 brush and Coyle PA and falsifying six Financial affidavits with six different bank account falsified my insurance company and forgery Interceptor databases on tampering with evidence with a forge Miranda Robert brush Florida Financial Services Polk County Sheriff's Office and board of County Commissioners certified and registered to Robert correct Davenport Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office lawsuits and liability claims an alarm company claims and UK records suppress in federal with a falsified Whit for property for 2003 not even filed in these records falsifying affidavits brush and Coyle PA 7 years stalking me on forgery FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft stalking falsifying my rest tax evasion money laundering counterfeiting and insurance fraud this is fraud and tampering uttering public records assault Federal databases in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 7 years March 11th 2013 through 2021 falsifying affidavit January 2021 what former husband forged as my attorney police records in abandonment attached why SUPPRESSED federal

  75. Suppressed in federal money laundering counterfeiting insurance fraud Social Security fraud hotline Comp fraud and falsifying Financial records six different bank accounts and six different dips falsifying a trial back gate and records and kick back and falsifying affidavits paralegal Erin CASTRO BRUSH@COYLE falsifying affidavits falsified my wrist tax evasion and wire fraud in or federal databases falsifying Financial records to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office and property over a hundred thousand released August 1st 2000 and September 1st 2010 in falsifying a trial October 29th 2014 for 4times APPELLS filed judgement order hidden property in falsifying six financial affidavit some back gate and records and six different bank accounts they forged is my attorney they stalk me for trickery photos for 7 years the falsified 2003 for property not even filed in court records in her better databases with 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on abandonment restraining orders and property released over a hundred thousand August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 falsifying a whit on forgery and falsifying affidavits brushing coil PA ERIN Castor paralegal falsifying Financial records and insurance claims Social Security and financial records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and stalk me for 7 years for trickery or photos in our better databases suppressed on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 former husband's they stripped my records They stripped my feet they threw me in jail and I was devastated tamper with evidence in her Federal databases as a white collar crime in paralegal ERIN CASTRO FASIFIED AFFDAVITS financial fraud property fraud over a hundred thousand and forgery in our federal databases with insurance claim Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies long-term and short-term and property and businesses in federal databases insurance fraud fabricating court records and stalking continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 7 years suppressed and in federal aggravated identity theft falsifying arrest in forgery withholding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Better Business Bureau Charleston court reporter falsifying transcripts they were told they forged as my attorney they falsified these records and financial records in insurance claims on a Ford Miranda Robert brush Third Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 March 11th 2013 freeze on all assets the cast of domestic violence and criminal records and property released in 15 days 52-page of State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida over a hundred thousand brushing Coyle PA falsified police reports financial affidavit and forgery it or federal databases and stalking they threw me in jail what I forged as my attorney and affords Miranda falsifying affidavits in Federal 7 years stalking me what a forged as my attorney in falsifying affidavits in the court and falsifying financial affidavit to court records They continue to forge as my attorney did falsifying Financial records and insurance claims in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County

  76. 7 years of salt on fabricating court records brushing Coyle PA internal FTC IRS Federal on racketeering and insurance fraud money-laundering counterfeiting tax evasion insurance fraud tampering uttering public records and fabricating affidavits paralegals brushcoyle PA suppress in Federal as IRS Federal corrected these record records withholding evidence November 13th 2017 the fortunes from is my name in tampering with evidence and money-laundering in our federal databases as a white collar crime suppress in Federal

  77. IRS Federal has corrected these records and found more fraud money-laundering counterfeiting in tax evasion and wire fraud and falsifying my arrests in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying a 2003 Witt buy be investigated by federal money-laundering counterfeiting forgery in tampering with evidence that our databases is a white collar crime FTC and IRS Federal hotline coil PA on insurance fraud falsifying Financial records in forgery in tax evasion in falsifying my arrests February 2018 on forged instruments in tampering with evidence that 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 7-year stalking me March 11th 2013 through 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress in federal 7 years stalking me on money-laundering counterfeiting and forgery and property fraud over $100,000 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records with police records in falsified investigation on Ford 300 Federal databases falsifying 6 Financial affidavits with six different bank accounts in falsifying Financial records and falsifying affidavits paralegal ERIN Castro abbedding bedding fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS suppress in federal tampering with evidence money-laundering insurance fraud Social Security fraud hotline or fitting and forgery her Federal databases on falsifying Financial records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida stalking me for 7-years property fraud over a hundred thousand and lawsuits liability claims in medical beliefs as with my name on them in my insurance company they forged is my attorney they falsified a trial they falsified appeals and conflict of interest with conflict of interest April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Bruce Smith April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. withholding evidence Leanne Parker Court counsel Polk County Florida falsifying 36 Pages investigation on a day theft and fraud November 13 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records falsifying a trial and falsifying appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying Eva Tracy BB Court director tampering with evidence continued on money-laundering counterfeiting insurance fraud and tax evasion and falsifying arrest in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 7 years former husband and Natalie clerk of the court and brush to call Pa forces my attorney they backdated records and kick back and forgery in turn Federal databases and white collar crime June 4th 2019 they continue to harass me from February 11th 2013 through January 2021 suppressed in federal aggravated identity theft wire fraud tax evasion insurance fraud counterfeiting forgery in in falsifying Financial records brushcoyle PA Lakeland Florida money-laundering counterfeiting and insurance fraud and wire fraud in falsifying my arrests February 8th 2018 and falsifying property Uber lease in 15 days to Therese office Polk County Florida records federal

  78. Scott financial ACC BRUSH@COYLE pa an paralegals ERIN CASTRO fraudulent altered wit surge brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida in the 10th circuit court for 9 years stalking me with suppressed by my lawyer falsifying and back gate and records and forgery on a surge they threw me in jail I have a nervous breakdown where they forged as my attorney! Conflict of interest was interred April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith on 123 fraud 4times APPELLS withholding evidence January 27th 2015 February 20th 2015 November 12th 2015 and November 30th 2015 judge Pickett's records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida appeals are filed January 27th 2015 filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial Records property fraud over a hundred thousand abandonment restraining orders and lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on my insurance company by the casting numbers claims January 29th 2009 thru 2016 Scott accounting for brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases on falsifying Financial records property fraud over a hundred thousand and forgery in a surge and falsifying affidavit they threw me in jail while they stripped my records and forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 by conflict of interest is energy chief judge April 16th 2015 and Leeann Parker Court Council Polk County Florida withheld my evidence April 4th 2017 5:24 p.m. why Tracy BB clerk Stacy Butterfield CPA fraudulent altered official records 9years stalking they even forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA Scott Financial director for brushing Coyle PA suppressing in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and certified in Federal in affidavit Aran Caster paralegal falsifying a wit surge they threw me in jail why they forged is my attorney falsified Financial records wire fraud counterfeiting insurance fraud Social Security fraud hotline and property fraud over a hundred thousand while they continue to falsifying the other wit AFFDAVIT Fraudulent ERIN CASTRO SCOTT Financial disclosure SUPPRESSED 9years stalking on forgery RACKETTING Rico lndentity theft embezzlement property fraud$100 000 August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 to be released by brushcoyle PA State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records certified to Florida bar Justice qualification committee and suppress on falsifying Financial records Scott brushcoyle PA and paralegal Erin Castor tampering on room public records in financial records falsifying arrest in 9yearsstalking federal databases FTC databases lRS federal California records November 13th 2017 in July 16th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back to them they forged is my attorney they stalk me and they threw me in jail and then they falsified other wits disgusting I only filed for divorce of AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED 9yearsstalking! Fraudulent altered official public RECORDS. Backdates kickbacks BRUSH@COYLEPA 9yearsstalking suppressed FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on the aggravated identity theft and wire fraud suppress by my attorney back in records in forgery Hunter Federal and forgery in and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County

  79. LET'S ARREST ERIN CASTRO PARLEGAL BRUSH@COYLEPA FRAUDULENT AFFDAVIT FILED FEDERAL tampering with evidence in money-laundering and falsifying my arrests February 8th 2018 why they cashed in numbers claims on my insurance and forged instruments is my attorney and falsified Financial records suppressed by my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and assault entered Federal databases on brush andcoyle PA stalking me for 9 years for trickery and then falsifying a surge and then falsifying another wit falsifying affidavits into the court paralegal Erin CASTRO BRUSH@COYLE SUPPRESSED fabricating court records money-laundering falsifying Financial records forgery insurance fraud life insurance property businesses and forgery in documents in my name or they forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA are not my turn to say casting numbers claims on my insurance company with a forged Miranda where they forged as my attorney that didn't record to Kickback Tracy BB Court director records entered Federal databases as fabricating court records and miscellaneous in falsifying public records stalking me for 9 years why pills are filed too Beverly dunway in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying affidavits ERIN CASTRO FRAUDULENT ALTERED FINANCIAL RECORDS AN FASIFIED ARREST SURGE FRAUDULENT ALTERED AFFDAVITS LET'S THREW HER IN JAIL!! SUPPRESSED entered Federal databases in AFFDAVIT LET'S THREW HER IN JAIL! Collecting money on forged instruments in falsifying affidavits and stalking 9yearsstalking FASIFIED AFFDAVITS BRUSH@COYLE PARALEGALS ERIN CASTRO TAMPING UTTERED AFFDAVITS SUPPRESSED . Financial records brush and Coyle PA Scott

  80. Let's arrest paralegal Erin Castro in falsifying affidavits in the court suppressed falsifying Financial records for during documents falsifying arrests property fraud over a hundred thousand State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records to beliefs and 15 days by brushcoyle PA and falsifying another wit $1000 fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS PARLEGAL ERIN CASTRO BRUSH@COYLE ABEDDING BEDDING STALKING FASIFIED OFFICIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE LET'S PUT HER IN JAIL!! Fabricating court records in falsifying affidavit is a crime for Gino's my attorney is a crime falsifying my insurance if crime stalking me on lawsuits liability claims the medical releases with my name on them with a forged Miranda and my insurance company if a crime falsifying businesses is a crime tampering with financial records and stalking and altering public records is a crime suppress in Federal 9 years of stalking me on falsifying affidavits in the court brushcoyle PA suppressed by my attorney affidavits in Federal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida the receiving public funds on fraud

    1. STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA you think by now you start releasing my money after eight years of stalking SUPPERSSED in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida you left my credit shambled you left my taxes spam fordring documents and I'm sure you left criminal records on me that are incomplete and ink current and they need to be to sponge why you forged documents in my name I tamper with evidence and stalk me for trickery for photos and allow these attorneys I would like you to release some of my money right now that I paid the court because you receive money on falsifying pretenses on a divorce and I have get to pay I have taxes to pay I have a lawyer that suppressed is evidence into the court I have your documents if you need them I requested alimony and I requested with all those lawsuits liability claims and medical releases with my name on them temporarily so I can pay off my debt after nine years of being stalked by you while you strip my records and falsified these records so you're receiving public money on false pretenses suppress in the 10th Circuit Court pep County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 tampering with evidence is a crime but at this point I need to pay my lease I have to pay up my debt that you left me a $52,000 so I can clean up my credit I need these stupid charges that you filed on me there inclusive if you read these documents you never had a trial you never had appeals you never had mandatory disclosure in conflict of interest is entered in this to April 16th 2015 Keith judge Bruce Smith you'll allow me to be trashed in that court and you receiving son on falsifying pretenses wire fraud falsifying arrests forgery and tampering with evidence that was filed to you never remember 13th 2017 by IRS Federal California at this time I ask you to release my money so I can pay off my debt pay my mortgage I get the stupid stuff that you put on my record expunged and completely pay me back my money that I filed into this port of $48,000 and 9 years and $100,000 to this scumbag brushcoyle PA on wit backdates records tax evasion trickery 8YEARS aggressive lndentity theft stripped my records the forged stalking on fraudulent altered official public records allergy know!! I have debt but you left me you cannot receive public money on false pretenses it's called stealing money it is fraudulent FTC databases lRS federal 3cedit Buenos release my money so I can pay off my debt that you've left me Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court tenth circuit County Florida SUPPRESSED STOLED INDENTITY

  81. Please share my story I'm overwhelmed I only filed for divorce 9 years of stalking me for trickery for photos and falsifying another surge in falsifying a wit paralegal Erin Castro BRUSH@COYLE fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS suppress in Federal LET'S PUT HER IN JAIL fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS! SUPPRESSED trickery tamping finacial disclosure SUPPRESSED AFFDAVIT abuse abetting bedding

  82. Suppressed by my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on. Find affidavits falsifying arrests forgery in tampering with evidence is being filed into criminal bankruptcy fraud on brush andcoyle PA suppress in filed in Federal IRS Federal

  83. Falsifying a Wit is suppress tampering uttering public records for $1,000 falsifying arrest for $700 it is a crime to falsify affidavits Erin Castor brush and Coyle PA paralegal tampering over in public records in harassment for trickery for photos for 7 years aggravated identity theft entered Federal databases they forged is my attorney they forged Miranda they falsified a trial and backdated records They harassed me threaten me stalk me for 7 years for trickery for photos and they continue to do this tampering with evidence in falsifying public records brush and Coyle PA and paralegal Erin Castor and Cindy p ABBEDDING BEDDING FEDERAL DATABASES conflict of interest is filed April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith 1 2 3 fraud while they continue to harass me strip my records my fees and threw me in jail! You cannot Forge documents in my name brushcoyle PA why you cashed your numbers claims in my name!!!!! Certified and registered to Robert rush in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2020 suppressed by my attorney stalking me on forgery for 7 years appeals filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida so they just cashed my checks in my fees and stalk me for 7 years tampering uttering public records Federal SUPPRESSED fraudulent altered official AFFDAVIT S ERIN CASTRO falsifying arrest suppressed by my attorney stalking me on forgery let's put her in jail falsifying an affidavit is a is a felony!

  84. SUPPRESSED criminal mischief destroying property tampering uttering public records and eight years of stalking me in federal databases brush and Coyle PA and falsifying affidavit falsifying a whit falsifying six different bank accounts with six different affidavits and forgery documents and falsifying in forgery public records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on money-laundering counterfeiting and stalking for 8 years before they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney Stacy Butterfield CPA corruption Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2020 criminal mischief and tampering with evidence in the temperate Court Polk County Florida on stalking me for trickery paralegals brushcoyle PA suppressed affidavits fraudulent altered ERIN CASTRO tamping uttered official public records!! 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SPOLIATION EVIDENCE STRIPPED IN AFFDAVIT FEDERAL fraudulent altered official public records maliciously stalking on forgery for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppressed affidavits and Federal BRUSH@COYLE Coyle PA are scum they cashed in number claims with my name on it and property fraud over $100.00 police reports in State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records maliciously falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2020 suppressed in Federal

  85. This court is receiving public funds under false pretenses 8 years stalking me for trickery suppress in Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through July 21st 2021 suppressed and Federal 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT they threw me in jail why they forged as my attorney they backdated records Kickbacks they falsified a trial they falsified appeals filed four times to court records and they stripped my fees my records my property and forged is my attorney they are receiving public funds on false pretenses 8 years suppress in Federal

  86. SUPPRESSED receiving funds on false pretenses Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2020 suppressed in Federal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying my arrests February 8th 2018 why was holding my evidence forgery and tampering with evidence wire fraud counterfeiting racketeering money laundering and stalking and falsifying affidavits on forgery Erin Castor paralegal records fraudulent AFFDAVITS. ABBETTING bedding fraudulent altered official AFFDAVIT November 8th 2016 and January 21st 2021 suppress in Federal tampering other in public records and 8 years stalking me falsifying Financial Records property fraud tampering motoring public records falsifying arrest forgery and falsifying Financial disclosure in insurance claims on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases and again forged as my attorney suppress in Federal backdating records and kickbacks SUPPRESSED Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida receiving public funds on false pretenses 8 years stalking me suppress

  87. SUPPRESSED fraudulent altered official public records 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SPOLIATION EVIDENCE BRUSH@COYLE tamping uttered official public records STALK STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS PARLEGAL ERIN CASTRO backdates kickbacks forged lnsurments white collar crime SUPPRESSED tenth circuit court Polk county Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida wire fraud counterfeiting falsifying arrests for 3 and falsifying a trial falsifying appeals hidden property judgement order contempt of court perjury a forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA and stalked me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying my arrests Forge does my Charlie and then forged from Rand on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered Federal databases FTC and IRS Federal 8 years of stalking me on forgery brush and Coyle PA and paralegals Erin Castor fabricating altering public records stalking on forgery suppress in Federal racketeering

  88. 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT BRUSH@COYLEPA federal databases CC stop electing these corrupt people Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 attach records fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS SUPPRESSED financial disclosure falsifying arrests for jury in tampering with evidence for trickery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and forgery on falsifying affidavits falsifying a whit surge property fraud ever hundred thousand dollars why they stripped over $1000000 in forged is my attorney falsifying back records and dates and kickbacks pretty much continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they threw me in jail where they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA are scum in federal databases on racketeering insurance fraud financial fraud tax evasion falsifying arrests forgery and tampering with evidence and property fraud over $100,000 with State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records and California records IRS Federal requested these records State's tripped over $1000000 insurance fraud lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County and Polk County and property fraud released in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records brushing Coyle PA they falsified a trial that falsified appeals Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records and Tracy BB Court director fabricating court records and falsifying fraudulent STOLED MY INDENTITY ABUSE ABETTING BEDDING ERIN CASTRO PARLEGAL falsifying affidavits falsifying arrests backdating records harassment trickery property fraud over a hundred thousand falsifying a surge falsifying a whit and forgery suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court POLK County Florida and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida California Kansas and Texas records IRS Federal with holding evidence November 13th 2017 and wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS did a fall back of a $39,000 a former husband they stripped me and enforced is my attorney they falsified a trial they falsified of appeals they pretty much strip my records and I receive money on fraud CPA corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years on aggravated identity theft suppressed in Federal falsifying Financial records in stalking BRUSH@COYLEPA Coyle PA certified redergisted Robert brush 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STALKING STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA backdates kickbacks forged lnsurments CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 5 to CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 November 17th 2015 falsified thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation to be filed in State's Attorney's office and 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida domestic violence and criminal records abandonment restraining orders and protection orders with police records and property over $100,000 to be released in 15 days by brushing call PA CPA correction Congress Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida

  89. Stop electing these criminal people into office suppress falsifying Financial records ordering instruments and altering public records they threw me in jail while I file for divorce tampering with evidence and assault brushing Coyle PA internal Rico racketeering forgery tampering with evidence wire fraud tax evasion and falsifying arrests Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records and stalking fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS PARLEGAL ERIN CASTRO SUPPRESSED the tax ID numbers claims in my name where they forged is my attorney stop electing these into office Stacy Butterfield CPA corruption Federal databases California Texas Kansas

  90. Somebody hacked into my computer to ship it to show your fraud I guess they shared my records brushing Coyle PA white collar crime June 4th 2019 March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida CPA corruption Congress Stacy Butterfield CPA

  91. Stop electing corruption into court Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 SUPPRESSED aggravated identity theft wire fraud kidnapping forgery in tampering ordering public records on racketeering Rico insurance fraud property fraud and taxes on forgery and falsifying public records for 8-years stalking me while they while they fabricating court records and affidavits and financial records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Fayette County Florida stop electing corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years aggravated identity theft on falsifying Financial record Property fraud Rico racketeering wire fraud tax fraud falsifying arrests falsifying investigations forgery in tampering with evidence stop electing corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC databases IRS Federal California Kansas Texas and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on falsifying Financial records stalking falsifying kidnapping forgery property fraud wire fraud and back gate and falsifying a trial falsifying a peels fabricating court records and affidavits stop electing corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and stalking Rico racketeering insurance fraud financial fraud and forgery brush and Coyle PA

  92. Stop electing the corruption into Polk County Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida. F
    SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure BRUSH@COYLE Financial records and stalking in IRS that our databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 FTC and IRS federal 8 years on aggravated identity theft in FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and falsifying my rest my back gate back gate and financial records and stalking for turkey for photos on a forged instrument while they continue to forge of my attorney they forged Miranda trying to remove me from the lawsuits liability claims and medical releases on my insurance company file to brush Coyle PA Robert brush they continue to harass me they falsified mediations depositions no-show hearing aids they falsified a trial and they falsified appeals backdates records bidding Beverly Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption in our federal databases while they stalk me for 8 years from March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 BRUSH@COYLE cash in numbers claims in my name and they falsified Financial records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida they falsified insurance claims in my name with a forged Miranda to remove me from these claims from January 29th 2009 through 2014 job in Port Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office negligence claims with my name on them while they continue to cash and clients while domestic violence and criminal records were filed in these records 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida property to be released in 15 days ball October 29th 2014 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida judge harb with police reports tampering with evidence Cindy Sullivan's records in better databases on aggravated identity theft and falsifying Financial records and tax evasion and wire fraud and and assault and battery they put tricky on trickery on here for photos while these turnings BRUSH@COYLEPA Robert brush former judge Mary Elizabeth Harlan just disrobe didn't fall back into court April 16 2015 conflict of interest energy chief judge Bruce Smith in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 123 fraud mandatory disclosure yeah they falsified a trial they falsified appeals they forged is my attorney brushing coil PA and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption in our federal databases while they continue to ask me for your cord for photos while they stripped over $1000000 in $100,000 property fraud and forged as my attorney tampering with evidence and forgery on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida with falsifying arrest suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying insurance claims and falsified and Miranda and forged as my attorney and backdate records and appeals contempt of court hidden property perjury and stalked me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for eight years they threw me in jail where they falsified a surge and I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** and this this paralegal ERIN CASTRO fraudulent AFFDAVIT suppress in the tents are at court Polk County Florida on money laundering counterfeiting in fraud fraudulent altered official public records Suppressed STOLED property fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida internet FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and stalking on suppressing evidence on falsifying Financial records falsifying mediations depositions no-show and hearing backdating records and forgery in tampering with evidence they threw me in jail I had a nervous breakdown racketeering falsifying arrests forgery and falsifying Financial Aran falsifying act PA kept stalking me in the 10th Circuit Court paid County

  93. SUPPRESSED Stalking on fraudulent altered official public records fraudulent altered arrest forged lnsurments they forged as my attorney brush and Coyle PA are scum suppress falsifying Financial records falsifying insurance claims and forgery knows my attorney and then for a Miranda trying to remove me from these claims Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida suppressed why are fraud tax evasion falsifying arrest falsifying Financial records falsifying public records tampering other in public records could you ever have a nervous breakdown for 8 years Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on aggravated identity theft wire fraud counterfeiting money laundering tax evasion forgery and assault where's my property suppress falsifying public records and financial records racketeering BRUSH@COYLE Coyle PA paralegals FASIFIED stripped records suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure fraudulent AFFDAVIT

  94. 2013dr 2230 March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption falsifying Financial records falsifying property fraud falsifying arrest and forgery documents in my name FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus have you ever had a nervous breakdown go to this court 8 years of stalking me brush and Coyle PA

  95. STOP electing these corrupt people in office Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years on aggravated identity theft stalking for trickery for photos my falsifying Financial records harassment they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney suppress falsifying Financial records and falsifying insurance claims and forgery and tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years of stalking me and they threw me in jail and I had a nervous breakdown while they stripped my records my fees my property and forged instruments in my name stop electing these corrupt people in office 8 years of aggravated today theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus they'll destroy you on forgery

  96. Stop electing the corrupt Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft for eight years on forgery and falsifying Financial Records property fraud taxes and harassment they falsified arrest and threw me in jail while they continue to forged instruments in my name from March 11th 2013 through January 21th 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress fraudulent altered official records 8 years of stalking me for trickery for photos falsifying Financial records wire fraud racketeering Rico falsifying arrest stalking harassment on forgery in tampering uttering public records for 8 years March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 stop electing corruption falsifying Financial records tax evasion wire fraud racketeering Rico insurance fraud and forgery and falsifying arrest 8 years I was stock oh yes I'm not taking it Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption suppress falsifying Financial records and stalking wire fraud counterfeiting and forgery tampering uttering public records on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS dead or fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes why they forged instruments my name is SUPPRESSED Fraudulent altered official records Stacy Butterfield CPA they threw me in jail why I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** that cashed in numbers claims in my name while she falsified Financial records and stalked me and withheld my evidence is fabricated court records affidavits and forgery entered Federal databases other white collar crime June 4th 2019 March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2020 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida on aggravated identity theft wire fraud counterfeiting Rico racketeering forgery and falsifying Financial records and falsifying arrests falsifying investigations forgery and certified on forged instruments and back gate and records and falsifying a trial and falsifying appeals they just rip your face in your records welcome to Polk County 8 years on aggravated identity theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus have you ever been so devastated they destroy you while they stand there in jail stop electing corruption I only file for divorce

  97. Stop electing corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA suppressed in federal falsifying Financial records falsifying arrest forging documents in my name and cashed in numbers claims in my name brushing coil PA Interstellar databases FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and forgery they stalked me for 8-years why Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying public records They stripped my records here I am come get them cuz they're suppressed by my attorney

  98. SUPPRESSED Fraudulent FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE SUPPRESSED Fraudulent AFFDAVIT SUPPRESSED RACKETTING PROPERTY FRAUDULENT SUPPRESSED FRAUDULENT AFFDAVIT SUPPRESSED TAX EVASION FORGED INSUERMENTS MONEY LAUNDERING tampering uttering public records while they backdated records and kickbacks internal Federal databases and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Tracy BB Court fraudulent altered official public records evidence stalking on forgery for 8 years for trickery for photos why they threw me in jail or they forged is my attorney backdated records Kickbacks and falsifying taxes from back years why they cashed in numbers claims in my name Russian coil PA are scum and they need to hire somebody in that court that does not falsifying public records and harass people and steal people's money and regularly Leeann Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and withholding evidence Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida tainted court records suppress falsifying Financial disclosure falsifying a divorce for 3 in tampering with Avenue property fraud over $100,000 falsifying insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims and medical reasons with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office with a forged Miranda Robert brush they forged as my attorney they stalk me and threw me in jail how does that feel terrible terrible and then they filed his taxes on me and backdated Records to file these taxes while they stalked me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records tax evasion wire fraud full to find a rest property fraud Grand Masti Rico racketeering and health forged lnsurments falsifying contempt of court perjury forged as my attorney and threw me in debt jail where they falsified public records and affidavits paralegals falsifying 6 financial affidavit with six different bank account and backdate records and kickbacks on insurance claims tax liens and forgery and property fraud over a hundred thousand to release in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records filed October 29th 2014 and 52 page is October 27th 2014 October 10th 2014 falsified and October 13th 2014 345 they falsified a trial in which he held evidence requested from the court January 23rd 2015 at the court apologize there is no records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption suppress falsifying Financial records and money laundering counterfeiting stalking forgery property fraud Rico racketeering and tampering with evidence and aggravated identity theft for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress in Federal 8 years for trickery for photos do you know how old my kids are FORGED INSUERMENTS STALKING ON FRAUDULENT ALTERED FINANCIAL RECORDS STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT ALLERGY KNOW stopped entering corrupt people into the court they falsified thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation to be filed to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on a day and theft and fraud in January 12th 2016 certified Jerry Hill State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida Beverly Dunn way which is which she said her name was Beverly cone tampering with evidence in her Federal databases on stalking on Ford Road Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida IRS Federal found more fraud

  99. Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida receiving public money FRAUDULENT tampering uttering public records and Allergy knowing of it eight years on aggravated identity theft has hit Federal databases and there finding more fraud in Federal.ftc databases March 11th 2013 through January 21 1921 fraud financial disclosure falsifying ERIN CASTRO CINDY P BRUSH@COYLE PA SUPPRESSED STALKING ON Fraudulent altered official records SUPPRESSED backdates kickbacks forgery lnsurments BRUSH@COYLE Timothy o Coyle E PUJOL AXANDERA ROBERT BRUSH CERTIFIED REDERGISTED MANDATORY DISCLOSURE FRAUD FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE SUPPRESSED FRAUDULENT ALTERED AFFDAVITS ARREST FRAUDULENT SURGE ERIN CASTRO PARALEGALS FRAUDULENT FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BRUSH@COYLE RACKETTING RICO AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STALKING 8YEARS STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE FRAUD WIRE FRAUD RICO RACKETTING MONEY LAUNDERING INDENTITY THEFT FRAUDULENT ALTERED RECORDS GRAND LARCENY ERIN CASTRO PARALEGALS SUPPRESSED FRAUDULENT ALTERED ARREST AFFDAVIT STALKING paralegals are in Castor and Cindy P brushing Coyle PA forgery in Tanforan with evidence and assault for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court of Polk County Florida quit hiring these corrupt people in office STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA Spoliation evidence stripped tampering uttering public records aggravated identity theft stalking on forgery Rico racketeering money laundering like life insurance policies businesses property and stalking me where they falsified Financial records and file taxes on me IRS Federal found more fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption stop electing corrupt people in office 8 years suppress on falsifying Financial records brush and Coyle PA on stalking on forgery and again a whit for $100, falsifying affidavit and falsifying a surge for 700 I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** why he cashed in numbers claims in my name Robert brush Timothy o Coyle E pujol Alexandra paralegals ERIN Castro Cindy P. BRUSH@COYLE fraud wire fraud assault 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT Suppressed STALKING 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA FRAUDULENT ALTERED FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE RACKETTING RICOthe corruption in Polk County suppress

  100. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 Cindy Sullivan and judge harb judge Pickett and then the third judge's records entered Federal databases as they continuously try to falsify public records on me harass me and you ever had officers all over you and threaten you tampering uttering public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and Allergy known of this boot this abuse falsifying Financial records racketeering forgery in tampering with evidence file to the Florida bar Justice qualification committee to State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and suppressed on tampering and falsifying a witch and a server on falsifying health insurance and forgery brush and Coyle PA suppress falsifying Financial records stalking on forgery and tampering uttering public records stop hiring these corrupt people in the office as IRS Federal found more fraud as they requested he's records They continue to stalk me Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida destroying people's property destroying people's homes and tampering with evidence and stalking people suppressed as I arrest Federal Fillmore fraud back gate records and kick back on fraud for three waste and abuse brushing coil PA racketeering Rico wire fraud counterfeiting stalking forgery money laundering property fraud and health insurance fraud and forgery documents my name where they cashed in numbers claims the corruption in Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress in Federal in the 10th Circuit Court tenth circuit judicial court Polk county Florida CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 52 CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 IRS Federal FTC and IRS at databases on corruption on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and forgery and racketeering, money laundering falsifying arrest health insurance policies in Cash 3 numbers claims in my name brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 while they continue to stalk me Stacy Butterfield CPA corruption suppress falsifying Financial records stalking on forgery falsifying arrest racketeering for 3 in tampering with evidence Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA 8 years stalking me County 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA corruption stop electing these people into office they're stealing our money and our property and destroying our homes and family

  101. Receiving money on false pretenses Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress in federal stalking on forgery falsifying Financial records money laundering counterfeiting insurance fraud and suppressed Financial disclosure tampering uttering public records and receiving money on falsifying public records receiving funds Stacy Butterfield on false pretenses and tampering uttering public records wire fraud counterfeiting and stalking and racketeering in her Federal databases on 8 years stalking me brushing coil PA why they cashed in numbers claim suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida Scott brushing coil PA Financial director falsifying public records in tampering with evidence 8-year stalking me they threw me in jail and they forged as my attorney they backdated records and kick back and and forged instrument allowed allowed this Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County for 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED STALKING STOLED why they collected funds from the public they continue to racketeering the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on for 3 yr fraud falsifying arrest and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida allergy known of this abuse continued for March 11th 2013 through February 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida correcting funds on fraud eight years of stalking me on tampering uttering public records and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida corruption in our federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 and April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. internal Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and Beverly Dunn way appeals are file to January 27th 2015 in back gate and Records in forgery while they receive funds they continue to forge is my attorney version coil PA and former husband was Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida was given these forged instruments and they are certified falsifying public records and aggravated identity theft. Fine arrests falsifying insurance claims and money-laundering internal Federal databases and life insurance policies and property for lease in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida racketeering and receiving forged instruments and suppressed in CPA corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA eight years on aggravated assault on forgery suppressed Financial disclosure brushing coil PA on fraud tampering adoring public records Stacy Butterfield CPA correction receiving funds on fraud 8 years stalking suppress in Federal money laundering counterfeiting a 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT and Allergy knowing of this abuse they threw me in jail I had a nervous breakdown with a forged as my attorney they falsified a trial they backdated records and they falsified appeals filed the Beverly Dunn way they cash my checks but they did not give me my money or my property back why they threw me in jail stub brushing call Pa in a racketeering for 3 and tampering with evidence and former husband on eight years of aggravated identity theft in Federal on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida collecting money on false pretenses and forgery and tereson harassment racketeering Rico suppress have falsifying arrest Rico racketeering and aggravated

  102. Case no 2013dr 2230 HARB Cindy Sullivan SUPPRESSED Fraudulent financial disclosure BRUSH@COYLE STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA POLK COUNTY FLORIDA. SUPPRESSED STALKING ON Fraudulent altered official public records SUPPRESSED fraudulent trail fraudulent AFFDAVIT fraudulent APPELLS backdates records bidding Beverly Dunaway Tracy BB clerk Stacy Butterfield forged lnsurments AFFDAVIT BRUSH@COYLE 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure Robert brush BRUSH@COYLE tamping uttered official public records STALK 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED RACKETTING Rico tax evasion money laundering property fraud Abandment fraud fraudulent altered official records STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA Tamping uttered official suppressed money laundering fraud fraudulent arrest RACKETTING forgery lnsurments battery backdates kickbacks BRUSH@COYLEPA FTC databases lRS federal 3cedit Buenos 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT fraudulent altered tangible embezzlement stripped trickery Tracy BB Stacy Butterfield CPA corrupt march 11.2013 thru January 21.2021 BRUSH@COYLE Erin Castro Cindy p paralegal fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS tax evasion Rico RACKETTING lnsurance claims lnsurance claims fraudulent financial disclosure tax evasion fraudulent arrest fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS STALKING 8YEARS records received public funds Stalking Spoliation evidence STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA backdates kickbacks records received public funds on fraud 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED RACKETTING Rico embezzlement grand larceny money laundering fraudulent AFFDAVIT BRUSH@COYLE

  103. Stalking me STOLED MY INDENTITY kidnapped me.........forgery lt federal databases February 8.2018 withholding my evidence SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure fraudulent arrest fraudulent trail fraudulent 4times APPELLS fraudulent AFFDAVIT in stalked me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppressed in Federal Way IRS Federal requested these records November 13th two thousand seventeenth and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and conflict of interest was in April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith they forced is my attorney why 4times APPELLS filed are filed to Beverly Dunn way paid fraudulent backdates records they falsified records and withheld my evidence January 16th 2015 and suppress evidence January 27th 2015 appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why Tracy BB and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida was given these forged instruments numbers times I was devastated I had a nervous breakdown suppress falsifying Financial disclosure and falsifying tax is in her Federal databases why IRS Federal requested these records November 13th 2017 California and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. fall back over $39,000 a former husband they forged is my attorney and withheld my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida exhibits 1 and 2 July 16th 2015 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida the kitchen to stalk me for trickery for photos wrote by this nasty judge on a forged instrument they never had a trial they never had no mandatory disclosure in conflict of interest with energy chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 on 123 fraud mandatory disclosure conflict of interest on forgery and falsifying 6 financial affidavit with six different receiving funds on fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of aggravated identity theft suppressed on falsifying Financial records and stalking in the 10th Circuit Court Fayette County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records falsifying taxes on me and back gate and these records cuz this is March 11th 2013 certified and registered Robert brush through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on suppress evidence on falsifying affidavits are in Castor paralegal falsifying arrest suppress falsifying Financial discovery Scott paralegal and certified and registered for mandatory disclosure Robert brush brushing Coyle PA eight years on aggravated identity theft entered Federal databases why California found more fraud IRS Federal FTC three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and fraud on brushing Coyle PA money-laundering counterfeiting racketeering insurance fraud and suppress on falsifying Financial records and kidnapping me you cannot Forge as my attorney and you cannot forged documents and you cannot steal my property with police report attached Court director fabricating court records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County

  104. Case no 2013dr 2230 entered Stacy Butterfield CPA databases FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus I filed for divorce they backdated records years filed 10 11 12 13 and 14 on my divorce was backdated and Records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why they stalked me for 8 years for trickery for photos they falsified another wit and then they falsified the storage and threw me in jail tampering with evidence and falsifying records that are federal databases on falsifying a trial falsifying appeals filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and Tracy BB b Court director tampering with evidence and miscellaneous falsifying public or falsified tampering with evidence and interred federal fraudulent altered backdates kickbacks in April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida withholding evidence tampering with evidence and lawsuits liability claims Polk County Sheriff's Office with insurance claim with a forge Miranda Davenport Orange County and Polk County and Social Security with my name on it in life insurance policies in her Federal databases and businesses and property over $100,000 and restraining orders with protection orders State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and Tallahassee Florida records They forged is my attorney they falsified records They stripped over $1000000 and falsified taxes on meeting on July 19th 2017 back to Stacy Butterfield CPA withholding evidence fraud wire fraud fraudulent altered fraudulent AFFDAVIT purjury contempt hidden property tax evasion money laundering insurance claims SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure stolen property states attorney records suppressed filed Beverly tax evasion Stacy Butterfield CPA over $39,000 IRS Federal fallback California as they found more fraud fraudulent wit fraudulent kidnapped arrest forged as my attorney they threw me in jail while they forged is my attorney they stalked me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and they falsified public records tax evasion wire fraud and money laundering racketeering falsifying arrest kidnapping and forgery in her better databases on the Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida racketeering in forgery wire fraud counterfeiting and as IRS Federal found more fraud tampering with evidence suppressed January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 and eight years of stalking me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida brushing Coyle PA and falsifying lawsuits liability claims insurance claims Financial records and 4/3 Hunter Federal databases and wire fraud and tampering with evidence kidnapping forgery and stalking me for 8-years and forged instruments why they forged even asked my attorney no trial no APPELLS Beverly Dunaway filed backdates records money laundering Rico RACKETTING kidnapped forgery trickery tamping uttered public records stealing public funds RACKETTING embezzlement kidnapped FTC databases lRS federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 and brushing Coyle PA internal FTC IRS Federal and insurance fraud Social Security fraud hotline Billy claims in medical releases Polk County Sheriff's Office with my name on it in my insurance company suppress falsifying Financial disclosure the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida backdating records and falsifying arrests in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Federal databases on a appeals filed in the court fraud wire fraud kidnapped forgery lndentity theft federal databases SUPPRESSED stalking STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida on falsifying Financial records tax evasion kidnapping insurance fraud in devilment lawsuits liability claims in medical release Social Security 8YEARS aggressive lndentity theft backdates records stripped BRUSH@COYLE suppressed life insurance policies businesses and property

  105. Case no 2013dr 2230 SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure assault STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA SUPPRESSED backdates records spoliation evidence stripped kidnapped they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney IRS Federal found out they falsified a trial they backdated these records and forgery in her Federal databases is a white call Crime June 4th 2019 FTC and IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida kidnapping me February 8th 2018 while withholding my evidence backdating these records and wire fraud and tax evasion in her Federal databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 of former husband's they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 they forged Her Miranda on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it insurance claims suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with lawsuits liability claims from January 29th 2009 through 2016 Davenport Orange County UK and Polk County Sheriff's Office and falsifying insurance claims brushing Coyle PA suppressing the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida money-laundering kidnapping forgery backdating records and kickbacks in forgery documents in my name and throw me in jail I was devastated I filed for divorce not Scandal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records backdating records in kidnapping in her better databases and suppress on falsifying insurance claims and forgery and a porch more and I brushing Coyle PA attached is his property over $100,000 with State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records on domestic violence and criminal records with police records in falsified thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office November 17th 2015 to be fall to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida weather receive full disclosure that they forged is my attorney they backdated these records They falsified a speedy trial of some sort as IRS Federal found more and on July 19th 2017 at 4:29 p.m. forged as my attorney former husband and brushcoyle Pa internal Federal databases and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on suppress evidence on falsifying Financial records money-laundering counterfeiting kidnapping property fraud over $100,000 police reports and tampering with evidence backdating records brushing Coyle PA kidnapping and falsifying Financial records and affidavits paralegals ERIN Castor and Cindy p BRUSH@COYLE backdates records SUPPRESSED fraudulent altered official public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida stalking me kidnapping wire fraud tampering with evidence and Ford 300 Federal databases on brushcoyle PA certified in register Robert brush March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress falsifying a whit falsifying a surge falsifying my rest kidnapping me money-laundering counterfeiting in backdating these records backdating these records suppressed Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida kidnapping wire fraud falsifying financial documents and tampering with evidence Breyers aggravated identity theft Federal databases suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida

  106. Backdates records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered better databases on kidnapping forgery wire fraud tampering with evidence and falsifying Financial records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with insurance claims lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it and a force Miranda brush andcoyle PA paralegals falsifying arrests in kidnapping in federal databases and and affidavits forged and they forged as my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they back cashed records why they BRUSH@COYLEPA federal databases kidnapping racketeering insurance claims and falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on tax evasion wire fraud and counterfeiting on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband stays tripped over a million dollars and forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA kidnap me and threw me in jail February 8th 2018 for $700 plunge and then $1,000 for falsified wit why they backdated these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in federal databases at kidnapping wire fraud money-laundering racketeering property fraud over $100,000 and tampering with evidence and backdating these records and falsifying a trial and falsifying appeals Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida records They backdated these records and for 300 better databases on Tracy BB Court director and Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida withholding evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. falsifying Financial records falsifying affidavits wire fraud kidnapping money-laundering and tampering and racketeering in her Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and brushcoyle Pa suppress falsifying Financial records and kidnapping on forgery they're stealing public funds and backdating Records numbers claims in my name suppress falsifying a surge kidnapping falsifying and falsifying financial affidavit BRUSH@COYLE Timothy Coyle Robert brush e PUJOL Axandera State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 pages and property released in 15 days August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 filed October 29th 2014 falsifying a trial falsifying appeals falsifying Financial records and backdating Records in her better databases on kidnapping wire fraud racketeering and forgery and falsifying Financial records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on drugs and Coyle PA on falsifying affidavit kidnapping on forgery and tampering with evidence money-laundering embezzlement and falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on backdating records

  107. SUPPERSSED Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in the 10th Circuit Court pep County Florida on aggravated identity theft wire fraud kidnapping falsifying public records tampering with evidence and aggravated assault on forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida BRUSH@COYLEPA Coyle PA cashed in numbers claims in my name while they backdated these records FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 of Attorney General the capital p l r one Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 suppress evidence on falsifying Financial records kidnapping forgery wire fraud insurance fraud lawsuits liability claims medical releases Social Security businesses kidnapping me and backdating Records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2020 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on hidden property judgment in order contempt of court perjury and money-laundering and tax-evasion and wire fraud and kidnap me February 2018 while I was holding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and backdating Records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and Tracy BB Court director and Beverly Dunn way appeals file to and contempt of court perjury wire fraud and kidnapping in our federal databases falsifying Financial records and backdating Records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for 8 years aggravated identity theft in the 10th circuit for Polk County Florida suppress

  108. Backdating records and financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppressed federal databases tampering with evidence of aggravated identity theft wire fraud counterfeiting Rico racketeering wire fraud kidnapping in forgery brush and Coyle PA DC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 file to CC office of Attorney General the capital p01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 falsifying a surge kidnapped bidding wire fraud backdated records conflict of interest in order to April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith 1 2 3 fraud kidnapping wire fraud money-laundering insurance policies and lawsuits liability claims and medical releases and tampering other in public records and backdating Records in her Federal databases with investigations falsified in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in a whit and backdating Records in her better databases

  109. Stay off my computer virus protection

  110. Stop sending viruses to my phone!SUPPERSSED fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records tampering adoring public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on kidnapping wire fraud money-laundering property fraud and receiving funds on on falsifying public records for March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 SUPPERSSED falsifying Financial records affidavits and IRS Federal wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back of a $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield State and Janet wheeler paid her taxes backdating records and kickbacks interdental databases why they continue to harass me for eight years they kidnapped me February 8th 2018 on a forged instrument suppressed they falsified Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they backdating records and tax-evasion wire fraud and kidnapping you and her better databases and suppress evidence why we receiving funds in the tents are at Fort Polk County Florida for eight years they start me for trickery for photos Russian Coyle PA are scum they cashed in numbers claims in my name and falsified financial affidavit says they backdated records Insurance claim and laundry RACKETTING databases and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida kidnapping me February 8th 2018 on forged instruments while they falsified Financial records and stalk me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on kidnapping wire fraud aggravated identity theft money-laundering racketeering and forgery why they withheld my evidence Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Tracy BBCOR tractor and Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida suppress falsifying arrest on forgery kidnapping wire fraud falsifying Financial records and property fraud over a hundred thousand why they backdated these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on aggravated identity theft for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and affidavit receiving public funds on fraud April 16th 2015 conflict of interest judge Bruce Smith 123 fraud while they continue to harass me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they kidnapped me forged is my attorney and Forester Miranda where they cashed in numbers claims in with my name brushing Coyle PA or scum

  111. Suppress Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 tampering with evidence in assault in federal databases as white called crime June 4th 2019 falsifying appeals filed a court records and falsifying backdating records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Tracy baby Court director and Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. judge pickets records in the Fort Polk County Florida on contempt of court perjury heading property judgment in order and falsifying 6 financial affidavit they continue to harass me I was threatened out of elevator with a Bela they falsified thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office they forged is my attorney brushcoyle PA they stalked me for 8 contempt on perjury and contempt of court and then they falsified a wit and falsified a surge where they kidnapped me what Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this abuse and was very much in control of these records as she was giving them and they are filed to her 8 years of aggravated identity theft in federal databases and suppressed by my attorney and falsifying Financial records kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they kidnap me and threw me in jail I was devastated I had a nervous breakdown by withholding my evidence Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida Tracy BV Court director and Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and Aran Federal databases falsifying affidavit falsifying trial backdating records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress with lawsuits liability claim the medical releases with a forge Miranda and insurance claims by brushing Coyle PA as they cashed in numbers claims in my name and threw me in jail why they forged is my attorney and insulted me on 4/3 tax evasion and wire fraud Aran Federal databases California Kansas and Texas on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying public records and backdating records

  112. Suppress falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 backdating records in falsifying Financial disclosure insurance policy Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies business is running for 4 years with six different bank accounts 4/3 as my attorney kidnapping me throw me in jail on a forged Surge and a forge quit in federal databases Oprah million-dollar strip while they backdated these records and wire fraud and counterfeiting is and forgery in her Federal databases suppress lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 with a forge Miranda they cashed in numbers insurance policy medical releases on my insurance company suppressed brushcoyle Robert brush and Timothy Coyle

  113. Have you ever been through hell

  114. Have you ever been through hell for 8 years why they receive public funds and falsifying public records and backdating him to IRS Federal you ruined my credit you've ruined my mortgage you brew in my taxes you receive Public funds on falsifying public records harassing me forging documents in my name you receive public funds why falsifying public records and backdating to IRS Federal suppress affidavits in Federal falsifying my arrest SUPPRESSED fraudulent altered records I've been through hell 8YEARS stalking on backdated records to lRS federal yes I've been through hell

  115. March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 this quarter's receiving public money under false pretenses I filed for divorce they forged instruments in my name they stalked me for 8 years for turkey for photos while they cashed in numbers claims they falsified a trial they falsified it feels they left me with Dad a $52,000 they forged as my attorney they stalk me and threw me in jail kidnap me on false pretences suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tax evasion and wire fraud in her fitter databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS better fall back over $39,000 a former husband's they continue to harass me strip my records and forged instruments in my name and backdate records IRS Federal falsifying in trial with no mandatory disclosure 123 Fraud April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Bruce Smith records conflict of interest and then falsifying appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and backdating Records why they're paid they tampered with evidence and solid me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida court record for photos kidnap me forged instruments and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records racketeering Rico a day that forgery falsifying arrests falsifying a wit surge why was holding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered Federal databases is a white collar crime June 4th 2019 FTC and IRS Federal falsified her surgery I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** Robert brush tampering with evidence while they cashed in numbers claims in my name lawsuits liability claims in medical releases Social Security insurance policies businesses abandoned child forgery in tampering with evidence internal Federal databases as a white collar crime on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial disclosure tampering with evidence brush and Coyle PA racketeering Rico pulse find a rest kidnapping me and forgery as my attorney this court has not released nothing is received public funds on fraud for 8 years stalking me and falsifying arrests in her Federal databases I only thought for divorce vandament restrain order protection orders and criminal records State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 Pages October 10th 2014 October 13th 2014 fall withholding evidence 52 Pages domestic violence and criminal records and police records and lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda where they forged my attorney brushing call Pa are scum FTC and IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida three credit bureaus

  116. I only filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence of the assault that are that are databases FTC June 4th 2019 as a white collar crime the cast of Numb3rs claims in my name and forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying a trial falsifying 4times APPELLS filed Beverly Dunaway backdates records lRS federal tampering with evidence in IRS better databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA have County Florida receiving public funds on fraud 4/8 years depressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying a trial falsifying appeals forgery assault stocking for trickery for photos on the forged instrument and cashed in numbers claims my name brushing call Pa and falsifying paralegals Erin Castor tampering with evidence in falsifying Financial records stalking falsifying arrests suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and falsifying Financial records abandonment restraining orders protection orders and State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records falsifying my alimony debt a $52,000 property over $100,000 and falsifying records with police reports restraining orders violations on former husband they forged is my attorney former husband and Natalie Clerk of the Court Stacy Butterfield and brushing Coyle PA did you just talk me in this court is receiving public funds on fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA on eight years of aggravated identity theft suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida hidden property perjury contempt of court falsifying arrests falsifying taxes and forgery in better databases on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes they forged just my attorney and they forged Miranda with insurance claims filed brushcoyle PA and tax liens falling court records on forgery and tampering with evidence while they cashed in numbers claims and lawsuits liability claims and medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 and UK records Davenport Orange County and Polk County with insurance claims with falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for 8-years stalking me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they threw me in jail on a surge I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** $700 then they falsified another Wit SUPPRESSED fraudulent AFFDAVIT SUPPRESSED Fraudulent ARREST falsifying insurance claims Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies businesses and property and better databases as a white collar crime on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years of stalking me for March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records equable assets forgery in tampering with evidence and falsifying arrests in affidavits in federal tampering with evidence and forgery and back gay records backdating records IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida receiving funds of public money on fraud falsifying public records in tampering with evidence for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida where they cashed in numbers claims my name and identity theft wire fraud counterfeiting racketeering and devilment in forgery and aggravated identity theft June 4th 2019 FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus why they left me with debt and destroyed my credit destroyed my home and forged as my attorney I was devastated

  117. these records from the court they back Daisy's records to Iris Federal they falsified a trial they falsified appeals order and judgment contempt of court perjury hidden property and falsified Financial records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they backdates records IRS Federal March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them in my insurance company with a forge Miranda Robert brush falsifying lRS federal Stacy Butterfield CPA and backdating records and tampering with evidence and kidnapping in IRS better databases they threw me in jail while they forged is my and tax evasion and identity theft entered Federal FTC databases June 4th 2019 in February 18th 2018 kidnapping forgery in tampering with evidence they threw me in jail for search for $700 add to pay the son of a b**** why casting numbers claims in my name Robert brush Timothy Coyle and ERIN CASTRO CINDY P BRUSH@COYLE entered FTC and IRS federal backdating records in falsifying mandatory disclosure April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith records conflict of interest 123 fraud no mandatory disclosure they falsified a trial they falsified appeals filed the Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and they backdated these records and Tracy Bebe Court director falsifying fabricating records miscellaneous entered Federal databases on copies of falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA tamper with evidence and financial disclosure Interstellar databases why they backdated these records to IRS Federal and abuse for eight years in a federal databases on aggravated identity theft and forgery on brushing for PA falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida with domestic violence and criminal records attached and abandonment with a child and forgery improper YouTube released August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 and falsifying my alimony why they catching numbers claims brushing Coyle PA and property released in in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records filed October 29th 2014 to judge Harbin Cindy Sullivan in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in backdating records entered better databases on kidnapping forgery and trickery they threw me in jail was devastated I had a nervous breakdown they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida exhibits 1 & 2 on a forged instrument certified found in court records They falsified trickery for photos for 8 years and harass me and threatened me with a casting numbers claims and backdated these records to IRS Federal property over a hundred thousand to be released in 15 days my brushing Coyle PA are they casting numbers claims on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2016 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida with a forge Miranda trying to remove me from these claims and falsified taxes on me and backdating these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records falsifying insurance claims lawsuits liability claims social security has comp life insurance policies businesses abandonment with a child in forgery in tampering with evidence in her Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they forged as my attorney brush andcoyle PA they forged the Miranda they falsified Financial records They falsified the surge they harass me for trickery for 8 years photos why would I have to get photos on a forged instrument three credit bureaus FTC and IRS Federal on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida kidnapping wire fraud aggravated identity theft tax evasion and falsifying public records arrest Federal BRUSH@COYLEPA

  118. Suppress falsifying Financial disclosure kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence for 8 years of the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged is my attorney they forged the Miranda they falsified trial they falsified appeals contempt of court order and judgment in him property entered Federal databases they backdated these records to IRS Federal brush and coil PA in a racketeering Rico forgery and tampering with evidence and falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on wire fraud tax evasion and embezzlement and counterfeiting and kidnapping they throw me in jail where they forged as my attorney they falsifying back daisies records IRS Federal and suppressed in the 10th circuit Fort Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records falsifying arrests for 3 and tampering with evidence for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida receiving public funds on fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and backdating records and wire fraud in backdates records lRS federal fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records BRUSH@COYLE Timothy Coyle Robert brush paralegals Erin Castro Cindy p entered federal databases tampering with the evidence racketeering Rico insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical release is abandonment restraining orders protection orders with police records falsifying thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation wire fraud and counterfeiting on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida she backdating these records IRS Federal and they falsified Financial disclosure insurance claims and forgery and money laundry there's better databases and kidnapping February 8th 2018 on suppress evidence and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying a surge of wit and forgery in as my attorney in her stead of databases why they backdate this records IRS Federal on November 13th 2017. IRS Federal requesting these records while they continue to harass me on a forged instrument for trickery for photos contempt of court perjury hidden property just misses judgment and order it or settle databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on financial disclosure in backdating records IRS Federal with wire fraud kidnapping and forgery there receiving public funds on fraud 8 years are considered assault suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida falsifying Financial records wire fraud and kidnapping on forged instruments forged as my attorney Forge Miranda tax evasion wire for Oswego racketeering and insurance claims for lawsuits liability claims in medical releases on brushing Coyle PA the Cash 3 numbers claims in my name and back day these records to Iris Federal falsifying Financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA 8YEARS aggressive lndentity theft fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records lRS federal suppressedpublic records of databases they backdate these records IRS Federal while they requested these records November 13th 2017 from the 10th Circuit Court Polk County

  119. March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida FTC databases June 4th 2019 in February 14th 2018 kidnapping wire fraud and tampering with evidence in her Federal databases on a white-collar crime they backdated records to Iris Federal they forged is my attorney they forged to Brandon casting numbers claims in my name brush andcoyle PA entered Federal databases why IRS Federal finished completing the years filed into this court they found more fraud wire fraud and tax evasion in federal databases July 17th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. over $39,000 by back to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they stripped everything filed over a hundred thousand dollars property fraud to release in 15 days before judge my attorney they backdated records They falsified a trial they falsified appeals filed court records paid and tampering with evidence entered Federal databases on contempt of court perjury hidden property judgment in order and kidnapping February 8th 2018 on the forge surge are they back to these records IRS tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records entered FTC IRS phone Federal and they destroyed my credit on three credit bureaus on eight years of aggravated identity theft entered Federal databases with documents filed to court and appeals filed again and again to the court records by the second district court Polk County Florida the fees paid to this court while they receive funds on falsifying public records the affidavits say forged in my name and tampering with evidence and unfettered databases they destroyed my credit and IRS Federal is completing their complete investigation and bankruptcy is being fought on this way as being suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court 5th County Florida on 8 years of aggravated identity theft and forgery racketeering and Rico suppress falsifying Financial records falsifying insurance claims lawsuits liability claims in medical releases at my name property in my name Social Security in my name and tampering with evidence and heard that are databases as a white-collar crime have you ever been through so much hell they threw me in jail February 8th 2018 I have a nervous breakdown then they trickery for eight years the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida landfill to find Financial Records property fraud and Rico racketeering Interstellar databases on brushing Coyle PA and former husband they stole my identity have you ever been through so much hell suppress in Federal

  120. FTC databases February 9.2018 June 4.2018 falsifying Financial records aggravated identity theft entered Federal data with with attached records April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith 1 2 3 fraud mandatory disclosure conflict of interest in turn on Judge HARB Cindy Sullivan the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida fraudulent trail fraudulent altered APPELLS filed backdates records tampering with evidence why page for appeals in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida contempt of court perjury March 3rd 2015 why 4times APPELLS are filed to Beverly Dunn way and then 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida attached records May and March 2015 Justice qualification committee Alexandra Wilson attach records October 27th 2016 certified to the Florida bar Alexander Wilson on to judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I's judge pickets records were filed in court records and investigation was filed State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on November 30th 2015 attached in Federal they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA tampering with evidence and racketeering entered Federal databases and aggravated identity theft kidnapping in forgery why they forged documents in my name and falsified records for 8 years in the tents are Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida wire fraud internal Federal databases November 13th 2017 IRS Federal requested these records in the tenth circuit judicial court Polk county Florida County Florida they continue to harass me and forged instruments my name BRUSH@COYLE Coyle PA and falsifying Financial records and stalking they stripped everything filed and then wanted me to pay them $700 why they kidnapped me and threw me in jail why was holding evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council filing federal appeals filed the Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court 4times APPELLS County Florida backdating records entered Federal on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's they backdated these records to Iris Federal and forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 found court records at 4:29 p.m. Cindy Sullivan's records certified forged instruments and ask for exhibits 1 and 2 or requested in the State's Attorney's Office investigation 2 Beverly trickery photos Tracy BB Court director Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Florida fabricated records miscellaneous withheld my evidence in forgery and entered databases with her records suppress evidence on falsifying affidavits brush andcoyle PA on backdating records wire fraud counterfeiting and kidnapping they threw me in jail while they forged his my attorney and then they fall all the Miranda to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases from January 29th 2009 through 2014 and ongoing investigation to FTC and IRS Federal and entered three credit bureaus on a graffiti to donate that's why they continue to harass me in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida so I paid for divorce and it's been hell November 13th 2017 investigation file to Polk County Florida Sheriff's office 98 North they receive full disclosure these documents as they took copies and return them back to my house they falsified thirty-six Pages Cindy P paralegal brush andcoyle PA falsifying six Financial affidavits with six different bank accounts and backdating these records so they tried to strip them while they continue to harass me brush andcoyle PA entered FTC three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and IRS Federal on wire fraud racketeering kidnapping forgery and falsifying and fabricate and financial records as IRS Federal found more fraud

  121. March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress evidence on falsifying Financial records wire fraud kidnapping in forgery interfit are databases they cashed in numbers claims in my name they forged as my attorney then they forged Miranda on lawsuits liability claims in medical releases in my insurance company claims cashed in numbers medical releases and lawsuits liability claims America releases with my name on it where they forged is my attorney brush andcoyle PA Interstellar databases I kidnapping February 8th 2018 on a search for $700 why was holding my evidence Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida they backdated these records. IRS Federal in on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida appeals are filed the Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida paid they fabricate these records in contempt of court perjury hidden property judgment in order and four times fall back to the court in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida to Stacy Butterfield CPA by the second district court Polk County Florida as they were filed a paid to the second Jester Court Polk County Florida and filed under civil rights 123 fraud Interstellar database has April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith records conflict of interest filed May 22nd 2015 re-interred lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with businesses and properties for lease in 15 days by brushing Coyle PA and and tax liens and and insurance claims filing court records while they stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida they forged is my attorney they stoled my property they cashed in numbers claims in my name and wire fraud and counterfeiting kidnapping wire fraud fraudulent altered AFFDAVITS Erin Castro assault ABBEDDING bedding fraudulent AFFDAVIT tampering with evidence in falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank accounts backdating records to IRS Federal and tampering with evidence in our databases they kidnapped me and threw me in jail why was holding my evidence I was devastated they forged my name on documents they falsified are trial they falsified appeals by the court records They trickery for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida aggravated identity theft wire fraud stalking and kidnapping Interstellar database is on backdating records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida FTC databases February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime withholding evidence Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA and Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and falsifying and fabricating in miscellaneous evidence and fabricating court records Tracy BB Court director they forged as my attorney and stalk me for trickery photos for 8 years brush andcoyle PA and casting numbers claims in my name suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsified Financial records insurance claims lawsuits liability claims businesses and property tampering with evidence and falsifying a whip and a surge and kidnapping me and throw me in jail or they forged documents in my name depressed in Federal Federal databases and forged instruments Jeff word with evidence they stripped my records in the originals are in

  122. 8 years of aggravated identity theft attorney Federal databases on tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida. Find Financial records stalking on forgery falsifying the arrest they forged as my attorney and they forged Miranda they backdated records IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 IRS Federal California records report unit July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. to give forgery lnspector forged as my attorney certified founding court records they are not my attorneys for a cinnful PA they cashed in numbers claims with my name on them with a forged Miranda and falsifying public records medical releases tampering with evidence and altering public records in her Federal databases on 8 years of aggravated identity theft and stalking for trickery for photos they forged documents they backdating records IRS Federal they forged is my turning they forged Miranda why they cast you never explain to my name Russian Coyle PA and then Federal databases that's Rico racketeering aggravated identity theft falsifying arrest on forgery suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8YEARS aggressive lndentity theft stalking on fraudulent altered public records Stacy Butterfield CPA and brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence falsifying Financial records Insurance claim lawsuits liability claims and medical voice businesses Social Security in my name and forged instruments in tampering with evidence why they backdating records lRS withholding evidence November 13th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida wire fraud and counterfeiting in federal databases in on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA stating I pay my check taxes say forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 a falsified a trial and backdated records and for 8 years stalking me for trickery for photos in her affidavit Cindy Federal on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 falsifying affidavits falsifying Financial records tax evasion kidnapping in forgery internal Federal databases on suppress evidence on forged instruments in tampering other in public records Bure ears on aggravated identity theft suppressed and federal IRS three credit bureaus in FTC databases tampering uttering public records original sin fit in federal and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years ago I committed to entered federal databases backdates records spoliation evidence BRUSH@COYLE certified redergisted 123 fraud conflict of interest energy chief judge April 16th 2015 Bruce Smith 123 fraud appeals filed a Beverly Dunn way and Tracy BB y Court director tampering with evidence suppressed in Federal brushing Coyle PA Federal falsifying affidavits for green kidnapping they threw me in jail where they Forge does my attorney eight years of stalking me and her Federal database withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA and Leanne Parker Court counsel Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. liability claims and medical releases January 29th 2009 through 2014 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida to withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA embezzlement racketeering wire fraud and counterfeiting

  123. Suppress is a 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 backdating records IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records stocking and forgery for trickery and forgery embezzlement Rico racketeering and wire fraud entered Federal databases and falsifying my arrest they kidnap me and threw me in jail why they forged as my attorney former husband and brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases and Rico racketeering embezzlement tax evasion and wire fraud and kidnapping March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records back gate and records and kick back and forgery as my attorney brushing call Pa and former husband and a forged Miranda and lawsuits liability claims in medical Voice's with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office and and medical release is over 500,000 Federal databases life insurance policy over 800,000 and Social Security over 67000 with my name on it September 12th 2012 to business is running for 4 years with six different bank accounts Cindy P brushing Coyle PA six different falsifying affidavits each to remove lawsuits liability claims in medical release is Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence misconduct claims the forge Miranda Robert brush brick wall th has two numbers claims with my name on them from January 29th 2009 through 2014 and 16 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida UK records Davenport Orange County and Polk County with a forge Miranda trying to remove me from these claims where they cashed in numbers medical claims and insurance policies requested from the court tax liens and tax evasion in our federal databases they've acted these records on former husband's taxes and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal 5 back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to safety Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida State and Janet wheeler paid her taxes tampering with evidence and assault while they backdated records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County for 8-years internal Federal databases and racketeering and forgery and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this abuse brushing Coyle PA submitted falsified affidavits and forgery and falsifying a tryout and no mandatory disclosure 123 fraud fraudulent altered financial disclosure backdates records tampering uttering public records in federal BRUSH@COYLEPA backdates records withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal California records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Energy FTC February 18th 2017 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on aggravated identity theft and forgery on tampering with evidence in assault kidnapping forgery and wire fraud in her Federal databases on Rico racketeering aggravated identity theft and property fraud over a hundred thousand why they forged documents my name and tampering with evidence from March 11th 2013 at 3 January 21st 2021 falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on aggravated identity theft stalking kidnapping wire fraud and tampering with evidence in and federal databases as a white collar crime I'm brush and Coyle I'm paralegal Erin Castor trickery photos 8YEARS aggressive lndentity theft AFFDAVIT fraudulent altered fraudulent arrest kidnapped entered federal databases Erin Castro abetting bedding fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records Stacy Butterfield CPA 8YEARS for Mentor disclosure the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why pills are filed Beverly Dunn way and affidavits and Federal r disclosure within a chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 why appeals are followed to Beverly Dunn way

  124. Falsifying Financial records for March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in her stead of databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida backdating records in for 300 Federal databases with wire fraud kidnapping falsifying a rest falsifying a third falsifying a wet on brushing for PA where they cashed in millions of dollars in my name tampering with evidence and aggravated assault they threw me in jail where they forged his my attorney why is heels are filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Pitt County Florida and back gate and Records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida affidavits in our federal FTC FTC February 18th 2017 June 4th 2019 white collar crime and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Pitt County Florida falsifying Financial records insurance claims businesses property lawsuits liability claims domestic violence criminal records and abandonment restraining orders State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and falsifying Financial disclosure racketeering Rico and aggravated identity theft and federal databases for March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 suppressed on falsifying Financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA for Robert brush certified and registered for 8 years aggravated identity theft kidnapping wire fraud and embezzlement racketeering insurance fraud lawsuits liability claims and medical police has with my name on it while they forged is my attorney and threw me in jail I was devastated for 8 years falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 to January 21st 2021 depressed on falsifying Financial disclosure racketeering why are fraud kidnapping and forgery aggravated identity theft pa Polk County Florida

  125. Affidavits and IRS Schedule 8 years stalking me 8 years in stalking me on forgery and falsifying Financial records wire fraud kidnapping Rico racketeering insurance fraud business fraud suppressed in the tenth report pets County Florida on aggravated identity theft on brushing full PA on falsifying act David Sports Arena as my attorney and of course Miranda Federal 2010 11 12 13 and 14 filed in my divorce falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for 8 years aggravated identity theft energy FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on stalking me for trickery photos while they forged instruments in my name and suppress falsifying Financial disclosure racketeering Rico wire fraud kidnapping forgery and tampering unring public records and withholding evidence Tracy baby Court director Lee Ann Parker Court Council April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. and appeals filed Beverly Dunn way in the tender is Fort Polk County Florida with forged instruments they forged as my attorney in falsified a tryout and falsified documents and back pain records IRS Federal

  126. After eight years of being stalked for trickery for photos of the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress evidence on falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida backdating records Tyra's Federal wire fraud kidnapping and aggravated identity theft a nerd Federal databases on Rico racketeering on brushing Coyle PA suppress evidence 2009-2010 2011-12 13 and 14 15 and 16 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 falsifying a trial falsifying appeals falsifying Meritor disclosure in conflict of interest in April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith on 123 fraud Mary tour disclosure backdating records Tyra's Federal brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases FTC and IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and aggravated identity theft falsified Financial records for 2009 through 2016 and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and continued until January 21st 2021 February 3.2021 falsifying Financial records for the years that are filed into this court while they continue to harass me for 8 years for trickery for photos and falsified a whit for $1,000 and threw me in jail for $700 why I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** why you cashed your numbers claims in my name from January 29th 2009 through 2016 Robert brush certified and registered in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for eight years for aggravated identity theft and falsifying Financial records They forged as my attorney they forged Miranda to remove me from these claims are they cashed ID numbers claims with my name on it tampering with evidence and kidnap me and threw me in jail I'm devastated I'm devastated falsifying Financial records for 8 years Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered FTC databases February 18th 2018 and June 4th 2019 does white collar crime backdating records Tyra's Federal and suppress evidence on falsifying public records kidnapping wire fraud and racketeering and Rico and grand larceny and Grand Theft lRS Federal backdating records aggravated identity theft Rico racketeering falsifying Financial records suppress falsifying arrests kidnapping suppress backdating records and kickbacks Federal databases and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft databases and brushing Coyle PA and suppress evidence on falsifying and financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA

  127. So I spent eight years of my life in the court while they forged documents in my name and tampering with evidence and affidavits in Federal Way IRS Federal found more fraud you think that Stacy Butterfield CPA would protect me as domestic violence and criminal records are filed in these claims money laundering counterfeiting wire fraud and kidnapping in federal databases on 8 years being stalked by brush andcoyle PA while they cashed in numbers claims in my name tampering with evidence Aran Federal databases as falsifying Financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida from March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 on fabricating court records falsifying a trial falsifying appeals filed to court records backdating records lRS Federal and tampering with Avenue November 13th 2017 IRS Federal requested these records in the tenth of it for Polk County Florida wire fraud entered Federal databases July 19 th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. they fought back over $39,000 former husband's taxes they falsified a trial they falsified appeals they forged is my attorney and then they force their Miranda trying to hide lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on it and they threw me in jail I was devastated they stripped over $100,000 property fraud life insurance policies Social Security workman's comp husband's retirement and forged is my attorney brushing Coyle PA or spam in my affidavits IRS Federal say forged instruments and stole my identity and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida shooter never fabricated those court records or financial disclosure or insurance claims filed in these records while they forged is my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida you think Stacy Butterfield CPA would protect me with domestic violence and criminal records Tallahassee Florida records th why they stripped my records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 8 years I have been through hell falsifying Financial disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and stalking me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and fabricating court records brush called PA on Rico racketeering wire fraud kidnapping and forgery in their stead of databases insurance policies and domestic violence and criminal records and properties for lease over a hundred thousand How could somebody ever have to be so cruel in this world when you only file for divorce and they forged documents in your name and the cash in numbers claims in your name brushing Coyle PA or scum in my affidavit in federal they have literally harassed me stalked me for trickery to hide their claims that they casting numbers claims and falsified affidavits in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for eight years of Ale 8 years of Hell in affidavits in Federal kidnapping on forgery falsifying Financial disclosure in tampering uttering public records brush andcoyle PA and paralegal Erin Castro fraudulent financial disclosure property fraud tamping uttered fraudulent AFFDAVIT you think Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida water protect me and there's eight years as a ology knowing if this abuse was going on tampering with evidence in assault and wasting eight years of my life why they cashed in numbers claims and left me a bandit why they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA are scum and affidavits in Federal kidnapping on forgery and falsifying Financial records for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress in Federal 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida has wasted eight years of my life on fabricate court records embezzlement racketeering Rico wire fraud tampering with evidence and and property fraud and kidnapping in IRS better database why they cashed in numbers claims in my name and falsified court records 4/8 years you think Stacy Butterfield CPA would it protect me falsifying Financial records

  128. I filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida they falsified public records and stalk me for 8 years from March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress in federal and affidavits IRS Federal falsifying Financial disclosure kidnapping wire fraud tampering with evidence forgery property fraud and falsifying my alimony where they cashed in numbers claims in my name brushing Coyle PA on stalking me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida on falsifying Financial records racketeering Rico insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical releases with a Ford Miranda why they forged as my attorney tampering with evidence they threw me in jail kidnap me why they withheld my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida they falsified a trial no Mary tour disclosure and chief judge Bruce Smith record April 16th 2015 123 fraud conflict of interest for mandatory disclosure weather falled to judge Pinkett in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I was assaulted threatened and trickery for photos continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 8 years was the third judge received these records and then I find out they falsified affidavits that I never seen this paralegal Erin Castro backdates records BRUSH@COYLE a banana bed and falsifying Financial records in tampering with evidence in our federal databases Stacy IRS federal claims in my name name in fabric court records 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records lRS federal why are fraud in tampering with evidence a file back over $39,000 for my husband to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida that falsified Financial disclosure they harassed me for 8 years of my life with domestic violence and criminal records attached and abandonment tampering with evidence in her and federal databases I just cannot believe that Stacy Butterfield CPA did not protect me while they fabricated these records in the tents are at court paid County Florida and wasted eight years of my life on racketeering

  129. I only file for a divorce in FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 tampering with evidence that assault and filing false financial statements and making false entries of material and factors false fabricating of official documents on financial disclosure and forgery theft of phone to the abuse of authority non-disclosure of facts and willfully making false statements of Fabrications of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority and bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment fraudulent financial disclosure tampering uttering public records for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on wire fraud kidnapping racketeering and bidding and and tampering with evidence BRUSH@COYLE Coyle PA PARALEGALS ERIN CASTRO falsifying affidavits and falsifying Financial disclosure and willfully making Falls fragment statements of falsification of official documents forgery theft of phone to the abuse of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and just garments of financial disclosure while they cashed in numbers claims in my name and threw me in jail they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 and they forged the Miranda on these lawsuits liability claims of medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office tampering with evidence in her Federal databases and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and 8 years of aggravated identity theft stalking me eight years of my life!! Trickery bidding RACKETTING Rico aggressive lndentity theft kidnapped entered federal and discard a financial disclosure

  130. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 tampering with evidence filing false financial statements making false entries in material and factors false fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of funds abuse of authority non-disclosure a fact and willfully making false fragmented statements and falsifying affidavits in falsifying of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abuse Garment of financial disclosure falsifying Financial disclosure and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida State and I pay my taxes they backdated these record start arrests Federal me February 8th 2018 while I was holding my evidence why fabricating entry some material and factors and false expectation of official documents on forgery and theft of fawns bribery abuse of authority and Don disclosure of facts of Willow flea making false statements of falsification of official documents in forgery theft of funds and abuse of Authority Under bribery and Corruption ethics violations of harassment abuse and discard me to financial disclosure tampering with evidence and assault for eight years in her FTC databases February 18th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime brushing Coyle PA Lakeland Florida internet FTC IRS Federal on racketeering kidnapping wire fraud and tampering with evidence and fabricating in false financial statements making false entry Bureau and factoring false vacation of official documents on forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority non-disclosure of facts and willfully making false statements and affidavits falsified on falsification of official documents and forgery theft of fawns abuse of authority and bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and discard of official Financial records fraudulent financial disclosure wire fraud kidnapping in Urdu Federal databases on 8 years of aggravated identity theft on forgery why they fabricated these records and falsified affidavits and forgery and falsifying the trial and appeals filed in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida to Beverly Dunn way they backdating these records Tyra's Federal and IRS Federal requested these records November 13th 2017 while they continue to write your stalking me on forgery why fabricating entering material factors in falsified K agent of official documents on forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of facts and we lovely making false fabricating statements of financial disclosure and falsification of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority of bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abusing discard bit of financial disclosure 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE INDENTITY THEFT wire fraud kidnapping Rico racketeering forgery and desolate and grand larceny they forged instruments in my name and fabricated these court records brushing Coyle PA are scum and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida certified forged instruments and falsifying Financial disclosure racketeering aggravated identity theft kidnapping and wire fraud backdating records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida databases and aggravated identity theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County

  131. 8years AGGRESSIVE identity theft internal Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida backdating records Federal and forgery in federal databases as white called crime FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft for eight years on falsifying Financial records wire fraud tax evasion July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS it'll fall back over $39,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield on wire fraud and tax evasion internal Federal databases they backdate these records to Iris Federal and tampering with evidence in her Federal databases as white collar crime kidnapping February 8th 2018 on a forged instrument and backdating Records in federal databases suppress falsifying Financial records over $1000000 suppress tampering with property over $100,000 suppress forgery and falsifying public records suppress falsifying a tryout suppress falsifying appeals Beverly Dunn way records in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida suppress falsifying 6 financial affidavit with six different bank account suppress falsifying your wit and falsifying an affidavit suppress backdating records and forgery wire fraud counterfeiting and kidnapping suppressed tampering uttering public records for the years filed and they fabricate these records willfully in for drain documents in my name they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 Fountain court records suppress forged instrument former husband is not my attorney or brushing Coyle PA tampering with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court counsel Polk County Florida arrest records appeals filed Beverly dunway paid and backdate records in her Federal databases investigations found in her Federal databases falsifying thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office November 17th 2015 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda January 29th 2009 through 2016 internal Federal databases on racketeering in devilment and falsifying affidavits brushing Coyle PA on racketeering embezzlement wire fraud kidnapping and forgery and backdate records to Iris Federal that request in November 3rd 2017 I'm property fraud over $100,000 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records 52 pages to be released in 15 days August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 October 27th 2014 55 Pages evidence falsifying a trial October 29th 2014 52 pages that State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records abandonment restraining orders protection orders and police records restraining orders falsifying alimony and forgery in kidnapping entered Federal databases bidding in racketeering unit Federal database withholding evidence 2010-2011 12 13 14 15 and 16 falsifying Financial records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on kidnapping bitting forgery and tampering with evidence and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS that are fall back over $39,000 of former husbands taxes they tripped over $1000000 in $100,000 property fraud insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with Social Security and income suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records and property fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida theft of service for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida FTC databases and IRS Federal affidavits tampering other and affidavits in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and forgery instruments brushing Coyle PA for eight years I can be able to donate theft and kidnapping wire fraud rigging and fabricating court records suppress backdating records suppress withholding evidence IRS Federal suppress kidnapping forgery wire fraud embezzlement and money-laundering bribery and forgery

  132. Case number 2013 Dr 2230 tampering with evidence Janet W internal Federal databases as a white-collar crime in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they falsify to try all they falsified Meritor disclosure they forged is my attorney they stopped me for seven eight years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on photos for trickery was stripped everything fall over $1000000 at forged his my attorney and back paid these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida appeals are filed to Beverly Dunaway paid denied perjury contempt of court order and judgment appeals filed for tons court records and stalking me for trickery in federal databases as aggravated identity theft and January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 suppress her falsifying Financial disclosure property fraud business has life insurance policies lawsuits liability claims medical releases brushing Coyle PA January 29th 2009 through 2016 are filed in these records mediation releases for medical over 500,000 with these two businesses running for 4 years with six different bank accounts life insurance policy over 800,000 workman's comp over 40,000 Social Security over $67,000 with my name on it and lost his liability claims the medical releases with my name on it his income for these years of 2009 through 2014 retirement wheeler f tampering with evidence in a stall Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying Financial records and willfully knowing about this harassment on a forged instrument why appeals were filed Beverly Dunn way for times they deny me my civil rights they forged is my attorney they falsified court records brush andcoyle PA and falsified affidavit they forged instruments and falsifying customer Miranda and falsifying a trial and falsifying a pills and backdating Records IRS Federal wire fraud and tax evasion July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. Iris going to fall back over 35,000 they stripped over $1000000 and falsified the trial and falsified appeals and Septic Service Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on willfully falsifying public records for brush andcoyle PA entered better databases with affidavits on forgery and tampering with Avenue Great years in the 10th Circuit Court Clerk County Florida stalking me they kidnapped me and threw me in jail why they forged instruments my name why they cashed in numbers claims on with my name on them brush call Pa in paralegal ERIN CASTRO PARALEGALS fraudulent altered AFFIDAVIT SUPPRESSED backdates records tamping uttered official public records bidding racketeering embezzlement forged fraudulent financial disclosure Rico racketeering embezzlement white collar crime FTC IRS Federal February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA cup County Florida eight years on aggravated identity theft wire fraud kidnapping and definite racketeering forgery and tampering with evidence brush andcoyle PA why they cashed in numbers claims in my name on fraud in her Federal databases backdates records records IRS Federal forgery ln my name name is a crime falsifying affidavit fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records IRS federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 on years 5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 suppress falsifying Financial records falsifying arrest kidnapping on forgery back gate records IRS Federal falsifying a trial and falsifying appeals deny me my civil rights and forgery as my attorney brushing Coyle PA in her Reiko racketeering wire fraud kidnapping tampering uttering public records in falsifying financial affidavit why they cashed in numbers in my name on my insurance company and falsifying Financial records falsifying records with a forge Miranda lawsuits Polk County Sheriff's office Davenport Orange County and Polk County in UK records tampering uttering public records with evidence in this all entered Federal databases in affidavits in federal with the original record Stacy Butterfield CPA when the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida

  133. Entered affidavits in Federal 8 years on aggravated identity theft on filing false financial statements and making false entries of material facts or false fabrication of official documents on forgery of a financial phone theft of phone abuse of authority and non-disclosure a fax will play making false pain dit Foundation statements and falsification of official documents forgery theft of font in falsifying Financial disclosure and abuse of authority of bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment and abuse and escarpment of financial disclosure on forged instruments brushing Coyle PA withholding evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida appeals are filed to Beverly Dunaway paid by withholding evidence January 27th 2015 in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida for 4times Filed Court records tampering adoring public records and filing false financial statements and making false entries and material facts and forgery in fabrication of official documents of forgery and theft of fawns brushing Coyle abuse of authority and non-disclosure a fax will officially making false fabricated statements and falsification of official documents on affidavits and forgery and theft of funds abuse of authority and bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment and abuse of discard bit of financial disclosure entry kidnapping on forgery and wire fraud tampering with evidence and filing false financial statements Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years of aggravated identity theft in federal databases and affidavits and AFFIDAVIT falsifying affidavits on kidnapping SUPPRESSED fraudulent tainted trickery stalking and forgery on falsifying Financial records they backdated records IRS Federal wire fraud and kidnapping in North Federal databases on filing false financial statements and making false entries and materials facts and false bribery and falsification of falsification of falsified documents on theft of phone and abuse of authority of non-disclosure a fax and willfully making false fabricated statements of fabrication of official documents in forgery Dr phone scared use of authority and bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abused and just garment a financial disclosure on racketeering wire fraud and kidnapping embezzlement FTC and IRS Federal databases withholding of its November 13th 2017 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and filing false financial statements and making false entries of material and false and fax filed in court records

  134. Affidavits in Federal filing false financial statements and making false entry in material facts and false fabrication of official documents on forgery and falsifying Financial disclosure on bid bribery and racketeering theft of phone scared use of authority and non-disclosure a fax will a playmaking Falls fabricated statements brush andcoyle on falsification of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority on bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse discard of financial disclosure domestic violence and criminal records are attached to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and property over $100,000 to be released with 52 Pages file October 29th 2014 October 27th 2014 52 pages falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank accounts backdating records IRS Federal and abuse center in federal databases on filing false financial statements and making false entry your material and fats on false forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority on bribery and Corruption ethics and violations harassment abuse disposer altered of financial disclosure on bid rigging and forgery kidnapping and wire fraud tampering uttering public records brush andcoyle PA. 8years aggressive laundering theft mandatory disclosure 123 fraud filed April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith why appeals are filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and pay they backdated these records IRS Federal gay forged is my attorney they filing false financial statements and making false entries and material fact and false fabrication of official documents on forgery and theft of phone scared use of authority and non-disclosure a facts brush andcoyle PA backdated records IRS federal fraudulent altered affidavit fraudulent financial disclosure aggressive lndentity theft trickery fraud fraudulent financial disclosure rigging forgery and tampering filing false financial statements and making false entry of material facts and false fabrication of official documents on forgery there to phone to the views of authority of non-disclosure of willfully making false fabricating statement to financial of official documents forgery and theft of phone to refuse on bribery and Corruption at the violations harassment of use and discard 5 falsifying facts and financial disclosure on bribery racketeering in devilment and forgery for 8 years full disclosure with evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida

  135. I only file for divorce affidavit sintered Federal tampering with evidence on bribery and Corruption brush@Coyle pa entered federal databases February 8th 2018 they threw me in jail where they forged documents in my name and tampered with evidence tax evasion and wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying false financial statements and making false entries of material facts or false fabrication of official documents on financial records and forgery theft of bonds abuse of authority on falsifying affidavit says non-disclosure of facts will of Lee making false fabricated statements and falsification of official documents and for staff to find reviews of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and Justice corrupt bidding bribery backdates records to IRS federal of official disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fraudulent financial disclosure and receiving public funds for 8 years and I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** why he forged is my attorney tampering with evidence and fabricating court records on bitter bribery corruption brushing Coyle PA entered racketeering and forgery they kidnapped me and threw me in jail February 8th 2018 for a lunch for $700 and continued why these lawsuits and liability claims and medical releases with my name on it with a force Miranda to hide them Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady numbrose claims misconduct claims with a forge Miranda Robert brush paralegals Erin Castro fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed fraudulent kidnapped stalking fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed fraudulent forged as my attorney!! Certified suppressed forged domestic violence crime records assault brush@Coyle pa certified registed March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida interred Federal databases again on suppress evidence on falsifying in falsifying factors and fiction a forgery and backdating Records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on Bidding bribery theft funds stalking 8years AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT mtec databases February 8th 2018 they kidnap me and threw me in jail why they forged as my attorney they falsified in Miranda why they cashed in numbers claims January 29th 2009 through 2016 with forge Maranda corruption and stalking ennard Federal databases and bribery and Corruption Cindy SULLIVAN and Records internal Federal databases on eight years of aggravated assault on fabricating in falsifying public stealing my IDENTITY so let's just buy us big boat and then let's buy some land and let's make her have to pay everything corruption and bribery internal Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years of aggravated identity theft on forgery and fabricating court records and not even filing fax to them the originals are in Federal one thing's for sure you cannot Forge my name on documents and then kidnap me and throw me in jail why you cashing numbers claims brushing Coyle PA suppress Federal

  136. Case no 2013dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida just entered IRS Federal affidavits again suppress tampering with evidence of falsifying Financial records stalking on forgery why appeals are filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on contempt of court and perjury bow to the second district court Polk County Florida fees paid 150 fees paid to Beverly Dunn way $100 appeals filed January 25th 2017 backdating records Center Federal databases they threw me in jail kidnap me and forged as my attorney I got six falsified financial affidavit Cindy P paralegal brush andcoyle PA and I believe there's three more falsified affidavits in the court suppress perjury contempt of court hidden property tampering uttering public records forgery in tampering and falsifying public records and financial disclosure A-6 falsified affidavit Cindy P brushing Coyle PA and falsifying more affidavit Erin Castor brush andcoyle PA falsifying affidavit on falsifying arrest by contempt of court is filed to court records you're backdating these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years of stalking me it's about time I start raising hell suppress falsifying Financial records suppress falsifying affidavit suppress falsifying appeals Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida hade deny me my civil rights while you're backdating records IRS Federal 8 years of hell bribery and corruption in our federal databases 8 years of hell brushing Coyle PA

  137. After stalking me for 8 years when I filed for divorce with domestic violence and criminal records attached abandonment and restraining orders and they just decided to stalk me for 8 years I'm really upset I'm going to take these records of yours and give them to everybody just so that you know that you cannot strip my records you cannot Forge documents my name you cannot assault me you cannot leave me financially while you cash in numbers claims brush andcoyle PA in my name on forgery and fraud and throw me in jail and then sit there and let me be so embarrassed in front of a judge in fact I've been in front of five judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why you had to have $100,000 and $700 while you're racketeering threw me in jail kidnap me and bezel meant racketeering money laundering and forgery with domestic violence and criminal records attached to these records State's Attorney's office 52-page is abandonment restraining orders police records and a fortune Miranda why you cashed it numbers claim stating I am in financial need in these documents why you cashing claims while domestic violence and criminal records are filed in these cases Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years of my life stalking me on forgery and fraud and nobody was there to protect me in that courthouse and they knew it was happening I've been in front front of five judge five judge and told them this is fraud yeah your records are going everywhere Robert brush you casting numbers claims assaulted me embarrassed me and forged documents in my name on fabricating and racketeering I'm putting them everywhere I'm very upset that I had trust in these judges to take care of this why would I have to go for a divorce for 8 years Stacy Butterfield CPA why you strip my records and you got paid for this divorce where is my money that I paid for divorce in 8 years that Court Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida while you falsified these records and assaulted me doing it

  138. Tampering with evidence in her Federal databases in the suppress by my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida January 21st 2021 in February 3rd 2021 on eight years of stalking they forged as my attorney brushing Coyle PA they falsified a trial and they falsified appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and paid tampering with evidence in their Federal database fabricating court records and falsifying facts wire fraud on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husbands to STACY Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and stalking me for trickery brush andcoyle PA entered a FTC databases February 8th 2018 on kidnapping they threw me in jail for a surge while they falsified these records wire fraud counterfeiting kidnapping and forgery in fabricating court records in federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years on aggravated identity theft stalking wire fraud counterfeiting and racketeering and for they stripped everything file is forged as my attorney they forced to Miranda to hide lawsuits liability claims and medical release is on my insurance company and claims requested from brushing Coyle PA on stalking me for 8 years it'll FTC and IRS Federal and fabricating and altering public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and affidavits and IRS Federal May Back Baby Records IRS Federal and withheld evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 exhibit one and two withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida former husband and brush andcoyle PA and Clerk of the Court forged instruments my name tampering with evidence and assaulted me for 8-years stalking me in her to aggravate her to do anything with kidnapping wire fraud racketeering and fabricating in falsifying public records to hide gain for brushing call Pa and counterfeiting and forgery of checks that were filed in these in these records tampering with evidence on money laundering counterfeiting fraudulent financial disclosure backdates records counterfeiting forgery and falsifying public records Federal Federal databases on brush andcoyle Coyle PA property fraud over a hundred thousand why they stripped domestic violence criminal records attached they violated my civil rights they kidnapped me threw me in jail in and counterfeiting and forged documents my name and suppress in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 on eight years stalking me on forgery Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on fabricating court records in falsifying public records for brush andcoyle PA eight years stalking me kidnapping wire fraud and embezzlement IRS Federal databases with my original records that they stripped Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21 2021 suppress by my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on falsifying Financial records insurance policies lawsuits liability claims businesses property and racketeering and unfettered databases suppress in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida in federal IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years on aggravated identity theft and stalking on forgery kidnapping wire fraud counterfeiting embezzlement and racketeering suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and filed in Federal

  139. 8 years on aggravated stalking Stacy Butterfield CPA suppress in the 10th Circuit Court justice court County Florida January 21st 2021 in February third 2021 tampering with evidence to the Salt energetic databases on fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority non-disclosure of facts and we lovely making false fabricated statements and falsifying affidavits and forgery and assault a fabrication of official documents for 350 van Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abuse disclosure of financial discoveries and forgery of a nerd Federal databases on filing false financial statements for years filing 2009 to 2021 appeals filed the court records indicate and Records IRS Federal forgery insurance claims disclosure of a marriage of petitioners falsification of a trial and falsification of bribery and Corruption and chief judge 123 fraud mandatory disclosure conflict of interest suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Cobb County Florida they forged documents and tampered with evidence and bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment and abuse for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida discard bit of financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida for aggravated identity theft and forgery kidnapping wire fraud and counterfeiting brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases a stocking for eight years on aggravated identity theft in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida IRS Federal FTC databases and three credit bureaus suppress in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida and Fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of phone and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of fact we love fully making false fabricating statements abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abused his garments a financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress 2021 in Federal tampering uttering public records kidnapping wire fraud and embezzlement and Fabrication of official documents on forgery and theft of phone abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment and abuse of discard meant a financial disclosure on racketeering and falsifying fabricating statement brush andcoyle PA inter AFFIDAVIT STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA

  140. 8 years of fabrication of official documents on forgery and theft of Faunce abuse of authority and non-disclosure of facts and falsifying affidavits in Willow play making false fabricating statements a fabrication of official documents Stacy Butterfield CPA on forgery theft of Faunce and abuse of authority on bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and discard me to financial disclosure suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 on falsifying a trial and fabricating appeals filed court records and making false entries and material facts and falsification of filing financial statements fabrication of official documents on for 3 and theft of funds and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of fact we lovely on bribery and Corruption as a abuse of authority violations harassment abuse and discard meant a financial disclosure suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on brush andcoyle PA on wire fraud counterfeiting forgery insurance claims lawsuits liability claims businesses property domestic violence and criminal records attached and bribery and Corruption of Ethics violations harassment and Beast escarpment a financial disclosure on falsifying Financial disclosure racketeering and making false entries and material facts and falsification of official documents on forgery and theft and phone Cindy abuse of authority on bribery corruption after phone and abuse of authority on discard meant to financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress affidavits in Federal

  141. Tampering with evidence continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on fabricating court records what was originally filed in fabrication of brush and Coyle PA energy Federal databases tampering with evidence kidnapping stalking and forgery and bid-rigging they forged these documents and Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida strip my records and they're actually going back to IRS Federal on aggravated identity theft stalking kidnapping forgery embezzlement racketeering falsifying Financial disclosure and racketeering and make false entries and material in fact and Fabrication of official documents on forgery and theft brushing Coyle PA and abuse of Authority or bribery and Corruption Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida abuse of authority and disclosure mention to financial disclosure suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 as they continue to stalk me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they stripped over $1000000 and forged instruments my name and tampered with evidence attached is Polk County Sheriff's Office lawsuits and liability claims and medical release is that they're trying to hide with a forge Miranda why they forged my installed my identity as judge Combee was told on the last Hearing in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida when they sent me the F1 why I have my Witnesses file an affidavit into the court tampering with evidence is federal databases as a white called crime FTC and IRS Federal Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of aggravated identity theft and forgery do you know how it feels for 8 years to be stocked by brush andcoyle PA when they cashed in numbers claims your name wire fraud and identity theft kidnap me and threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress in IRS Federal and in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years stalking me on forgery racketeering Rico counterfeiting identity theft and aggravated identity theft and kidnapping it or federal databases

  142. 8 years of aggravated identity theft brushing Coyle PA 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida in FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft kidnapping racketeering insurance fraud for 3 and tampering with my evidence in the 10th circuit Fort Polk County Florida on 8 years of stalking me Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida filing false financial statements suppress making false entry of material facts or or false fication suppress falsification of official documents on forgery and theft of Faunce and falsifying Financial funds and affidavits fall starting abuse of authority and non-disclosure a fact willfully making false fabricated statements fabrication of official documents forgery theft of funds and if you supposed Authority on bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and escarpment a financial disclosure on racketeering aggressive lndentity theft 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT fraudulent AFFIDAVIT ALTERED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE identity theft racketeering and spoiling of evidence that they strip for the records kidnap me on February 8th 2018 suppress falsifying public records suppress falsifying Financial records on racketeering embezzlement grand larceny stalking kidnapping wire fraud and tampering with evidence and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and fabricating court records Tracy BB Court director and appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why pills are Fallout 4 times to court records by the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida stalking me on forgery and federal databases and theft of funds and over a hundred thousand dollars property fraud with domestic violence the criminal records attached falsification of financial disclosure on altering public records PA withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA and eight years of aggravated identity theft domestic violence and criminal records attached 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida and properties for lease with restraining orders in abandonment filing court records withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years of aggravated identity theft alternative fabricating court records for brushing Coyle PA suppress falsifying Financial disclosure on capital gain on racketeering in Desmet Grand Masti and stalking on forgery in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida for 8 years certified to California IRS withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court pet County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of Hell aggravated identity theft fraudulent financial disclosure altered official public records they stripped my records I have my original my lawyer has to Preston and we have more

  143. And I only filed for divorce 8 years of stalking me in interred Federal databases databases March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 on aggravated identity theft filing false financial statements and making false entry of material facts are falsification of fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of fact we literally making Falls fabricated statements and Fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of phone to beus of authority bribery corruption ethics and violations harassment abuse and discard mint of financial disclosure in fabrication of bribery and fraud corruption tax evasion kidnapping wire fraud and forgery in as my attorney and following falsification of financial statements on racketeering and counterfeiting and making false entries of material and facts why conflict of interest chief judge records and appeals filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and back gate and Records IRS Federal from March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress falsification of financial disclosure brushing Coyle PA kidnapping and stalking on forgery I'm falsification of documents suppress and falsification of financial statements and making false entry in materials and fax and falsification of official documents on for 3 bribery corruption ethics and violations harassment abuse and escarpment a financial disclosure for 8 years stalking me in the 10th Circuit Court paid County Florida and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppress in Federal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 brushing Coyle PA internet FTC databases February 8th 2018 on kidnapping me throw me in jail where they forged as my attorney and racketeering bribery corruption ethics and violations of falsification of statements and willfully abuse of authority and non-disclosure a fact Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and federal databases forgery in as my attorney tax evasion and falling falsifying statements and making false entries and material and fax conflict of interest and appeals file to court records and tampering with evidence and stalking me for 8-years internal gutter databases on brush andcoyle on bribery corruption racketeering and fax who will be making false fabricated statements and falsifying an affidavit and backdate records and forgery theft of phone and abuse of Authority Under bribery corruption ethics and file a harassment abuse an fraudulent financial disclosure racketeering Rico tax evasion money laundering numbrose lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 through 2014 Davenport Orange County and Polk County negligence claims in misconduct claims they cashed in numbers claims in my name why they forged is my attorney and bribery and Corruption and abuse it on federal databases on eight years of fabricating court records why they racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and stalk me Bure ears have you ever been through hell with holding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on fabricating court records on bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and just car admits a financial disclosure and Fabrication of official documents and forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority and non-disclosure a financial disclosure suppress

  144. Suppress falsifying financial statements and making false entries and material facts or false fabrication of official documents on forgery have two phones and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of facts theft of phone abuse of authority and willfully making false fabricated statements and falsifying affidavit sin falsification of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority on your bribery corruption Ethics in violation for harassment and abuse of discarnate of financial disclosure suppress falsifying Financial disclosure brush and Coyle PA tampering other in public records for March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppressed in and IRS Federal 8 years of aggravated identity theft stalking me for trickery on forged instruments why they forged as my attorney with a forge Miranda to hide Financial disclosure and property in federal databases with domestic violence and criminal records attached and abandonment fabricating court records corruption ethics and violations and harassment abuse of His Garment a financial disclosure and faxed and falsifying fabricating of official documents on forgery and theft of funds and abuse of authority and filing false financial statements to make false entries and material facts and falsification of bribery and Corruption ethics and violations and abuse of authority discard of financial disclosure on fraud tamper and uttering public records suppress falsifying Financial disclosure suppress falsifying a trial suppress falsifying appeals filed the court records suppress falsifying Financial disclosure falsifying property falsifying lawsuits liability claims and medical look releases with insurance claims to Robert brush Timothy o Coyle E Pujols Alexandra's records and paralegals Cindy p ERIN Castor PARALEGALS Fraudulent altered AFFIDAVIT entered federal fraudulent financial disclosure harrament on forgery tamping uttered falsified public records fraudulent altered affidavit suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure kidnapped fraudulent arrest FTC databases lRS federal 3cedi brus aggravated identity theft and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years of aggravated identity theft in her Federal suppress falsifying Financial records suppress falsifying insurance claims suppress falsifying lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with a forge Miranda stalking on forgery wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS that are fall back of a $39,000 a former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence in her Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 and February 8th 2018 they kidnap me why I filed for divorce they forged as my attorney tamper and uttering public records in falsifying Financial records and property fraud in her that are databases on tax evasion kidnapping and forgery stalking me for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and fabricating court records not even once filed and they continue to harass me in falsified a twit falsified a surge and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. and November 13th 2017 withholding evidence from IRS Federal California records ennard Federal databases on 8 years of aggravated identity theft suppress falsifying arrest on forgery suppress falsifying Financial disclosure suppress the lawsuits liability claims and medical releases and insurance claims and forgery 8 years stalking me withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA brush@Coyle internal Federal databases and other in public records kidnapping on forgery tamping falsified official public records

  145. Conflict of interest in our April 16th 2015 chief judge Will Smith 123 fraud mandatory disclosure brush Coyle PA internal Federal databases tampering with evidence during public records in falsifying Financial records were they forged as my attorney found in court records July 16th 2015 white appells filed are filed to Beverly Dunn way 4times appells filed to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida inert FEC databases February 2018 on kidnapping on forgery they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney in stalk when and is tripped everything filed wire fraud and tax evasion in our federal databases and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS going to fall back over $39,000 of former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida State and I pay my taxes eight years on aggravated identity theft internal Federal databases on falsifying Financial disclosure for dream as my attorney conflict of interest out in court records falsifying a triland backdating records to Iris Federal and falsifying appeals filed Beverly Dunn way and backdate and Records diarrhea Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Internal Federal databases with forged instruments tampering with evidence and falsifying Financial disclosure for brushing Coyle PA racketeering and decimate grand larceny in wire fraud tax evasion kidnapping and forgery internal Federal databases SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure stalked on forgery fraudulent altered facts Altered official public records willing fraudulent financial disclosure STALKED on forgery for eight years in a federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida allergy knowing of this abuse on forged instruments and falsifying Financial records wire fraud tax evasion and kidnapping they threw me in jail and falsified The Surge suppress falsified Financial disclosure suppress falsified property suppressed falsified logs sis liability claims and life insurance policies or they forged as my attorney in Forester Miranda brushing Coyle PA internal Federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 falsifying act David IRS and wit in our federal databases tamper died during public records 8 years aggravated identity theft Federal databases FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppress falsifying Financial disclosure brushing Coyle PA racketeering Rico embezzlement stalking kidnapping wire fraud and tampering other in public Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Federal databases stalking 8 years

  146. 8 years of aggravated identity theft internal Federal databases March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 aggravated identity theft suppress evidence on falsifying Financial records in fraud by lawyer brushing Coyle PA filing false financial statements is false injuries and material facts or falsification of falsification of official documents on forgery and theft of phone abuse of authority non-disclosure of fact and we luckily making Falls fabricated statements in falsifying affidavit and falsifying the official documents and backdate records on forgery theft of phone and abuse of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abusing discard with my financial disclosure on falsifying Financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in FTC databases February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 as a white-collar crime conflict of interest was interred April 16th 2015 chief judge documents for Serene as my attorney tax evasion July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband Stacy Butterfield CPA filing falsified financial statements brushing Coyle PA and making false entries materials and fax and fabricating this court hearing fax chief judge records Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 conflict of interest appeals filed Beverly done within the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida withholding evidence in forgery in federal databases on suppress falsifying Financial disclosure of 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 in 2014 under bribery and Corruption for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida suppress in Federal suppress identity-theft 8 years Stacy Butterfield CPA Bartow Florida attorneys fraud brush andcoyle PA suppress kidnapping February 8th 2018 on bribery and corruption in our federal databases they threw me in jail while they forged his my attorney down in court records July 16th 2015 exhibits one into withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida internet FTC and IRS Federal and withholding evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and fabricating court records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years of aggravated identity theft suppress falsifying Financial disclosure tax evasion and kidnapping on forgery embezzlement racketeering bribery and Corruption 8 years stalking brush and Coyle PA entered Federal databases

  147. I filed for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court fed County Florida it energy FTC databases February 8th 2018 kidnapping on forgery and fabricating court records Stacy Butterfield CPA and brush andcoyle PA filing false financial statements and making false entry and material facts or falsification of the fabrication of official documents on forgery theft phone and abuse of authority and non-disclosure of facts theft of funds and abuse of authority will if we making false fabricated statements brush andcoyle PA energy Federal databases falsification of official documents on forgery and theft phone abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment as used in this Garment of financial disclosures on eight years of aggravated identity theft in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on suppress evidence of falsifying Financial disclosure falsifying facts bribery and corruption in our federal databases on eight years of aggravated stalking on forgery petitioner internet FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they falsified a trial they falsified appeals they stripped my records they forced as my attorney tax evasion and wire fraud enter July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. they forged as my turning on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes they forged as my attorney they backdate these records IRS Federal brushing Coyle PA in our federal databases with domestic violence and criminal records attached State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on abandonment restraining orders where they fabricated these court records and filing false financial statements and making false entries and materials and facts and forgery in fabrication of official documents on forgery and theft and phone to the views of authority and Don disclosure facts will a flea making false fabricating statements and falsification of official documents on forgery and theft and phone Cindy abuse of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations and harassment abused escarpment and financial disclosure entered Federal databases on eight years of aggravated identity theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida kidnapping on forgery fabricating court records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus

  148. 8 years of aggravated identity theft and federal databases filing false financial statements and making false entries and material facts or falsification and falsification of official documents affidavits and forgery and Fraud and Abuse of authority and non-disclosure of facts and willfully making false fabricated statements and falsifying financials abandonment restraining orders violations domestic violence and falsification of official documents forgery of theft phone Stacy Butterfield CPA in our databases abusement of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abused escarpment Financial disclosure falsifying facts and falsifying financials disclosure internal Federal databases and brush andcoyle PA and 8-year stalking kidnapping forgery bribery corruption and falsification of official documents as an affidavit and forgery in back getting records IRS Federal internal Federal databases and tampering with willing making false entries violence abuse discard of financial statements SUPPRESSED fraudulent altered kidnapped SUPPRESSED fraudulent property fraud lawsuits liberty claims insurance claims fraudulent financial disclosure violence ethics harrament embezzlement racketeering Rico entered federal for 8 years assault aggressive lndentity theft in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA entered bribery corruption violence ethics fraudulent financial disclosure facts false entries forgery federal databases stalking on forgery SUPPRESSED

  149. Bribery and Corruption and tax evasion internal Federal databases and stalking and forgery for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida on fabricating court records and falsifying Financial Records property fraud embezzlement racketeering insurance lawsuits Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence claims January 29th 2009 to 2014 Davenport Orange County and UK with insurance medical release is over 500,000 energy Federal life insurance policy over 800,000 businesses Social Security workman's comp and tampering with evidence in her Federal databases on bribery and Corruption they tripped over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud and forged as my attorney bribery and corruption in tampering other in public records and not even facts that are filed to the court falsifying a trial and falsifying a sealed file to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida back gate representer Federal is on eight years of aggravated identity theft liability claims and businesses fabricating Financial disclosure Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying Financial disclosure brushing Coyle PA and racketeering Rico stalking kidnapping tax evasion and wire fraud in her Stacy Butterfield CPA entered fraudulent financial disclosure stalked assault kidnapped suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed kidnapped bidding backdates records brush@Coyle pa fraudulent altered affidavit entered violence ethics harrament threated trickery tamping uttered official records facts false fraudulent financial disclosure wire fraud tax evasion embezzlement Rico racketeering money laundering 8YEARS stalking on forgery fraudulent financial disclosure entered eidatabases bribery and corruption in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED in the tenth judicial court Polk county Florida 8YEARS stalking fraudulent fraud false

  150. Surprised in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida fabricating Financial disclosure bribery and Corruption 8 years of aggravated identity theft in a federal databases forgery money laundering racketeering wire fraud tax evasion and Falls fabricating Financial disclosure and uttering public records for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida entered Federal databases withholding my evidence and forgery brush and Coyle PA suppress falsifying Financial records suppress kidnapping on forgery suppress property fraud suppress lawsuits liability claims insurance policies businesses life insurance policies and property released in 15 days with domestic violence and criminal records and abandonment attached tampering uttered official public records bidding bribery corruption 8 years of aggravated identity theft a nerd Federal databases on Stacey Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida bribery corruption and tampering Auburn Public Records falsifying Financial records kidnapping forgery and tampering with evidence in her Federal databases on aggravated identity theft FTC databases February 8th 2018 they kidnapped me threw me in jail why was holding my evidence of fabricating court records and not even on brush andcoyle PA Aran Federal databases with forgery affidavits falsifying as my attorney kidnapping me and throw me in jail while they cashed in numbers claims withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on bribery and corruption in better databases on tax evasion kidnapping and wire fraud fabricating court records suppress January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 contempt of court order in judgment hidden property and falsifying affidavits suppress brush and Coyle PA FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureau public records suppressed

  151. Board of County Commissioners Florida financial services and Polk County Sheriff's Office brush and Coyle PA Timothy Coyle Robert brush and E pujol Alexandra certified October 27th 2016
    forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence certified forged instrument July 26th 2016 and requested from Cindy Sullivan in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida assault continue to Bure trickery on falsifying Financial Records property fraud over $100,000 to release in 15 gay by brushing Coyle PA by the embezzled racketeering and forgery in our federal databases and wire fraud tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 of former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA tampering with evidence in the salt for trickery kidnapping why they forged as my attorney they threw me in jail February 8th 2018 they falsified a witch and a surge I had to pay this son of a b**** brush and Coyle PA energy Federal databases FTC February 18th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime tampering how to remove public records falsifying Financial Records property fraud assault kidnapping in devilment racketeering tax evasion property fraud and embezzlement and stalking on forgery for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress falsifying Financial records on racketeering aggravated identity theft embezzlement money laundering and withholding evidence on assault and battery stalking on forgery brush andcoyle PA withholding evidence and falsifying investigation thirty-six Pages November 17th 2015 Sergeant Aubrey and Sergeant Arts certified in Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida withholding evidence Charleston court reporter Lakeland Florida and Better Business Bureau records falsifying transcripts was a forged as my attorney tampering with evidence to the 8YEARS ASSAULT ON FORGERY backdates records IRS federal continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida appeals filed to court records four times filed Beverly Dunn way January 27th 2015 backdating records in her better databases in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida aggravated identity theft for 8 years stalking me they even forged as my attorney!!! Racketeering embezzlement conflict of interest in our chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases in liability claims Davenport Orange County and Polk County and UK records for May 22nd 2015 Stacy Butterfield Polk County Florida Bartow are words that are dead bases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of aggravated stalking CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 file to CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 January 21st 2021 white collar crime in federal databases June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida withholding evidence altering public records aggravated stalking on forgery tamping uttered fraudulent financial disclosure fraudulent facts violence abuse violence ethics in her settle databases Florida bar Justice qualification committee Tallahassee Florida May and March 2015 and October 27th 2016 certified forged instruments and tampering other in public records investigation file to State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida Beverly on forged instruments November 2016

  152. 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT FTC databases IRS federal February 8th 2018 June 4th 2019 white collar crime withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA 8 years on the assault brush@Coyle pa Lakeland Florida entered violence ethics harrament laundering money laundering theft fraudulent financial disclosure stalked on forgery fraudulent vo in her said okay just some fabricated court records in falsifying Financial records

  153. Fortress my attorney withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. and give forgery lnsuments certified forged lnsuments exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence stripped my records tampering with evidence and white-collar crime in terms that are databases on brush and Coyle PA on 8 years stalking me on forgery 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida internet FTC databases February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime falsifying my wrist pressed falsifying Financial disclosures depressed they stripped of Romaine dollars and forged of my attorney tax evasion and wire fraud in federal databases 8YEARS Aggressive lndentity theft backdates records IRS federal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 falsifying trial falsified mandatory 123 Fraud April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith disclosure and conflict of interest in her than Federal databases suppressed. Find Financial disclosure to press falsifying insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims businesses life insurance policy Social Security ordinance medical releases with the Fords Miranda brush@Coyle for PA Inn federal databases. Violence ethics harrament facts fraudulent altered official public records violence SUPPRESSED by my attorney in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 February 3rd 2021 falsifying fabricating court records tax evasion wire fraud and decimate grand larceny kidnapping on forgery and tampering with evidence wire fraud and tax evasion innards that are databases they forged as my attorney in falsifying and backdated these records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida

  154. Suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida we filed the federal IRS lawsuits liability claims medical releases with a forged Miranda Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd negligence claims January 29th 2009 through 2014 Davenport Orange County Polk County and UK alarm company of negligence attached to record suppressed and falsifying Financial disclosure with a forge Miranda Robert brush brush andcoyle PA energy FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft and suppressed in the in Federal backache records to Iris Federal in forgery in federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 falsified 9 affidavits!! Facts to material Federal databases IRS Federal will and fully knowing falsifying public records and tampering with evidence in her Federal databases and kidnapping they threw me in jail where they forged as my attorney they backdated these records IRS Federal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014-2015 and 2016 appeals are file to court records 4 * times withholding evident Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Gator federal database is as a white Cocker on June 4th 2019 medical releases over $500,000 with a Forge Miranda!! Board of County Commissioners Florida Financial Services in Polk County Sheriff's Office certified October 2014 filing information Federal brush andcoyle PA Robert brush numbers claims in my name while they Forge as my attorney!!! Why appeals are filed to court records Beverly Dunn way January 27th 2015 withheld evidence till January 16th 2015 certified forged instrument they forged my divorce racketeering embezzlement wire fraud and counterfeiting unit Federal databases and kidnapping they threw me in jail this son of a b**** why I had to pay him $700 and then they fabricated another affidavit and falsified a whit why the judge Combee was told they stoled my identity in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on eight years of aggravated identity theft I had to pay $1,000 to keep him off my back where they continue to forge suppressed falsifying Financial records kidnapping forgery embezzlement wire fraud tax evasion and falsifying in fabrication of fact and fiction in federal databases on eight years of aggravated identity theft Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida March 11th 2013 through January 27th 2015 they backdated these records 2009-2010 2011/2012 2013 and 2014 but they continue to harass me tour 2021 suppressed falsifying Financial records falsifying insurance claims lawsuits liability claims businesses life insurance policies property over a hundred thousand and forgery in tampering with evidence it or federal databases as racketeering suppressed in federal and in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of aggravated identity theft aggressive lndentity theft racketeering embezzlement fraudulent financial disclosure embezzlement money laundering kidnapped wire fraud tax evasion stalking on forgery!! 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT why IRS Federal Fillmore Federal databases

  155. Suppressed need a record that you stripped we got it

  156. SUPPRESSED filing false financial statements and make false injuries and material facts or false fabrication of official documents on forgery theft of fawns abuse of authority and non-disclosure a fact will if we making false fabricated statements falsification of official documents and forgery and theft of phone tube usurp Authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abused and garment financial disclosure Fabrications and facts are filed in federal with the original documents that have been stripping these records on eight years of aggravated identity theft suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of my life they stalked me domestic violence and criminal records with police records for 3 and tampering with evidence in our federal databases and falsifying MY ARREST fraudulent AFFIDAVIT SUPPRESSED fraudulent surge fraudulent wit SUPPRESSED!! Facts fascinating bribery corruption and stalking me for 8 years in Essex violations harassment abused SUPPRESSED of financial disclosure and SUPPRESSED insurance claims lawsuits liability claims the medical releases. Stalking on forgery 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT FTC databases IRS federal 3cedit bru with a forged instrument brush andcoyle PA 8YEARS!!! Witness presend

  157. Filing false financial statements in making false entry of materials facts and falsification of official documents on forgery theft of phone tube use of authority and non-disclosure of fact we love Philly making false fabricating statements falsifying affidavit fabrication of official documents forgery theft of funds and abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abuse disclosure of financial disclosures suppress 8 years of my life stalking me Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Internal FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS that are fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 why pills are filed a court records contempt of court perjury hidden property judgment in order falsifying and backdates records and Records IRS Federal federal databases FTC February 8th 2018 they kidnapped me and threw me in jail while they forged is my attorney brush andcoyle PA racketeering money laundering counterfeiting and forgery and falsifying Financial disclosure suppress falsifying property fraud over a hundred thousand dollars in tax evasion and wire fraud and kidnapping in federal databases on fabricating court records bribery corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and disclosure a financial disclosure on racketeering and Rico 8 years of my life domestic violence and criminal records are attached to these abandonment restraining orders protection orders please records sealed records falsifying mediations mandatory disclosure 123 fraud filed conflict of interest April 16th 2015 chief judge Bruce Smith why appeals are filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they forged as my attorney brush andcoyle PA and former husband assault continued kidnapping February 8th 2018 on a falsified third while withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida I only file for divorce 8 years of aggravated identity theft a nerd Federal databases on bribery corruption ethics violations and abuse of filing false financial disclosure suppressed fraudulent fraud property fraud domestic violence crime records ethics violations in corruption on fabricating of official documents on forgery and theft of foreign to beus and non-disclosure a fact material fabricated financial disclosure tamping uttered public records willing fraudulent official public records withholding evidence November 13th 2017. IRS Federal and wire fraud tax evasion and embezzlement money laundering and counterfeiting in her Federal databases with lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence claims Davenport Orange County and Polk County Florida with a Fords Miranda why they forged as my attorney brush andcoyle PA are scum backdates records federal fraudulent abuse bribery and Corruption at 6 and violations in metal did Visa falsifying a trial in falsifying Appeals fortunate as my attorney founding court records suppress kidnapping falsifying arrest suppress falsifying insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims in medical releases January 29th 2009 through 2014 brush andcoyle PA internal FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft suppress falsifying Financial records in tampering Auburn Public Records kidnapping wire fraud in tampering with evidence 8 years of my life

  158. 2009 through 2014 continued through January 21st 2021 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida tampering with evidence that assault on filing false financial statements and making false entries and material facts of falsification of official documents on forgery theft of phone and abuse of authority of non-disclosure of facts will if we making false fabricating statements falsifying affidavit also Bank of a facial documents in forgery and theft of phone abuse of authority bribery corruption ethics harassment and abuse discard of financial disclosure for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Clerk County Florida AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT theft internal FTC February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 bribery corruption forgery theft of phone city views of authority on ethics violations harassment abuse and discarding a financial disclosure suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA paid County Florida FTC databases IRS Federal and three credit bureaus March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on eight years of aggravated identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 and former husband's they backdated these records They falsified these records and they falsify the trial they falsified appeals they denied me my civil rights they forged as my attorney they force their Miranda and casting numbers claims on my name insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical releases life insurance policies businesses property to release in 15 days domestic violent criminal records for police records withholding evidence from IRS Federal November 13th 2017 California tampering uttering public records and suppress falsifying Financial records and property fraud over a hundred thousand wire fraud counterfeiting and they threw me in jail where they forged his my attorney!! Tampering uttering public records in the salt in heard Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus and continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida FTC databases lrs federal fraudulent financial disclosure racketeering embezzlement tax evasion assault altered affidavit suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed fraudulent numbrose insurance claims forged Miranda kidnapping wire fraud and racketeering Interstellar databases

  159. Interred Federal insurance claims on medical releases on these lawsuits and liability claims from January 29th 2009 through 2014 with the forge Miranda Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence claims in Federal for medical releases filed in court records October 29th 2014 Cindy Sullivan's records 5000-10000 20,000 19,000 91000 with a forge Miranda Robert brush brush and Coyle PA tampering with evidence in heard Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 and February 8th 2018 on kidnapping on forgery they forged as my attorney and threw me in jail!! Stripped my records in fabrication of Court records Center Federal databases medical releases are attached to lawsuits liability claims negligence claims Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 Timothy Coyle E Pujols Axander Robert brush brush@Coyle pa fraudulent financial disclosure 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT FTC databases February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 and IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricating facts and material Interstellar databases falsifying public records willfully and forgery documents in my name on eight years of aggravated identity theft with for medical releases in tampering adoring public records brush and Coyle PA certified and registered Robert brush in paralegal ERIN Castor@ Cindy P5 fraudulent altered affidavit fraudulent surge fraudulent wit fraudulent financial disclosure facts material assault altered affidavit fraudulent financial forgery!! in federal databases FTC and IRS Federal filing false financial statements and making false entry material facts and falsification of official documents an affidavit and forgery of death defontes and views of authority a fax and willfully making false fabricating statements and falsification of official documents on forgery and theft abuse of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment and abuse kidnapped forgery fraudulent wit withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA and disclosure of financial disclosure entered Federal databases on Brush Coyle PA Lakeland Florida fraudulent altered affidavit fraudulent financial disclosure

  160. 8 years of my life is Hell on fabricating Financial disclosure and filing false financial statements and making false entries and material facts or false fabrication documents on forgery theft of phone tube usurp Authority and non-disclosure of facts willfully making false fabricated statements falsifying affidavit falsification of official documents in forgery and theft of bonds and abuse of authority bribery and Corruption ethics violations harassment abuse and disclosure of financial disclosure certified and registered Robert brush ERIN CASTRO PARALEGALS fraudulent altered AFFIDAVIT fraudulent financial disclosure racketeering embezzlement assault ethics and violations in heard Federal databases on tampering with evidence SUPPRESSED NUMBROSE CLAIMS FILED STRIPPED ethical violations in federal databases tampering uttering public records for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida aggravated identity theft stalking on forgery for 8 years and withholding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court counsel Polk County Florida and appeals filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on forged instruments are filed in these records in Federal on forgery and fabricating court records will of Philly in forgery paralegal in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida eight years of aggravated identity theft abuse of authority bribery corruption forgery theft of fonts and Fabrication of official documents on entries and material facts and falsification of a filing false tax filing falsifying Financial disclosure brush and Coyle PA FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft for eight years of Hell in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida SUPPRESSED

  161. Fabricating court records and facts in material willfully falsifying public records in heard Federal databases on eight years of aggravated identity theft they stalked me for 8 years on forged instruments brush and Coyle PA willfully falsifying public records and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida discontinued from March 11th 2013 through January 24th 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Florida suppress in Federal insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical releases life insurance policies businesses property over $100,000 tax evasion wire fraud and kidnapping on forgery I only filed for divorce 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida facts and material on willfully falsifying public records in heard Federal databases on fabrication of court records

  162. 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT SUPPRESSED my lawyer saved my life! Fabricating facts and miscellaneous of filing court records in federal databases March 11th 2013 through January 21st 2021 and aggravated identity theft and the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on falsifying Financial records money laundering counterfeiting for 3 and tampering with evidence and kidnapping they threw me in jail where they forged as my attorney fabricating material and facts on bribery and corruption in our that our databases on eight years HELL fabrication of financial disclosure and racketeering entered Federal databases l I only file for divorce tax evasion wire fraud and tampering with evidence on forgery on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 former husbands Cactus to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence assault continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on money-laundering investment racketeering Rico and falsifying financial statements property fraud are 400,000 deny my civil rights were they forged as my attorney falsifying a trial and falsifying appeals contempt of court perjury hidden property judgment in order lawsuits liability claims medical releases and forgery in databases with a forge Miranda tell me if you need a record

  163. Appeals are filed to judge Pickett in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida she was given these forged instrument 6 falsified Financial records Cindy P brush and Coyle PA interdental databases as a white collar crime tampering with evidence with six different bank accounts given to judge Pickett I was harassed I was threatened Eva called off of elevator by the bailiff with witness present and threatened if I filed anything to court perjury contempt of court March 3rd 2015 why 4times appells filed backdates kickbacks forged fraudulent financial disclosure racketeering embezzlement Rico fraud fraudulent financial disclosure tax evasion wire fraud kidnapped on forgery!! are filed to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida perjury contempt of court March 3rd 2015 judgment and ordered filed hidden property falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank accounts falsifying total of nine affidavits on falsifying my rest by withholding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court council County Florida in July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. Xzibit sworn into withholding evidence they forged as my attorney Stacy Butterfield CPA cup County Florida entered Federal databases FTC and IRS Federal hotline I had a nervous breakdown while I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** $700 to get out of jail brush call Pa are scum they cashed in minions claims and medical releases on these claims are 5000-10000 19000 + 91000 with a forge Miranda January 29th 2009 through 2014 filed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and fabricating facts in heard Federal databases as a white-collar crime on aggravated identity theft and stalking for 8 years of Hell suppressed

  164. Fabricating court records material and faxed and falsifying affidavits and forgery in heard Federal databases as a white-collar crime withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years !!! They continue to call me back to court for trickery for photos you know how old my kids are and if I sign this document it would be different but when you for forgery AS MY attorney !! Stalking on forgery fraudulent facts material fabricated abandoned restraining orders and domestic violence case attached to these records while they backdated these records 2009 2010/2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 and 2021 fabricating facts on a forgery in tampering with evidence and Allergy knowing willing fraudulent financial disclosure tax evasion money laundering stalking spoliation evidence stripped suppressed falsifying public records in HELL brush@Coyle pa ethics and violations in fabrication and falsifying affidavits and fabricating forgery in heard Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 FTC databases Iris Federal and three credit bureaus

  165. Oh no 2009 through 2014 they backed a these records to Federal Medical releases 5000-10000 20000 + 19000 + 91000 brush and Coyle PA are scum tampering with evidence while domestic violence and criminal records with abandonment and criminal records are filed in this case 2009 through 2010 October 29th 2014 Cindy Sullivan's records went viral tampering with evidence and assault on forgery and Fabrication of Court records and facts and financial disclosure on fabricating court records on racketeering they stripped over $1000000 and forged as my attorney withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida over $100,000 property fraud police records attached State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 Pages October 29th 2014 City Sullivan's records and judge pickets records in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 27th 2015 Tracy Bebe Court director Stacy Butterfield Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida October 10th 2014 October 13th 2014 October 27th 2014 55 Pages October 29th 2014 52 Pages fix turns office Polk County Florida domestic violence and criminal records with abandonment restraining orders and protection orders and falsifying my alimony they cashed numbers claims in my name and forged Borge Miranda brush and Coyle PA are scum January 29th 2009 through 2014 and aggravated identity theft through 2021 January

  166. Destroying my evidence is entered in Federal IRS Federal withholding evidence November 13th 2017 California records as they found more fraud they released $4,000 why my attorney told them they will put them in jail why they stripped over million rip my property fraud in tampering with evidence over $100,000 with police reports domestic violence and criminal record State's Attorney's Office 52 Pages October 27th 2014 Cindy Sullivan's records went to Federal forgery in tampering with my evidence and conflict of interest in heard in federal databases with a forge Miranda and if you need a record here I am suppress falsifying Financial disclosure money-laundering counterfeiting tax evasion and kidnapping and forgery in ethics and violations in heard Federal databases FTC and IRS Federal Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and 8 years of hell I had a nervous breakdown

  167. Suppress in federal November 17th 2014 investigation filed falsifying thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office Administration complaint sworn statement form November 17th 2014 certified Brenda 8 years of hey Leonard Federal databases on suppress evidence on falsifying Financial disclosure and racketeering in the 10th Circuit Court pick County Florida they threw me in jail depressed fabrication of facts the material in our federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on withholding my evidence on eight years of hell CC office of Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection Pennsylvania IRS Federal February 19th 2019 fall to CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 eight years of Hell in her Federal databases on aggravated identity theft counterfeiting money laundering tax evasion and fraud on brecon call Pa on fabricating affidavit and falsifying 6 different bank accounts and fabricating court records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on withholding my evidence on eight years of hell they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney why this judge denied me my civil rights denying my 4times appells filed judge harass me denied my contempt of court perjury hidden property judgment in order they stole my property they forged instruments my name in counterfeiting are federal databases on money laundering and racketeering they forged is my attorney in withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida exhibits 1 and 2 July 16th 2015 Fountain court records They continue to harass me and falsified a trial tampering with evidence was requested for documents filed by this court to IRS Schedule on eight years of Hell in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on kidnapping money laundering counterfeiting tax evasion and wire fraud IRS Federal requested these records November 13th two thousand seventeenth and found more fraud tampering with evidence and assault for eight years in a federal databases on fabricating Financial disclosure for perjury conflict of interest falsifying six financial affidavit and six different bank accounts filed October 29th 2014 October 13th falsifying records October 10th falsifying records October 27th 2014 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records on domestic violence criminal records with police records and abandonment restraining orders and protection orders they just give him back his guns tampering with evidence of assault continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida where they forged as my attorney withholding evidence on eight years of hail in federal databases I'm sharing this with you because it has been hell they destroyed my credit they forged instruments they stole my property over $100,000 with police records and sealed records and they stalked me for 8-years why was holding my evidence brush and Coyle PA tampering with evidence and fabricating material and facts in our federal databases on investigations filed in this case and summons and serve certified records and I'm registered and fabricating Financial disclosure and racketeering kidnapping me February 8th 2018 why they forged is my attorney why this judge allowed me to pay arrest for 8 years Appel Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FEC databases IRS Federal and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft February 8th 2018 and June 4th 2019 white collar crime and denying my civil rights follow the court records deny me attorney while they casting numbers claims in my name Russian call Pa

  168. Investigation and summon certified November 17th 2014 in falsifying thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office to be filed in the State's Attorney's Office in Polk County Florida while they receive full disclosure 98 North Fabrication in a material and fax in federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 on 8 years pale Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they forged as my attorney found forged as my attorney certified in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida exhibits 1 and 2 certified forged instrument and certified forged instrument Miranda what a casting numbers claims in my name fabricate and court records and financial disclosure with insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims and investigations with summons and certified in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida entered Federal database Pa and falsified a surge and falsified a wet falsifying six financial affidavit with six different bank fabricating is my attorney all the find a wet while the judges told they stole my identity judge Combee and they fought they sent me to F1 instead of C1 why this crisis is going on in Florida where they cashed in numbers claims in my name and fabricated court records and material and eight years of Hell in that old databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida backdating records and kickbacks in our federal

  169. Fabrication of facts and fiction in her folder. A material found in this court a certified and registered on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida I'm only sharing this with the public because it has been hell they crashed my credit they forged instrument and have put me through hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida intern tax evasion and wire fraud 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. summonses file to Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation to be filed to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on 36 pages falsified by Cindy p paralegal brushing Coyle PA certified and registered to Robert brush in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida why they forged is my attorney in conflict of interest perjury contempt of court on a falsifying can count on me for trickery for photos do you know how old my kids are why you denied them hide Bayless all around me my third the third judge and withholding my evidence April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida and falsifying transcripts Charleston court reporter and falsifying thirty-six Pages investigation to be filed to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida November 17th 2014 they just closed my case and continue to harass me the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on fabricating as my attorney counterfeiting kidnapping and forgery and falsifying a whit why I told this judge Combee why they sent me to the wrong F1 which I should have been in C1 with Witnesses present and and filed an affidavit she was told they stoled my identity and they threw me in jail kidnapping counterfeiting money laundering and fabricating court records new material and bribery and corruption in our federal databases CC office of Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection Pennsylvania federal February 19th 2019 what is continued 4/8 years of Hell in her better databases that was 5 to CC office of Attorney General Bureau Sumer protection to Tallahassee Florida pl-01 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 fabrication of Court records and bribery and corruption in our federal databases February February 8th 2018 kidnapping counterfeiting in money laundering and tax evasion a June 4th 2019 white collar crime 8 years of Hell in federal databases on brush and Coyle PA withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida I just had a nervous breakdown

  170. SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure facts material assault altered AFFIDAVIT 8YEARS OF HELL

  171. SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure property fraud kidnapped forgery fraudulent altered facts material violence ethics harrament embezzlement racketeering Rico federal databases 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT fraudulent altered official public records stalk on forgery suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed backdates kickbacks forged 8YEARS HELL STACY BUTTERFIELD CPA POLK COUNTY Falsify official public records hidden federal 8YEARS AGGRESSIVE IDENTITY THEFT racketeering Rico embezzlement tax evasion embezzlement Rico racketeering suppressed fraudulent financial disclosure racketeering Rico

  172. Investigation file to Polk County Sheriff's Office certified November 17th 2014 I am requesting Internal Affairs investigation on brush and Coyle PA Miss Robert brush case number 13 Dr 2230 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Janet wheeler versus Fred wheeler hard for all accident claims for accidents 129 2009 through 2014 filed in the court case Mister Robert brush falsifying all claims after domestic violence case on husband Fred wheeler falsification of documents the three government agencies Polk County Sheriff's Office Board of County Commissioners in Florida Department of Financial Services withheld my NUMBROSE in this case and removal of wife's name of 34 years on the forge Miranda all claims in this case 13 Dr 22305 in 2013 official loss owner of insurance claims Janet wheeler November 17th 2014 notarized evidence Polk County Sheriff's Office Administration complaint sworn statement form investigation falsified thirty-six Pages Polk County Sheriff's Office brush@Coyle falsification of fact material in a federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2008 19 they kidnapped me and threw me in jail February 8th 2018 while they forged is my ATTORNEY! Fraudulent financial disclosure counterfeiting racketeering databases July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA for PA appeals filed to court records in tampering with evidence of falsification to fax and material in a better databases with domestic violence and criminal records the falsification of documents to three government agencies Polk County Sheriff's Office Board of County Commissioners in Florida Financial Service without my consent removal of wife's 8YEARS HELL fabricated financial disclosure racketeering embezzlement counterfeiting wire fraud and kidnapping in federal databases investigation file November 17th 2014 in certified records October 27th 2016 to Florida Financial Services Tallahassee Florida Polk County Sheriff's Office and board of County Commissioners Robert brush in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida brushing for PA in federal databases as a white collar crime 34 years to consume claims while they cashed in numbers claims in my name stole my identity and threw me in jail I was devastated I had a nervous breakdown tampering with evidence of falsifying investigations and forgery and financial disclosures falsifying affidavit January 29th 2009 through 2014 suppress falsifying Financial disclosure with insurance claims lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with the Fords Miranda and they forged as my attorney withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in better databases on eight years of aggravated identity theft January 29th 2009 to 2014 and ongoing harassment on bribery and corruption in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on counterfeiting money laundering kidnapping tax evasion and wire fraud brushing call p a n Federal databases on falsifying Financial disclosure falsifying lawsuits liability claims medical releases with the Fords Miranda and tampering other in public records and kidnapping on for bribery corruption facts material embezzlement electric file and harassment fabricating court records and back gate and Records tampering with evidence correction and bribery in a dead are databases of counterfeiting and money-laundering and racketeering The Surge why this judge is told they stole my identity person called PA entered Federal databases as a white collar crime

  173. November 17th 2015 investigation 598 North Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 to 2014 on Forge Miranda Robert brush Florida Financial Services Board of County Commissioners and Polk County Sheriff's Office certified forged instrument State and I only have less than $200 debt $52,000 dead intern Federal databases why they poured $39,000 a former husband's taxes on me with a forged is my attorney filed x50 Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years of hail in our federal databases on fabrication of Court records fax immature on willfully falsifying Financial disclosure on property fraud over $100,000 in federal databases with medical release is a life insurance policy Social Security businesses property domestic violence criminal records why is he allowed to have his guns he's not allowed to have his guns falsifying my alimony falsifying support falsifying lease on house judge ordered lead to have surgery in a salt in her better databases as a white-collar crime and the 10th Circuit Court Kent County Florida and kidnapping February 8th 2018 on a falsified affidavit and then falsifying a whit for a wit years later full Spinosaurus kidnap me and in suppressing the tents will be Court Pitt County Florida on falsifying public records eight years of Health Asa Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida intern Federal databases a property fraud of over a hundred thousand and medical release isn't lost its liability claims of medical issues with my name on them in my insurance company wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court POLK County Board on falsifying Financial disclosure Tallahassee Florida and Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd January 29th 2009 to 2014 with a forge Miranda Robert brush brush and coffee a falsifying mediations depositions no-show hearing spectate records and forgery and falsifying a trial and backdate records and kick back in on Saturday to pay student account getting racketeering money laundering and forgery the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 8 years stalking me Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on forged instruments find Financial disclosure January 21st 2021 suppress in the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida kidnapping on for drink also find affidavit Center Federal databases as a white collar crime that didn't record Cyrus Federal and kickbacks in federal databases Beverly Dunn way appeals file to the 10th Circuit Court of Cook County Florida court on filed in court records in backdating records and rafetto databases as a white collar crime they stripped my records and I have them they forged instruments my name is suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 8 years of health safety Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida CC office of Attorney General Bureau consumer protection Pennsylvania on October 19th 2019 filed to CC office of Attorney General the capital key August 01 Tallahassee Florida January 21st 2021 falsifying a with a surgeon kidnapping in our federal databases I told judge Combee they stole my game be on a falsified wit fraudulent financial disclosure SUPPRESSED NUMBROSE CLAIMS racketeering counterfeiting money laundering kidnapping and forgery of a federal databases on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricate and court records and willfully falsifying Financial disclosure and falsifying investigations and affidavits in her Federal databases and backdate records and kickbacks on forgery and fraud and withhold my evidence for eight years of have racketeering money-laundering counterfeiting kidnapping and suppress evidence on falsifying Financial disclosure on racketeering and federal databases on certified registered Robert brush brush@Coyle pa paralegals Erin Castro fraudulent altered financial disclosure racketeering corrupt bidding bribery stalking on forgery for eight years they've been forged as my attorney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida records rPA and paralegals

  174. STOLEN MY IDENTITY brush@Coyle pa January 29th 2009 through 2014 filed the. STACY Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida freeze on all assets March 11th 2013 Robert brush 8 years of Hell in a federal databases on Backpage record kick that lost its liability claims and medical police is with my name on them Cook County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2014 suppress Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence claims and my insurance claims with medical release is over 65,000 Davenport Orange County Polk County in UK records on homeowners insurance is alarm insurance is a mediation and sealed records in our federal databases on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and fabricating court records and facts on abuse on a 30 and willfully falsifying Financial disclosure backdates records IRS federal IRS IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida a former husband's taxes date and I pay my taxes racketeering of over $1000000 on bosses liability claims of medical reasons and property over $100,000 takes attorney's office Polk County Florida records to be released in 15 days with police records and violation of probation and criminal records in our federal databases as a white-collar crime falsifying 36 Pages cuz County Sheriff's Office November 17th 2014 Cindy P brush and coil PA falsifying 6 financial affidavit in back gate records and kick back and property fraud over $100,000 for lease in 15 days with domestic violence criminal record in the family meant restraining order and falsifying my alimony while receiving over 600,000 leaving me a hundred and 17 a month abandonment with a child my grandbaby and me and 9050 judge awarded me the house he left me with this State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida Tallahassee records he had to pay back the state $1,500 Tallahassee Florida record violations violence ethics harrament 8YEARSHELL Polk County Florida records

    1. Fabricate and court records in material and fat fingered Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida to press in the center of it for Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and aggravated identity theft wire fraud and tax evasion they filed his taxes a bit over $39,000 on me and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. I rested or fall back California withholding evidence November 13th 2017 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida assault continue to the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida white tampering with evidence and falsifying cig financial affidavit to fix your bank account falsifying 9 financial affidavit guns to release businesses property car truck

    2. Fabricating court records and eight years of Hell in our federal databases and I'm sharing this with the public because it was eight years January 29 2009 through 2014 fabricate and court records and falsifying a trial with no mandatory disclosure for drain as my attorney and falsifying investigation 36 pages to be fall to the State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida Sheriff Grady Judd records on January 29th 2009 through 2014 with my insurance claims with a force more random Board of County Commissioners Florida financial services and Polk County Sheriff's office Forest Miranda Robert brush date and I only have less than $200 debt $52,000 debt tax leans on me and the judge awarded me 6000 why he's tripped over $100,000 and over $1000000 Cindy Sullivan's records went viral tampering with evidence and eight years of Hell in her Federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th they threw me in jail February 8th 2018 I had to pay this time of a b**** $700 I want my money back falsifying a resin for jewelry on kidnapping in her Federal databases why they falsified a whit for $1,000 why, he was told he stole my identity fabricating court records in and falsifying public records judge Combee was told he stole my identity was George Pickett was given these appeals and Beverly Dunn way was filed appeals in the 10th Circuit Court Fayette County Florida withholding evidence January 16th 2015 and certified appeals four times to court records January 27th 2015 in backdating records and kickbacks in our federal databases as a white-collar crime why would somebody have to go through so much hell and trickery for photos who know how old my kids are on this family tamping uttered official records forged assault federal databases Rico racketeering embezzlement assault aggressive Lakeland Florida stalking on forgery suppress falsifying Financial disclosures depressed lawsuits liability claims in medical license with my name on them Davenport Orange County UK records homeowners claims insurance claims falsifying mediations depositions no-show earrings and Polk County Sheriff's Office Bernie Judd with my name on them January 29th 2009 to 2014 in the tenth of it for Polk County Florida intern Federal databases as a white-collar crime fault to find a trial and removing over $1000000 and tampering with evidence in his salt for eight years of hell fabricating court records and falsifying financial affidavit and stalking in her Federal databases for trickery for photos on a forged instrument they forged as my attorney withholding evidence safety but it's a CPA Polk County Florida backdating records and kickbacks on 420 falsifying Financial disclosure 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsified divorce's on me where they are for touring

  175. SUPPRESSED JANUARY 21 2022 February 3.2021 they just released 4000 fabricating court records on racketeering over $1000000 in federal database FTC databases February 8.2018 DC office of Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection Pennsylvania Hospital February 19th 2019 file to CC office of Attorney General the capital plo1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2018 8 years e entered Federal databases s as a white collar crime 8YEARSHELL Stalking on forgery camper and uttering public records They stripped my records and I have them my attorney suppress

  176. SUPPRESSED fraudulent financial disclosure fraudulent altered official public records kidnapped on forgery fraudulent NUMBROSE claims IRS federal withholding evidence embezzlement racketeering Rico money laundering stalking spoliation evidence withholding willfully falsifying public records suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 by my attorney fraudulent financial disclosure on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. Irish fiddle fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tampering with evidence and salt continued for 8 years in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on money laundering counterfeiting tax Invasion kidnapping they threw me in jail where they forged is my attorney and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years of Hell in federal databases FTC databases IRS federal backdates records federal fraudulent white collar crime June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years of Hell on fabricating court records Federal databases

  177. SUPPRESSED January 21st 2021 fraudulent financial disclosure insurance claims lawsuits liberty claims SUPPRESSED NUMBROSE CLAIMS ethics violations and forgery in federal databases February 8th 2018 ft cirs schedule and three credit bureaus on aggravated identity theft the Press falsifying Financial disclosure insurance claims lawsuits liability claims life insurance policies Social Security businesses property falsifying investigations and 430 databases as white collar crime June 4th 2018 they threw me in jail or they forged is my attorney brushing call Pa fabricating court records and financial disclosure in a racketeering in government counterfeiting tax evasion and kidnapping withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on 8 years of HELL violence ethics harrament facts material bribery corruption backdates kickbacks forged tamping uttered official public records mandatory disclosure 123 fraud conflict of interest in the chief judge Bruce Smith April 16th 2015 appeals filed court records for times and fabricating court records and facts and other databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 F250 IRS Schedule and three credit bureaus 8 years of Hell on fabricating Court Records full and have evidence on insurance claims lawsuits liability claims businesses property Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies and fabricate court records with domestic violence and criminal records in Tallahassee Florida records attached fabricate and court records fraudulent financial disclosure money laundering harrament assault forged federal databases Stacy Butterfield CPA falsifying public records aggravated identity theft databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida

  178. SUPPRESSED January 29th 2009 to 2014 I filed for divorce if 34 years tampering with evidence in a salt continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on fabricating court records materials inside Interstellar databases as a white collar crime to see databases February 8th 2018 kidnapping counterfeiting identity theft June 4th 2019 wire fraud and tax evasion counterfeiting racketeering embezzlement kidnapping and property fraud 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida International David fabricating court records and financial disclosure on forgery fraudulent financial disclosure property fraud theft of service ftt databases June 4th 2019 and IRS Federal of white collar crime 8 years of Health Asa Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Federal databases aggravated identity theft on fabricating court records at 6 violations harassment for 3 kidnapping money-laundering Insurance claim SUPPRESSED NUMBROSE CLAIMS brush@Coyle pa@ PARALEGALS ethics violations and harassment on white collar crime January 29th 2009 to 2014 aggravated identity theft January 21st 2021 Tulsa find Financial disclosure property fraud and embezzlement racketeering and money-laundering are better databases with wire fraud and tax evasion fabricating court records January 29th 2009 to 2014 8 years HELL fabricated financial disclosure January 29th 2009 through 2014 I file for a divorce they forged instruments in my name kidnap me February 8th 2018 in stock me for 8 years in the POLK County Circuit Court Polk County Florida camper. During public records backdates records kidnapped bidding backdates corruption tampering uttering public records January 29th 2009 to 2014 the Press January 21st 2021 in February 3rd 2021 falsifying Financial disclosure with insurance claims office liability claim workman's comp bike insurance policies businesses and property with domestic violence and criminal records and the forgery fraudulent financial racketeering embezzlement counterfeiting money laundering and embezzlement domestic violence and criminal records States turns office Polk County Florida and Tallahassee Florida records FEDERAL FTC disclosure white collar crime June 4th 2019 r databases with the white collar crime June 4th 2019 in our federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida inner Deputy IRS Federal and three credit bureaus

  179. Ftt IRS Federal and three credit bureaus January 29th 2009 through 2014 8 years of Hell in federal databases the Press January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida ftt databases February 8th 2018 counterfeiting identity theft and kidnapping on forgery tampering uttering public records in June 4th 2019 white collar crime 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered Federal databases as a white-collar crime FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus brush@Coyle backdates records IRS federal backdating records falsifying Financial disclosure insurance claims lawsuits liability claims in Florida Financial Services Board of County Commissioners and Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2014 with a Forged racketeering Rico embezzlement money laundering property fraud domestic violence criminal records abandonment restraining orders Flex police records falsifying investigations and State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 pages in her Federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 SEC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricate Financial forgery and tampering other in public records THEFT OF January 29th 2009 through 2014 filed in court records backdating records and kickbacks in federal databases as a white collar crime SEC Iris Federal in three credit bureaus Service FTC databases February 8th 2018 counterfeiting identity-theft kidnapping unfortunately tamping uttered material facts false fraudulent statement falsified official public records falsifying Financial Insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims medical Lucas has my name on it with a forge Miranda and torturing us my attorney fabricating court records ethics violations and harassment for eight years hell fabricated financial disclosure money laundering tax evasion abuse and stalking on forgery CPA Polk County Florida Public Records and eight years of hell interdental databases is a white collar crime June 4th 2019 PA

  180. JANUARY 2009 through 2014 34 years of marriage wheeler February 3rd 2020 back gate records in Kickbacks IRS federal thfederal filed back OVER back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they not pay my taxes property fraud over $100,000 with insurance claims lawsuits liability claims in medical releases with workman's comp life insurance policies abandonment restraining orders in Tallahassee Florida records he had to pay back $1,500 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida on abandonment falsifying Financial disclosure with domestic violence criminal records in or better databases he's not to have his guns cash truck boat cast jewelry guns and Property 2 released in 15 days State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida with domestic violence criminal records in Tallahassee Florida records Center Federal databases Florida Financial Services Board of County Commissioners in Polk County Sheriff's Office on a Forged MIRANDA brush@Coyle Robert brush brush@Coyle why domestic violence and criminal records August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 Banning domestic violence they cashed in numbers claims on my insurance company 19,000 5000-10000 20,000 and ongoing Davenport Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 to 2014 with my name on them negligence claims and homeowners claims UK records an alarm claims suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on falsifying insurance claims and racketeering in federal databases and kidnapping they threw me in jail where they forged guess my attorney withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida exhibits 1 and 2 I've never even seen these records They falsify the affidavits that I've never seen they threw me in jail kidnap me February 8th 2018 counterfeiting money laundering and their identity theft and kidnapping on a surge for $700 I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** while they cashed in numbers claims in my name wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on suppress evidence January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 fabricating court records and fax entered Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of Hell tax evasion kidnapping wire fraud and counterfeiting in money laundry and property fraud over $100,000 and over $1000000 why tax evasion was filed back to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida over $39,000 a former husband they fabricated these court records in California records in IRS Federal camper never in public records for eight years in a federal databases as a white-collar crime fgc databases depressed falsifying Financial disclosure property fraud over $100,000 with insurance claims medical releases over 65,000 and then homeowners claims and insurance claims money laundering and counterfeiting in federal databases with the forge Miranda Florida Financial Services Polk County Sheriff's Office and County Commissioners Board of County Commissioners 2009 through 2014 wheeler vs. Wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on fabricated court records in materials and facts on bribery and Corruption kidnapping counterfeiting money laundering tax evasion and identity theft and falsifying as a surge for $700 kidnap me why they fabricated court records to make sure all was devastated mental abuse with domestic violence and criminal records attached 2009-2010 and falsify my alimony why he received over $600,000 why they casting numbers claims in my name and falsifying court records on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and with a forge Miranda where they forged is my attorney and Robert brush certified and registered Robert brush falsifying Financial disclosure on racketeering counterfeiting insurance claims lawsuits liability claims workman's comp life insurance policies Insurance claim center that are databases as a white-collar crime Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida eight years of hell

  181. January 29th 2009 through 2014 eight years of Hell on fabricating court records in her Federal databases with facts and material 8 years of Hell In order to get our databases with facts and material on fabricating court records and financial on counterfeiting money laundering and racketeering I told judge come be on another Forge wit January 21st 2021 suppress certain records and kickbacks and withholding evidence IRS Federal California November 13th 2017 on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back of a $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA stating I pay my taxes property fraud over $100,000 with domestic violence and criminal records endured better than databases on forgery and tampering with evidence and over $1000000 with insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims the medical releases with my name on it for the forge Miranda Robert brush brush can call Pa eight years of Hell Florida Financial Services Board of County Commissioners and Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 with insurance claims on my insurance company and with afford to Brand are they casting numbers claims and threw me in jail kidnap me domestic violence criminal records attached I had a nervous breakdown abandonment with a child and having to pay back the state $1,500 by the judge awarded me a house with claims of 90500 abandonment with my baby grand baby October 27th 2014 October 10th 2014 October 13th 2014 and October 29th 2014 falsifying 6 financial affidavit Syndicate records to Iris Federal January 2009 to 2014 wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying Financial disclosure kidnapping counterfeiting money laundering insurance claims embezzlement falsifying my alimony abandonment refrain order with a child in domestic violence and criminal records attached oh and you're not to have your guns State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records 52 Pages August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 abandonment with a child domestic violence and criminal records and property release 15 days by brushing call Pa with police record references in sealed records with insurance claims and lawsuits liability claims and life insurance policies and businesses and property over $100,000 with domestic violence in the band and restraining orders and alimony falsified in the 10th Circuit Court Kent County Florida Interstellar databases of white collar crime FTC February 2018 IRS federal California records fraudulent financial disclosure suppressed fraudulent kidnapped on NUMBROSE CLAIMS 5010 thousand 20 thousand nineteen thousand and ongoing insurance claims on my insurance company with a forge Miranda Robert brush why they forged as my attorney IRS Schedule fall back over $39,000 of former husbands to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida they stripped over $1000000 and forged of my attorney and $100,000 wife domestic violence of criminal records and abandonment is backdated record to kick back January 29th 2009 through 2014 on eight years of Hell in that our databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida so you pay for divorce and in Polk County and they forged documents in your name and kidnap you and throw you in jail on a falsified surge in a falsified wet as I as I told the judge Combee they stole my identity 8 years of pay Leonard Federal databases withholding IRS Federal California Lakeland Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida 8 years of hell on fabricating Financial disclosure tax evasion counterfeiting kidnapping money-laundering Investments and forgery suppress November 13th 2017 property to be paid that you did he stole my identity brush and call p a in a federal databases February 8th 2018

  182. Certified forged instrument July 16th 2015 at 4:29 exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida July 26th 2016 found in court records exhibits 1 and 2 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on forged instrument they forged as my attorney!! 8YEARS Aggressive. Stalking violence ethics forgery!!

    Florida Financial Services Tallahassee Florida Board of County Commissioners and Polk County Sheriff's Office falsify forged Miranda Miranda Robert brush brush@Coyle pa violence ethics the casting numbers claims in my name State and I only had $200 in debt found in these records Fords Miranda he cashed in numbers claims in my name on my insurance company in lawsuits liability claims and medical released Polk County Sheriff's Office Grady Judd negligence claims January 29th 2009 through 2014 withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on Ford's Miranda $52,000 debt and tax returns with liens on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal California fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida the embezzled over $1000000 and $100,000 property fraud released in 15 days August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 police reports in federal databases ftt databases February 8th 2018 counterfeiting identity theft and kidnapping they throw me in jail where they forged is my attorney stalking me for 8 years affidavit IRS Federal June 4th 2019 ft C and IRS Federal white collar crime brush and Coyle PA insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical releases business's property life insurance pay property in Social Security and domestic violence and criminal records in federal databases on forgery back gate records and kick back violence ethics fraudulent financial disclosure embezzlement racketeering Rico money laundering tax evasion withholding evidence November 17th 2014 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Federal databases tampering with public records and forgery of my name on documents falsifying a trial back gate and Records Federal January 29th 2009 to 2014 eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida

  183. JUDGE COMBEE on a falsified went for $1,000 Robert brush and a paralegal ERIN Castor tampering with evidence that salt continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 suppressed by my attorney fabricate and court records materials in fact with insurance claims lawsuits liability claims the medical releases why they made me pay $1,000 again why he stripped my records and money-laundering counterfeiting FTC IRS Schedule and three credit bureaus on eight years of HELL Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes stating I paid my taxes they forged is my attorney and withholding evidence July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 Stacy Butterfield CPA forged instrument was found in court records and gave him to three judges in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida assault continued they threw me in jail on a falsified warrant suppress February 8th 2018 why I had a nervous breakdown I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** $700 Robert brush Timothy Coyle E Pujols AXANDER 8ft sea IRS Federal January 29th 2009 through 2014 on insurance claims lawsuits liability claims medical releases over $1000000 tampering with evidence in a forgery in our federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in February 8th 2018 F250 IRS Federal counterfeiting kidnapping and assault on forgery in April 4th 2017 at 5:24 p.m. Leanne Parker Court Council Polk County Florida eight years of pale California has requested these records November 13th 2017 withholding evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida wire fraud tax evasion money laundering counterfeiting and racketeering and embezzlement with domestic violence and criminal records of with police record concealed records on my insurance company with NUMBROSE CLAIMS Polk County Sheriff's Office January 29th 2009 through 2014 negligence claims with my name on it with numbers claims on my insurance company files Robert brush brush and coil PA a paralegal ERIN Castor California IRS Federal is requested these records in an affidavit tax evasion wire fraud and racketeering in in doesn't interfere with kidnapping in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on eight years of pale businesses life insurance policies Social Security medical releases insurance claims lawsuit liability claims and property over a hundred thousand with tags Days Inn in money laundering in or federal databases withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricating court records fax material and falsified financials on racketeering and money-laundering and tax-evasion and Assault Center Federal databases FTC Iris Federal three credit bureaus they destroyed my credit and threw me in jail 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida FTC databases IRS federal backdates records January 29th 2009 to 2014 wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 I told judge Combee he stole my identity On A falsified wit that I had to pay him backdating records and Cynthia Clerk of the Court Polk County Florida filed me to F1 instead of c-14 witnesses come forward that I was there for an hour and a half fabricating court records Interstellar databases of the white collar crime FTC June 4th 2019 three credit bureaus

  184. Case number wheeler versus wheeler 53 - 2011 d r - 006-963-0000 - 00 section number 001 13 52 Pages filed October 29th 2014 Cindy Sullivan David four rules to shows calls for violence a final Judgment of injunction for protection against domestic violence and its states without child Tallahassee Florida records place to be and my grandbaby and home August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 former husband had to pay back $1,500 falsifying a child the court records in federal databases wheeler August 11th 2010 tax records on my grandbaby placed in home and January 29th 2009 through 2014 on lawsuits liability claims of medical release is why they cashed in numbers claims in my name and falsifying public records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of hail in federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 case number 5 3 - 2010 Dr - 0 0 6 9 6 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 exhibits d and be October 29th 2014 domestic violence in criminal records January 29th 2009 through 2021 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 8 years of HELL fabricate and court records and facts wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 2010 Dr 006 963 - 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 give 13th 11 a.m. 2010 Pope County Clerk circuit clerk court Polk County Florida with Tallahassee Florida records former husband had to pay back over $1,500 he's not to have his gun Clerk of Court Brian TOREKY ASA October 27th 2010 at 4:08 p.m. Polk County Clerk Circuit Court civil Tallahassee Florida records former husband had to pay back $1,500 lien on house 9500 the judge awarded me the house and they had to place me and my grandbaby in the home they fabricated these records in for Tallahassee Florida records Pam BONDI former husband had to pay back August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 why they falsified a child case number 5 3 - 2010 Dr 006 963 - 0 0-0 0-0 0 section number 0 0 30 exhibits D & B Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Tallahassee Florida records of past 8 years of HELL fabricating court records in fact in federal databases February 8th 2018 on counterfeiting kidnapping a tax-evasion counterfeiting fgc databases June 8th 2018 white collar crime respondent records State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 pages Federal databases Federal databases of white collar crime

  185. Affidavit of balance of injunction October 10th 2017 at 4:08 p.m. Polk County Clerk of Court civil 818 2010 case number 2010 Dr 6963 assistant State's Attorney's Office Brian TOREKY State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida property released in 15 days over a hundred thousand dollars August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 boat truck card jury cash and property guns cash and violations with two police reports he stripped the house electronics and everything I was supposed to release 15 DAYS E PUJOLS Alexandra's brush and Coyle PA August 18th 2010 DR 6963 October 27th 2010 at 4:08 p.m. Polk County Clerk of the Court Circuit Court Civil Division 52-page is October 29th 2014 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricating court records and fax entered Federal databases as a white collar crime they threw me in jail February 8th 2018 which held my evidence and which held a child fabricating court records in fact in federal databases on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida with child August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 former husband had to pay back $1,500 January Easter 2014 I file for divorce in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida they fabricated records and facts and money-laundering counterfeiting and falsifying arrest in her Federal databases as kidnapping they fabricated a child I had my grandbaby filed in these court records August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 y 2009 to 2014 on a Ford Veranda Robert brush energy Federal databases as a white collar crime June 4th 2019 on eight years HELL fabricated assault official public records case number State's Attorney's Office in the Circuit Court of the 10th Circuit Court in Polk County Florida exhibit d petition by affidavit for rules to show cause violence and final Judgment of injunction for protection against domestic violence and it states without child child my grandbaby fabricating court records of falsifying public records in federal databases on Russian choral PA on eight years of activator to donate their funerary 29th 2009 to 2014 lawsuits liability claims in medical releases POLK County Sheriff's Office on my insurance company with numbers claims fabricating court records and stripping a child is 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida with violations two police reports and domestic violence and criminal records filed Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of hell wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida suppress January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2021 I told judge, be they stoled my identity where they falsified a whit I had to pay this son-of-a-b**** $1,000 Robert brush in her Federal databases as a white collar crime embezzlement over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud with domestic violence and criminal records with a child filed in court records State Attorney's Office Polk County Florida exhibit d b see an app August 10th 2010 at 1:01 a.m. domestic violence court order of court in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida case number wheeler versus wheeler case no 2010DR Oo6963 0000 00 withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of hail in our federal databases as a white collar crime in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Swift Child Called October 27th 2014 August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 I had a nervous breakdown fabricating court records in fact in federal databases as a white-collar crime and 8 years of hell

  186. 8 years of Hell suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida domestic violence criminal records and abandonment with a child August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records property released over $100,000 and over $1000000 lawsuits liability claims January 29th 2009 through 2014 suppressed aggravated identity theft and federal databases they threw me in jail while they forged as my attorney brush@Coyle pa backdated records IRS federal January 2009 through 2014 entered with domestic violence and criminal records on former husband and property released over a hundred thousand dollars with State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida record for the fraudulent with a child August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 and property for lease in 15 days brush@Coyle Court PA in fabricating a child in these records my grandbaby Tallahassee Florida records August 2010 he had to pay back $1,500 domestic violence criminal records and abandonment in her Federal databases fall to the court Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida October 29th 2014 and falsifying a trial and backdate and Records Center Federal databases and tax evasion wire fraud on July 19th 2017 IRS Federal California records at 1:29 p.m. fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes suppressed evidence and certified records Mr Robert brush paralegals Erin Castro Cindy p Scott financial disclosure fraudulent financial disclosure January 2009 to 2014 with certified records Miss Robert M brush and firm 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida 7 0 14 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 6 5 - 7 5 6 5 March 25th 2014 certified and registered March 24th 2014 7 0 14 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 6 5 7 5 6 5 certified and registered February 21st 2014 official certified u.s. postage certified 70131 7th n 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 3 5 4 8 9 certified and registered two pages 11 13 2014 7 0 12 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 2 8 5 5 0 8 Tallahassee Florida records abandonment with a child August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 and falsifying my alimony while they received over $1000000 $100,000 property fraud Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida in federal databases as fabricating court records and Financial and farm 825 East Main Street Lakeland Florida 33801 certified records mandatory disclosure 123 fraud conflict of interest in her April 16th 2015 in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida and Records filed January 27th 2015 appeals filed Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida eight years of Hell in her Federal databases and November 30th 2015 they called me off elevator and harass me and threatening they continue to harass me by fabricating a child and falsifying public records Center Federal databases on domestic violence and criminal records attached to these on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida falsifying my alimony falsifying my property over a hundred thousand and all lawsuits with insurance claims on my insurance company over me and Dollars January 29th 2009 to 2014 and businesses life insurance policies property and abandonment restrain order of protection orders Tallahassee Florida records and Federal databases on brush and cool PA on suppressed evidence on falsifying Financial records for eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida have you ever been called off a elevator and Ben harassed have you ever been denied your evidence to be filed why they stripped it have you ever had to go through identity theft why they forged as my attorney and and suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida January 21st 2021 and February 3rd 2014 they stripped everything files the judge awarded me the house and I had my grandbaby as I had a nervous breakdown they falsify these public records for eight years of Hell tax evasion wire fraud in her Federal databases I'm backdating records and kickbacks brush and coil PA on falsifying affidavits paralegals in a federal database as white collar crime June 4th 2019 7014 -

  187. Fabrication of these records in federal databases as a white-collar crime property fraud over a hundred thousand over $1000000 lawsuits and liability claims Davenport Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office and UK records on homeowners and insurance claims on my insurance file to Robert brush in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida falsifying my alimony why domestic violence and criminal records in August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 and property over $100,000 for lease in 15 days in a federal databases on forgery and tampering with evidence on eight years of aggravated identity theft appeals are file to Beverly Dunn way in the 10th Circuit Court County Florida and falsifying public records January 16th 2015 catered Federal databases on tampering with evidence on eight years of salt on property fraud over $100,000 alimony abandonment with a child August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 and over $1000000 January 29th 2009 through 2014 with medical releases on my insurance company and suppress evidence in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on forgery and tampering with evidence is eight years of Hell in her that our databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida turn on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. Irish fiddle fall back over $39,000 a former husband's taxes fabricating court records and falsifying public records Center Federal databases with August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 abandonment with a child my grandbaby I had a nervous breakdown they forged these documents to my name and falsified my property of 100000 and over $1000000 with lawsuits liability a medical release is on my insurance company file to Robert brush and Timothy Coyle January 2009 through 2014 on eight years of pale Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered affidavits in Federal property fraud over a hundred thousand over $1000000 in tax evasion wire fraud and kidnapping in her Federal databases January 2009 to 2014 and falsifying investigation November 17th 2014 abandonment with a child October 29th 2014 and falsifying a Tryon withholding my evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and the 10th Circuit Court Cook County Florida in a better databases as a ftcc February 8th 2018 counterfeiting kidnapping abandonment tax evasion they forged as my attorney and fabricating these court records in August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 in our databases on abandonment restraining orders and protection order the property fraud over $100,000 with domestic violence and criminal references to attach the falsifying my alimony and over $1000000 January 29th 2009 to 2014 with medical releases on my insurance company with my name on them Polk County Sheriff's Office January 2009 to 2014 and falsifying investigation November 17th 2014 to be filed with the state attorney's office brush@Coyle @ paralegals fraudulent financial disclosure abandonment restraining orders State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 Pages October 29th 2014 August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 abandonment restraining orders and properties for lease over $100,000 Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida and federal databases are the white collar crime FTC and IRS Federal docket records of kickbacks suppress PA enter Federal databases as of white collar crime

  188. SUPPRESSED NUMBROSE Claims January 2009 through 2014 on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida fabricating fact and material in our federal databases as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 suppress in federal backdating records and kickbacks January 29th 2009 through 2014 with lawsuits liability claims and medical releases Davenport Orange County and Polk County Sheriff's Office with my name on them my insurance company 5000-10000 20,000 and 19000 medical releases life insurance policy over 800,000 falsifying abandonment with a child in on several databases August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida restraining orders protection orders and police records in to release in 15 days Peace River domestic violence case 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records with abandonment with my grand baby August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 and property released over a hundred thousand with police records in sealed records on all lawsuits and liability claims in medical release has suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida I told judge COMBEE they sent me to F1 instead of a C12 fabricate these court records and Witnesses have come forward as Witnesses following these court records and fabricate and transcripts falsifying mediations depositions no show here hearings and abandonment with a child and property over $100,000 and falsified my alimony and falsified my divorce of over $1000000 play attacked Beijing and wire fraud and kidnapping entered Federal databases February 8th 2018 FTC databases and IRS Federal as a white-collar crime June 4th 2019 suppress Insurance claim Social Security workman's comp life insurance policies businesses with property over 38,000 four years running with six different bank accounts and falsify Napa Davis paralegals tampering with evidence and abandonment with a child August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 with property and deny me my civil rights in our federal databases on fabricating court records Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida January 29th 2009 through 2014 I fired my attorney fabricating financial and falsifying public records and falsifying my alimony and falsify mediations depositions no-show hearing she was fired removed by the judge October 23rd 2013 fabricate and financial disclosures in Florida bar records in federal databases CC Ms liesal weeks I was hired January 2nd 2013 was fired August 19th 2014 and removed by judge hard and Cindy Sullivan October September 23rd 2013 and filed to the Florida bar on a falsified wit on eight years of stalking me he stole my identity Robert brush

  189. Suppress evidence 8 years of Hell after domestic violence and criminal records in her Federal databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on fabricating Financial records tax evasion wire fraud and kidnapping and counterfeiting on these attorneys an eight years of Hell of with domestic violence and criminal records attached I told the judge Combee he stole my identity they falsified a whit I had a nervous breakdown and hired a lawyer suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida February 8th 2018 counterfeiting kidnapping in identity theft and tax evasion falsifying public records 30 C database is June 4th 2019 white collar crime CC office of Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection Pennsylvania reschedule February 19th 2019 file to CC office of Attorney General the capital p l - 0 1 Tallahassee Florida February 19th 2019 file the Polk County Sheriff's Office November 17th 2014 and falsifying 36 pages abuse continued in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida in 2010 records Center Federal databases of Abandonment with a child my grandbabies and fabricating court records on eight years of Youth Center in federal databases over $100,000 property fraud tax evasion wire fraud and kidnapping they threw me in jail February 8th and January 29th 2009 to 2014 on suppress evidence on falsifying Financial disclosure Robert brush and former attorney Miss LIESAL weeks Harden Boulevard Lakeland Florida property fraud that August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 in with abandonment with a child and falsifying my alimony they falsified his trial that falsified peels a falsified mediations depositions and eight years of Hell in her Federal databases as white collar crime I had a nervous breakdown January 2009 through 2014 FTC databases they just destroyed my credit identity theft is file to FTC IRS Schedule and kidnapping counterfeiting in money laundering and property fraud over a hundred thousand in January 2009 to 2014 all lawsuits liability claim medical releases and Social Security and medical releases and life insurance policies businesses and property and workman's comp in her Federal databases with husband's retirement up 2009 through 2014 not even file to court records fabricating court records on the Bandit August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 in federal databases as a white collar crime 52 Pages State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida records October 27th 2014 October 29th 2014 and October 13th 2014 falsified in October 10th 2014 falsified fabricate and court records and eight years of using and I'm sticking up for myself for eight years of assault forged fraudulent financial disclosure tax evasion they threw me in jail where they forged as my attorney withholding evidence July 16th 2015 found July 26th 2016 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 they forged is my tourney 8 years of Hell in her Federal databases with abandonment 2010 record State's Attorney's Office Polk County Florida 52 pages Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County falsifying Financial disclosure safety Butterfield CPA Polk County

  190. Destruction of property in property theft interred Iris Federal of over a hundred thousand lire poste release August 1st 2010 and September 1st 2010 Tallahassee Florida records on the band to meet with a child in it are federal databases August 1st 2010 September 1st 2010 and withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida entered Federal databases of the white collar crime he's not to have his guns Sheriff's Office reports on January 29th 2009 through 2014 Polk County Sheriff's Office with insurance claims and medical releases with a forge Miranda Florida Financial Services Board of County Commission in Polk County Sheriff's Office take Ashton numbers claims on a forge Miranda Robert brush Timothy Coyle and E pujol Alexandra paralegals fraudulent altered affidavit Cindy p Erin Castro Scott financial district fraudulent money laundering over $1000000 in $100,000 property fraud with domestic violence and criminal records and falsifying my alimony in debt of $52,000 in a better database life insurance policy over $800,000 former husbands retirement not even file to court records Social Security over 67000 with two documents to September 12th 2012 on post to receive 26,000 they fabricated these court records in casting numbers insurance claims on my insurance company with a forged Miranda Robert brush and then they forged is my attorney July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. domestic violence and criminal records in our federal databases withholding evidence Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on eight years of hail tamper with evidence and falsifying public records and trickery for photos they falsified a trial they falsified appeals to theft of service and property over $100,000 and domestic violence in falsified November 17th 2014 Polk County Sheriff's Office investigation to be filed with the state attorney's office Polk County Florida and withholding evidence July 16th 2015 at 4:29 p.m. exhibits 1 and 2 they forged as my attorney fabricating court records with money laundering counterfeiting over $1000000 with insurance claims lawsuits liability claims life insurance policies businesses and property and domestic violence and criminal records have been meant and forgery taxes on me of his and on July 19th 2017 at 1:29 p.m. IRS Federal follow back up with $39,000 a former husband's taxes to Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida tax evasion counterfeiting money laundering and kidnapping in Ord better databases they threw me in jail why they fabricated these court records and falsified Financial records over a million dollars and $100,000 property fraud steps of service in our databases on Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida on fabricating court records and facts with domestic violence and criminal records and abandonment with a child in August 1st 2010 in September 1st 2010 in Tallahassee Florida records in her better databases they placed me in my grandbaby and home fabricating court records to Iris Federal and back gate and records and an assault in our federal databases as a white-collar crime on eight years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida suppressed in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida fabricating court records falsifying a weird falsifying a surge and I told them they 8 years of Hell in a set of data bases they stole my identity racketeering Rico money laundering and Doublemint kidnapping counterfeiting and assault ftci rescheduled white collar crime June 4th 2019 and February 8th 2018 counterfeiting kidnapping and tax evasion

  191. Why falsifying as my attorney and falsifying my taxes in the 10th Circuit Court POLK County Florida former husband sales the businesses today hides the huge boat and hides the land that he bought on the falsifying Financial disclosure 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida white collar crime June 4th 2019 sailing the boat huge boat selling the businesses in selling the land former husband wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of Hell on falsifying Financial records money-laundering counterfeiting and racketeering case told my identity

  192. Wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida Today former husband is falsifying Financial records FCC database is February 8th 2018 and June 4th to 2019 white collar crime aggravated identity theft today he's selling the businesses selling the huge boat and selling the land equable assets are frozen that he bought why he falsified Financial disclosure in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida on 8 years of Hell activator to donate this FTC IRS Federal and three credit bureaus

  193. Not only did they forges my attorney and falsify his taxes on me what I cashed in numbers claims on my insurance and used my name on all lawsuits and liability claims with the Ford Miranda January 2009 through 2014 and falsifying public records in financial records Russian call PA today they're selling the businesses former husband large boat in land he bought tampering with evidence on a Cobalt license has a freeze March 11th 2013 filed in the 10th Circuit Court Kent County Florida money laundering counterfeiting racketeering and embezzlement in our federal databases with tax evasion and harassment on forgery documents suppress falsifying Financial disclosure white collar crime June 4th 2019 aggravated identity theft FTC and three credit bureaus freeze on all assets wheeler versus wheeler in the 10th Circuit Court Polk County Florida 8 years of Hell Stacy Butterfield CPA Polk County Florida


Thank you very much for your comments! Thank you again!! I value your opinions!